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There really isn't a reason to bring VSIXc into this because they aren't a msn chat clone.. Over and over i see people bring up point after point about buzzen yet each and every time i see someone representing buzzen try to throw off the point by redirecting it else where. Why is this? I think all she wants is for buzzen to admit using the MSN Ocx probably wasn't the right thing to do. You admit your mistakes and move on. And people should respect that.


well to be honest i think it's more the way they attracted some.. it seems she feels alot were attracted to buzzen through false means.. not saying i agree or disagree just saying.


You hit it right on err0r. A few things in particular bother me about buzzen.


1. The massive number of people who were tricked into chatting at buzzen by the unofficial buzzen ad run on msn servers, and the large number of people who were mislead into thinking it is legal for buzzen to use that msn chat ocx, either through that unofficial ad, or through direct lies from buzzen staff, or through misleading comments like the ones that buzzen admin_jay and yahoo have made here.



2. The misleading fashion that the buzzen admin and staff have treated this issue with (ie deleting this topic from their own forum after stating they have done nothing illegal, trying to convince people that the msn ad was 'real', trying to convince people that 'msn.ocx is really an addon so its okay to use, buzzen staff outright lying to a registering room that they own the chat ocx etc etc etc) The ethics of the buzzen chat service are terrible.


3. The simple fact that buzzen will not just admit that what they did was illegal and wrong, but choose to try continue to mislead people!


The issue I have with all clone sites is that they are illegal, and that they have chosen to set a terrible example for others on the net. No one wants to think that thier own copyrighted code will be used by others without their permission....yet these illegal msn chat clone sites went and did it to others, and want everyone to pat them on the back and buy their misleading line of ballony that it is legal.


The issues I have with buzzen is based on the illegal and misleading means buzzen admin and staff choose to use. If buzzen was ethical enough to stop trying to mislead people and simply state that they have been wrong and they have acted illegally, that would go along way in quieting me down. But as we stand right now. Buzzen seems to want to twist things enough to continue tricking people and misleading them into thinking buzzen is legal--when its not.


And you guys are exactly right, where I chat has nothing to do with it. VSIXc has more than enough great people for me to talk to. I can't possibly chat with 5000 people at one time, so there comes a point when the size of the server offers no benefit to my direct chatting experience. I'd much rather support a small, friendly, stable, and dedicated chat service that runs no annoying ads, then to chat at a larger service that uses someone elses coding.

Edited by Deanne
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2. The misleading fashion that the buzzen admin and staff have treated this issue with (ie deleting this topic from their own forum after stating they have done nothing illegal, trying to convince people that the msn ad was 'real', trying to convince people that 'msn.ocx is really an addon so its okay to use, buzzen staff outright lying to a registering room that they own the chat ocx etc etc etc) The ethics of the buzzen chat service are terrible.


when you start spamming people on someones site then should expect some kind of action, the sed topic was left by myself to run, all i have done is moved the sed topic to another section where it is still viewable by all!

P.S. the reason i know you or your counterparts where spamming pms is that my partner showed me a pm she recieved!!



And now for my post that could not post yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was pointing out a fact if you want to protest something get it right!

And you seem a little up tight to the fact that any kind of response is being made!

I have found your emails from msn interesting and even looked around for my old ones i had to compare to the response you recieved, but at this time i have not found them!

Strange how all those years on msn no one seemed to complain about scripts clients etc which were in violation/illegal lol...

I mean it seems to me that there is some pure jealousy/hatred here, from a personal point of view that is!

It grieves me to see you attacking rather than giving advice for the future, a very sorry state of affairs..I also find it very stange that a certain chat service is spamming the hell out of buzzen, coinicedence i do not think so!


Kindest regards


The old git


Edited by YAH00
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When people started visiting the original site it was due to spam, whether it was myself or jay. Im one that has little care for rules/guidelines, all I wanted was to help build a good business for myself.:) Please dont complain about spam if you are working on a site that was founded upon it.

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When people started visiting the original site it was due to spam, whether it was myself or jay. Im one that has little care for rules/guidelines, all I wanted was to help build a good business for myself.:) Please dont complain about spam if you are working on a site that was founded upon it.


Yahoo, if you are accusing me of pm'ing people on buzzen that is an outright lie. I have not pm'd anyone on buzzen. I do not know anyone who is sending pm's on buzzen. And if somoene I know is doing it, they have not told me about it. Infact I did not even know buzzen had a pm system.


What I have done at buzzen was attempted to discuss this issue on the buzzen forum, and found myself facing a message from Admin_jay stating that buzzen has done nothing illegal. I tried to reply and found the topic locked, and then removed, and myself banned. If you consider opening one topic to discuss a legitimate issue such as the legality of using someone elses copyrighted chat ocx without their permission as spam.... wow. You think that is spam, and its legal for buzzen to do what they have done--thats pretty mixed up yahoo.



It grieves me to see you attacking rather than giving advice for the future, a very sorry state of affairs..I also find it very stange that a certain chat service is spamming the hell out of buzzen, coinicedence i do not think so!


Yahoo the first step in moving forward is admitting your mistakes so that you don't make them again. And I have given advice several times infact: don't use someone elses stuff without permission, get permission, or make your own. That advice stands for the past, present, and future.



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