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Everything posted by RashedHammad

  1. This code works uncompletely as it starts timers activated , But after 55 seconds from voting no warning message appear and the timers halted and no kicking occure , no %voting counting , so what's the wrong on *:text:!votekick*:*: { if $nick isop $chan { if %vote != 0 { msg $chan There is a voting running already halt } if $2 == $me { msg $chan I won't start a votekick on myself, $nick $+ ... } else { if $2 ison $chan { set %vote $chan msg $chan $+ $nick has started a votekick against $2 msg $chan Type !vote yes/no to vote for/against the kick msg $chan You can only vote one time and you have [60] seconds to do so timer 1 55 _warning $chan timer 1 60 _vote $chan set %victim $2 } else { msg $chan I don't see $2 in $chan $+ ?! } } } else { msg $chan You do not have permission to do start a votekick! } } on *:nick: { if $nick == %victim && %vote != 0 { msg %vote There's no way to hide, $newnick $+ ! set %victim $newnick } } on *:text:!vote*:*: { if $read(votekick.txt,s,$address) { msg $chan You have voted already, $nick $+ ! } else { if $2 == $null { if %vote == 0 { msg $chan No voting running at the moment } else { msg $chan Syntax: !vote yes/no } } elseif $2 == yes { if %vote == 0 { msg $chan No voting running at the moment } else { inc %yes write votekick.txt $address $address } } elseif $2 == no { if %vote == 0 { msg $chan No voting running at the moment } else { inc %no write votekick.txt $address $address } } else { if %vote == 0 { msg $chan No voting running at the moment } else { msg $chan Syntax: !vote yes/no } } } } on *:text:!victim*:*: { if %vote == 0 { msg $chan No voting running at the moment } else { msg $chan The current votekick victim is %victim } } alias _warning { if %vote != 0 { msg $1 5 seconds remaining } } alias _vote { if %vote != 0 { var %total = $calc(%yes + %no) var %yes-p = $round($calc(%yes / %total * 100),2) var %no-p = $round($calc(%no / %total * 100),2) msg $1 The vote is over! The victim was %victim msg $1 Total votes: %total - Yes: %yes ( $+ %yes-p $+ $chr(37) $+ ) - No: %no ( $+ %no-p $+ $chr(37) $+ ) if %yes > %no { kick $1 %victim votekicked } else { msg $1 You are lucky this time, %victim;) } set %vote 0 set %yes 0 set %no 0 unset %all remove votekick.txt } } on *:text:!stopvoting:*: { if %vote == 0 { msg $chan No voting running at the moment } else { if $nick isop $chan { set %vote 0 set %yes 0 set %no 0 unset %all remove votekick.txt msg $chan The voting has been stopped by $nick } else { msg $chan You do not have permission to stop the voting! } } }
  2. This Code is made by [Top] I abologize but he told me to don't put his name ,, Thanks for [TOP] Thanks for err0r
  3. i said be4 ican't fix it can u post the whole fixed code?
  4. mmmmmmmmm ok then either i can fix ,, or some one post one to me to work with in buzzen
  5. please post the total tru code for me
  6. this code works if i'm not super owner i dont know what's the wrong so can u fix??
  7. ,_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________; ;coded bY [TOP] this IS Part From VaXScript v1.0 For Buzzen Chat Server ; ;Don't edit anything in here unless you REALLY know what you're doing! ; ;For Any Help Or Rebort about Bugz plz add or send Email:[email protected] ; ;Home Server webchat:WWW.Koach.com Or irc:irc.koach.com,channel:(#koachsworkshop) (#Dla_Demo_Room); ;_______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________;#portlist off on *:KICK:#:{ if ($me isowner #) { if ($nick == $me) halt if ($nick == %botnick) halt if ($readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) halt if ($readini(gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) halt if ($readini(gaop.ini,#,$ial($knick).addr) != $null) && ($me isowner $chan) && ($ial($nick).addr != SND) { sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) access # clear | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) access # add deny $address($nick,1) 0 : kicked protected user $knick | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) kick $chan $nick 1,12Protected-user-in-my-GlObaL $+ $knick | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) PROP # OWNERKEY $randgen | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) PROP # HOSTKEY $randgen | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) mode # +q $me } if ($readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($knick).addr) != $null) && ($me isowner $chan) && ($ial($nick).addr != SND) { sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) access # clear | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) access # add deny $address($nick,1) 0 : kicked protected user $knick | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) kick $chan $nick 1,12Protected-user-in-my-GlObaL $+ $knick | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) PROP # OWNERKEY $randgen | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) PROP # HOSTKEY $randgen | sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) mode # +q $me } } } #portlist end #safelist on on *:owner:*: { if ($nick != $me) && ($me isowner #) && ($ial($opnick).addr != SND) && ($readini(antiaop.txt,noq,#) == Active) && ($opnick != $me) && ($opnick != %botnick) { if ($readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($opnick).addr) != $null) || ($readini(gaop.ini,#,$ial($opnick).addr) != $null) { if (!