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Need Halts In That Code

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#ad on 
on *:TEXT:*http*:#:{ if ($nick isowner #) halt { if ($nick isop #) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -1 Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick # $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access # add deny $nick 30  } } 
on *:ACTION:*http*:#:{ if ($nick isowner #) halt { if ($nick isop #) halt |MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -1 Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick # $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access # add deny $nick 30  } } 
on *:TEXT:*www.*:#:{ if ($nick isowner #) halt { if ($nick isop #) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick # $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access # add deny $nick 30   } } 
on *:ACTION:*www.*:#:{ if ($nick isowner #) halt { if ($nick isop #) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick # $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access # add deny $nick 30   } } 
on *:TEXT:*chat.msn*:#:{ if ($nick isowner #) halt { if ($nick isop #) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick # $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access # add deny $nick 30   } } 
on *:ACTION:*chat.msn*:#:{ if ($nick isowner #) halt { if ($nick isop #) halt | mode $me +h $hget(ownerkey,#) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick # $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access # add deny $nick 30   } } 
on *:TEXT:*http*:?:{ if ($nick isowner $active) halt { if ($nick isop $active) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -1 Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick $active $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access $active add deny $nick 30   } } 
on *:ACTION:*http*:?:{ if ($nick isowner $active) halt { if ($nick isop $active) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -1 Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick $active $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access $active add deny $nick 30   } } 
on *:TEXT:*www.*:?:{ if ($nick isowner $active) halt { if ($nick isop $active) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick $active $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access $active add deny $nick 30   } } 
on *:ACTION:*www.*:?:{ if ($nick isowner $active) halt { if ($nick isop $active) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick $active $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access $active add deny $nick 30   } } 
on *:TEXT:*chat.msn*:?:{ if ($nick isowner $active) halt { if ($nick isop $active) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick $active $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access $active add deny $nick 30   } } 
on *:ACTION:*chat.msn*:?:{ if ($nick isowner $active) halt { if ($nick isop $active) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick $active $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access $active add deny $nick 30   } } 
#add end



Need halt to my levels admin and host also for owners and so on

also i dont want to add the user as advertizer becuase it removes his original level

hope u help me soon.


About my levels


Admin = Level7

Owner = Level4

Host = Level2


And this is the way they r added *!*b56c0125c@BuzzenPassport





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I agree with fanfare. There are much better methods for doing that. using regex and hash would be a good way. But to answer your question a easy way would be to put in a halt if the level matches those you have.


if (Admin isin $level($address($nick,1))) || (Owner isin $level($address($nick,1))) || (Host isin $level($address($nick,1))) halt



The way you are doing it would equal something like this


on *:TEXT:*http*:#:{ 
if (Admin isin $level($address($nick,1))) || (Owner isin $level($address($nick,1))) || (Host isin $level($address($nick,1))) || ($nick isop #) halt
MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -1 Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick # $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access # add deny $nick 30  }



Again your method is really not the best way but as you are learning it will work. A few things to mention. isowner isn't really a valid status outside of msn and unless the alias is coded into the script it's useless. Using a decode for nicknames is also unneeded if you are using the latest version of mIRC as it supports unicode in the windows.

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This uses regex to check for links

;alias snippet by h3lp
alias deurl return $null($regex($1-,/(((http(s)?\72(\57{2}))|(www\56{1}))+(\w*)+(\56{1})+(\w{2,3})\S*)/Sig)) $regml(1)
on *:TEXT:*:#: {
if ($nick == $me) || (Admin isin $level($address($nick,1))) || (Owner isin $level($address($nick,1))) || (Host isin $level($address($nick,1))) || ($nick isop #) halt
  if ($deurl($1-)) {
    /access $chan add deny $address($nick,1) 1 : NO URL $replace($nick,>,Guest_) added by $replace($me,>,Guest_) at $date @ $asctime(hh:nn:ss)
    /kick $chan $nick No Links(ban set for 1 min)
on *:ACTION:*:#: {
if ($nick == $me) || (Admin isin $level($address($nick,1))) || (Owner isin $level($address($nick,1))) || (Host isin $level($address($nick,1))) || ($nick isop #) halt
  if ($deurl($1-)) {
    /access $chan add deny $address($nick,1) 1 : NO URL $replace($nick,>,Guest_) added by $replace($me,>,Guest_) at $date @ $asctime(hh:nn:ss)
    /kick $chan $nick No Links(ban set for 1 min)



if you aren't much for regex then just use http and www. that will catch most of them


on *:TEXT:*:#: {
if ($nick == $me) || (Admin isin $level($address($nick,1))) || (Owner isin $level($address($nick,1))) || (Host isin $level($address($nick,1))) || ($nick isop #) halt
if (http:// isin $1-) || (www. isin $1-) {
    /access $chan add deny $address($nick,1) 1 : NO URL $replace($nick,>,Guest_) added by $replace($me,>,Guest_) at $date @ $asctime(hh:nn:ss)
    /kick $chan $nick No Links(ban set for 1 min)
on *:ACTION:*:#: {
if ($nick == $me) || (Admin isin $level($address($nick,1))) || (Owner isin $level($address($nick,1))) || (Host isin $level($address($nick,1))) || ($nick isop #) halt
if (http:// isin $1-) || (www. isin $1-) {
    /access $chan add deny $address($nick,1) 1 : NO URL $replace($nick,>,Guest_) added by $replace($me,>,Guest_) at $date @ $asctime(hh:nn:ss)
    /kick $chan $nick No Links(ban set for 1 min)

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Guest X-Fusion

Atleast make an effort to learn mIRC. It seems like your taking code from other people and conforming it to work with what YOU want. Try to learn and understand what your working with.

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