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Everything posted by err0r

  1. in our realm of networks buzzen is still the biggest but it's for sure not what it used to be.
  2. err0r


    you have to change the sockopen to SSL sockopen -e and then change port 80 to 443 should work after that *Updated multi-conn and ircWX-conn in downloads with fix
  3. mIRC 7.76 has been released! (January 7th 2024) This is a small update that adds features and addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes, including: Updated to Visual Studio 2017 to compile mIRC. Updated OpenSSL library to v3.0.12. Updated CA root certificates cacert.pem file. Fixed switchbar vertical scrollbar buttons not being visible on Windows 11. Added support for larger GUI icons for high resolution monitors. Fixed notify list MONITOR event parsing to handle events without hostnames. Fixed numeric 324 bug when parsing date range. Enabled Control Flow Guard runtime security checks. Fixed /toolbar -p bug that was not freeing memory correctly. Fixed typing notifications bug in parted/kicked channel windows. Added tab completion suffix option to Keys dialog. For a full list of recent changes, please see the versions.txt file. As always, the latest version of mIRC can be downloaded from the download page.
  4. Updated connection information for ircWx networks. Includes SSL connections
  5. Updated Discord LINK https://discord.gg/r883WHrJ
  6. err0r


    good to see you again ozzy10!
  7. Got a lot more done.. Will work on any size screen even down to mobile
  8. grouped most of the buttons. added support to hide/show left and right side bars. lots of internal tweaks
  9. A lot more done. Working on emotes. Basic atm but i have more ideas for it.
  10. mIRC 7.75 has been released! (August 26th 2023) This is a small update that adds features and addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes, including: Fixed SSL certificate verification not loading Windows certificate store. Added channels file location to mirc.ini [files] section for custom favorites. Fixed identifiers not correctly handling %var/&binvar names with spaces. Updated OpenSSL library to v3.0.10. Updated CA root certificates cacert.pem file. Fixed arrange icons bug that caused mIRC to crash for some users. Added loading of custom fonts on startup from "fonts" folder. Fixed clear history on close bug that was not clearing non-marked URL items. Added support for SSL "legacy sigalg disallowed" connections. Updated list of servers in servers.ini file. For a full list of recent changes, please see the versions.txt file. As always, the latest version of mIRC can be downloaded from the download page. Read full article @ https://www.mirc.com/news.html
  11. Added support for in-active channel new line count. (might change that to a color system when inactive room has activity).
  12. Bit of an update. While there isn't much change to the look there is a lot done on the backend. Decided to make the channel buttons left aligned. I like that better I think. Auto sorts channel buttons alphabetically Autoscroll and max lines working Basic chat functions working. To Do: too long of a list
  13. I've looked through backups I have of old MSN stuff and unfortunately I wasn't able to find anything including the name 0tt,OTT,K|one maybe someone one discord may still have it.
  14. Started a new webchat project for straight IRC. It's something I wanted to do for years. I'll be working on it in my spare time.
  15. There was an issue with the cache on the forum that was preventing some things from working including: posting, replying, signing up. Everything should be working again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  16. err0r

    A few fixes.

    I repaired a few bugs today. One major one dealing with submitting screenshots. A bug prevented most users from being able to upload a new screenshot. It would just hang on the uploading popup. That is now repaired. The other bugs were minor and mostly cosmetic. If anyone notices other issues or has trouble submitting something please let us know. As always we are open to your ideas and feedback.
  17. mIRC 7.74 has been released! (August 2nd 2023) This is a small update that adds features and addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes, including: Added per server option to connect/minimize on startup. Added clear history on close option that clears history when mIRC is closed. Added support for IRCv3 extended-monitor tag. Changed MONITOR to take priority if server has both MONITOR and WATCH listed. Added support for IRCv3 typing client tag and typing notifications. Fixed add/edit server dialog bug with comma-separated port numbers. Fixed /drawpic -v initialization bug. Fixed Do Not Disturb option hiding windows in some contexts. Changed SSL certificate loading method due to slow-down in OpenSSL v3.x.x. Fixed View Menubar option bug when in full screen mode. For a full list of recent changes, please see the versions.txt file. As always, the latest version of mIRC can be downloaded from the download page. Read full article @ https://www.mirc.com/news.html
  18. you can make it the default button. So when you hit enter it triggers that button button "Button", 1, 12 18 37 12, default or you can make it default using did -t or you can set focus on it by using did -f hopefully I understood your question correctly.
  19. mIRC 7.73 has been released! (June 18th 2023) This is a small update that adds features and addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes, including: Updated OpenSSL library to v3.0.9. Updated CA root certificates cacert.pem file. Fixed Do Not Disturb bug that caused mIRC to crash/freeze. Improved how the keep channels open feature works in different contexts. Fixed /cnick auto-color as * parameter bug. Extended SASL authentication to support IRCv3 >=400 byte base64 chunks. Added /drawsave -v[pgj] switch to save bitmap to &binvar in different formats. Added $encode()/$decode() 'v' switch to support Z85 encoding. Improved Find dialog in Scripts Editor. Fixed while/if script parser bugs. Added support for IRCv3 standard-replies capability. Extended numerics 338 and 344 to handle different ircd formats. In total, there have been around 40 changes since the last release. For a full list of recent changes, please see the versions.txt file. As always, the latest version of mIRC can be downloaded from the download page. Read full article @ http://www.mirc.com
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