%nickflood+q. [ $+ [ # ] ]) { msg $chan $ial($opnick) 1,12Allowed Gate for Access 8+q inc -u5 %nickflood+q. [ $+ [ # ] ] } } else { if (!%nickflood+q. [ $+ [ # ] ]) { sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) access # clear owner sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) kick # $opnick : 1,12Gate Not Allowed For Access +q sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) access # add deny $address($opnick,1) sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) access # add owner $gettok($ial($me),2,33) : %tag sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) prop # ownerkey $randgen sockwrite -n $sockfind($chan) PROP # HOSTKEY $randgen msg $chan $ial($opnick) 1,12Gate NOT Allowed For Access +q inc -u5 %nickflood+q. [ $+ [ # ] ] } } } } #safelist end #global on ;global q unhalted on *:text:+q:*:{ if (!$readini(gaop.ini,ghalted,$chan)) { if ($nick isowner #) { goto end | msg # 1,12 $+ $nick Ur Aready +Q } if ($me isowner #) && (!%qtxtfp) && ($readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { mode $chan +qv $nick $nick | .set -u2 %qtxtfp 1 | halt } } ;global q halted if ($readini(gaop.ini,ghalted,$chan)) { if ($me isowner #) && (!%qtxtfp) && ($readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4G12l4O12b4a12L4 8+Q $nick $+ 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s : $+ 12 $readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) 8 :12Halted | access # add voice $ial($nick).addr | mode # +v $nick | .set -u2 %qtxtfp 1 | halt } } ;local q unhalted if (!$readini(gaop.ini,lhalted,#)) { if ($nick isowner #) { goto end | msg # 1,12 $+ $nick Ur Aready +Q } if ($me isowner #) && (!%qtxtfp) && ($readini(gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { mode # +qv $nick $nick | .set -u2 %qtxtfp 1 | halt } } ;local q halted if ($readini(gaop.ini,lhalted,#)) { if ($me isowner #) && (!%qtxtfp) && ($readini(gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 12L4o12C4a12L4 8+Q ( $+ $nick $+ ) 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $readini(gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) 8 :1Halted | access # add voice $ial($nick).addr | mode # +v $nick | .set -u2 %qtxtfp 1 | halt } } :end } ;global o unhalted on *:text:+o:*:{ if (!$readini(haop.ini,ghalted,#)) { if ($nick isop #) { goto end | msg # 14,5 $+ $nick Ur Aready +o } if ($me isowner #) && (!%otxtfp) && ($readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { mode # +ov $nick $nick | .set -u2 %otxtfp 1 | halt } } ;global o halted if ($readini(haop.ini,ghalted,#)) { if ($me isowner #) && (!%otxtfp) && ($readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 1Global8-1o8¬1 $nick $+ 8:1 Logged as $+ 8¬1 $readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) 8 :1Halted | access # add voice $ial($nick).addr | mode # +v $nick | .set -u2 %qtxtfp 1 | halt } } ;local o unhalted if (!$readini(haop.ini,lhalted,#)) { if ($nick isop #) { goto end | msg # 14,5 $+ $nick Ur Aready +o } if ($me isowner #) && (!%qtxtfp) && ($readini(haop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { mode # +ov $nick $nick | .set -u2 %qtxtfp 1 | halt } } ;local o halted if ($readini(gaop.ini,lhalted,#)) { if ($me isowner #) && (!%qtxtfp) && ($readini(haop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 1Local8-1o8¬1 $nick $+ 8:1 Logged as $+ 8¬1 $readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) 8 :1Halted | access # add voice $ial($nick).addr | mode # +v $nick | .set -u2 %qtxtfp 1 | halt } } :end } ;global q unhalted on *:join:#:{ if ($nick != $me) && (!$readini(gaop.ini,ghalted,#)) && ($me isowner #) && ($readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4G12l4O12b4a12L4 8+Q ( $+ $nick $+ ) 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $+ 12 $readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) $+ 4«« +q For 8+Q4»» mode # +v $nick .timeraop 1 2 doaop GO $gettok($readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr),2,32) $!chr(37) $!+ $right($chan,-1) $iif($me isowner #,+q) $nick } ;global q halted if ($readini(gaop.ini,ghalted,#)) && ($me isowner #) && ($readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4G12l4O12b4a12L4 8+Q ( $+ $nick $+ ) 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $+ 12 $readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) :12Halted /access # add voice $ial($nick).addr .timer1 1 3 mode $!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1) +v $nick } ;local q unhalted if ($nick != $me) && (!$readini(gaop.ini,lhalted,#)) && ($me isowner #) && ($readini(gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 12L4o12C4a12L4 8+Q ( $+ $nick $+ ) 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $+ 12 $readini(gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) $+ 4«« +q For 8+Q4»» mode # +v $nick .timeraop 1 2 doaop CO $gettok($readini(gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr),2,32) $!chr(37) $!+ $right($chan,-1) $iif($me isowner #,+q) $nick } ;local q halted elseif ($readini(gaop.ini,lhalted,#)) && ($me isowner #) && ($readini(gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 12L4o12C4a12L4 8+Q ( $+ $nick $+ ) 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $+ 12 $readini(gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) :12Halted /access # add voice $ial($nick).addr .timer1 1 3 mode $!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1) +v $nick } ;global o unhalted if ($nick != $me) && (!$readini(haop.ini,ghalted,#)) && ($me isowner #) && ($readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4G12l4O12b4a12L4 5+o ( $+ $nick $+ ) 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $+ 12 $readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) $+ 4«« +o For 5+O4»» } ;global o halted if ($readini(haop.ini,ghalted,#)) && ($me isowner #) && ($readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 4G12l4O12b4a12L4 5+o ( $+ $nick $+ ) 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $+ 12 $readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) 8 :12Halted /access # add voice $ial($nick).addr .timer1 1 3 mode $!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1) +v $nick } ;local o unhalted if ($nick != $me) && (!$readini(gaop.ini,lhalted,#)) && ($me isop #) && ($readini(haop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 12L4o12C4a12L4 5+o ( $+ $nick $+ ) 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $+ 14 $readini(haop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) $+ 4«« +o For 5+O4»» .timer1 1 3 MODE $!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1) +o+v $nick $nick } ;local o halted elseif ($readini(gaop.ini,lhalted,#)) && ($me isop #) && ($readini(haop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { /msg # 12L4o12C4a12L4 5+o ( $+ $nick $+ ) 12F4o12U4n12D4 12A4s $+ 14 $readini(haop.ini,#,$ial($nick).addr) :12Halted /access # add voice $ial($nick).addr .timer1 1 3 mode $!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1) +v $nick } } #global end alias gqmade { var %x $chan, %z 1 msg $chan 4Gl12o4b12a4l 8+q 12S4c12a4n 12O4w12n S12t4a12r4t12e4d12in $chan while (%z <= $nick(%x,0)) { if ($readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z),1).addr) != $null) { msg $chan 4G12lob4al 8+Q12F4o12U4n12D4 $nick(%x,%z) $+ $chr(160) $+ $readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z).addr)) | mode $chan +q $readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z),1).addr) } inc %z } msg # 12Gl4o12b4a12l 8+q 4S12c4a12n 4F12inishe4d in $chan } alias gqscan { var %x $chan, %z 1 msg $chan 12Gl4o12b4a12l 8+q 4S12c4a12n S12t4a12r4t12e4d12in $chan while (%z <= $nick(%x,0)) { if ($readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z),1).addr) != $null) { msg $chan 4G12lob4al 8+Q12F4o12U4n12D4 $nick(%x,%z) $+ $chr(160) $+ $readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z).addr)) } inc %z } msg $chan 8`q For 8+Q 12Gl4o12b4a12l 8+q 4S12c4a12n 4F12i4n12i4s12h4e12d in $chan } alias lqscan { var %x 0 msg # 12Lo4C12a4L 8+q 4S12c4a12n while (%x < $nick(#,0)) { inc %x if ($readini(gaop.ini,#,$ial($nick(#,%x)).addr)) { msg # 4L12oCaL 8+Q $nick(#,%x) } } msg $chan 12 +q For 8+Q } alias ghmade { var %x $chan, %z 1 msg $chan 4Gl12o4b12a4l 5+o 12S4c12a4n 12h4o12s4t S12t4a12r4t12e4d 12in $chan while (%z <= $nick(%x,0)) { if ($readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z),1).addr) != $null) { msg $chan 4G12lob4al 5+o12F4o12U4n12D4 $nick(%x,%z) $+ $chr(160) $+ $readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z).addr)) | mode $chan +o $readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z),1).addr) } inc %z } msg # 12Gl4o12b4a12l 5+o 4S12c4a12n 4F12i4n12i4s12h4e12d in $chan } alias ghscan { var %x $chan, %z 1 msg $chan 12G4L12o4b12a4L 5+o 12S4c12a4n while (%z <= $nick(%x,0)) { if ($readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick(%x,%z)).addr) != $null) { msg $chan 4G12l4o12b4a12l 5+o 12F4o12U4n12D4 $nick(%x,%z) } inc %z } msg $chan 5 +o For 5+O } alias lhscan { var %x 0 msg # 12L4o12C4a12L 5+o 12S4c12a4n while (%x < $nick(#,0)) { inc %x if ($readini(haop.ini,#,$ial($nick(#,%x)).addr)) { msg # 4L12o4C12a4L 5+o 12F4o12U4n12D4 $nick(#,%x) } } msg $chan +o For 5+o } alias doaop { if ($1 == GO) { if ($4 == +q) && ($5 !isowner $3) { .raw mode $3- } elseif ($4 == +o) && (!$ishost($5,$3)) { .raw mode $3- } } if ($1 == GH) { if (!$ishost($5,$3)) && ($5 !isowner $3) { .raw mode $3- } } if ($1 == CO) { if ($4 == +q) && ($5 !isowner $3) { .raw mode $3- } elseif ($4 == +o) && (!$ishost($5,$3)) { .raw mode $3- } } if ($1 == CH) && ($5 !isowner $3) { if (!$ishost($5,$3)) { .raw mode $3- } } } on *:text:*!join*:#:{ if (!%qtxtfp) && ($readini(gaop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { join $replace($chr(37) $+ #$2-,$chr(32),\b) msg # 12find 4 $+ $replace($chr(37) $+ #$2-,$chr(32),\b) 12Please Wait0.8.4......Room found Joining } } on *:text:*`join*:#:{ if (!%otxtfp) && ($readini(haop.ini,global,$ial($nick).addr) != $null) { join $replace($chr(37) $+ #$2-,$chr(32),\b) msg # 12find 4 $+ $replace($chr(37) $+ #$2-,$chr(32),\b) 12Please Wait0.1.4......Room found Joining } } not work for me coz i'm super owner What can i do
  8. Aop for buzzen dont work coz of super owner Need Aop containig Global & Local q and o
  9. thanks , look i know about coding any code i post here i try to fix it several times and when i failed i post there are many one i made my self but this is the life you can't know all things about one thing , but u can know a thing about every thing thank u again Special thanks to my patient friend err0r
  10. and if i do't know about coding ,, delete my account from here or what? please if u don't want to help or dont want to say my words be away from my topics
  11. this section is for help/request i guess so i can do as i want > help > post acode > need modification
  12. #mailspam on On *:TEXT:*@hotmail.com*:#: { if ($nick isop #) { halt } /access $chan add deny $nick 15 /.kick $chan $nick -][No Mails][15 Minutes Ban][- } On *:ACTION:*@hotmail.com*:#: { if ($nick isop #) { halt } /access $chan add deny $nick 15 : Mail spam /.kick $chan $nick -][No Mails][15 Minutes Ban][- } On *:TEXT:*@msn.com*:#: { if ($nick isop #) { halt } /access $chan add deny $nick 15 : Mail spam /.kick $chan $nick -][No Mails][15 Minutes Ban][- } On *:TEXT:*@yahoo.com*:#: { if ($nick isop #) { halt } /access $chan add deny $nick 15 : Mail spam /.kick $chan $nick -][No Mails][15 Minutes Ban][- } #mailspam end ===================================================== =========================== Edited By Dr_free * Rashed * need to equip other types of mails also to use the kick for guests halts for my levels Admin=Level7 Owner=Level4 Host=Level2
  13. Thank u very Much my friend err0r . tested and Worked
  14. Ok i need the code , Waiting u err0r My friend
  15. #ad on on *:TEXT:*http*:#:{ if ($nick isowner #) halt { if ($nick isop #) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -1 Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick # $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access # add deny $nick 30 } } on *:ACTION:*http*:#:{ if ($nick isowner #) halt { if ($nick isop #) halt |MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -1 Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick # $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access # add deny $nick 30 } } on *:TEXT:*www.*:#:{ if ($nick isowner #) halt { if ($nick isop #) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick # $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access # add deny $nick 30 } } on *:ACTION:*www.*:#:{ if ($nick isowner #) halt { if ($nick isop #) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick # $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access # add deny $nick 30 } } on *:TEXT:*chat.msn*:#:{ if ($nick isowner #) halt { if ($nick isop #) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick # $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access # add deny $nick 30 } } on *:ACTION:*chat.msn*:#:{ if ($nick isowner #) halt { if ($nick isop #) halt | mode $me +h $hget(ownerkey,#) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick # $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access # add deny $nick 30 } } on *:TEXT:*http*:?:{ if ($nick isowner $active) halt { if ($nick isop $active) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -1 Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick $active $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access $active add deny $nick 30 } } on *:ACTION:*http*:?:{ if ($nick isowner $active) halt { if ($nick isop $active) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -1 Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick $active $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access $active add deny $nick 30 } } on *:TEXT:*www.*:?:{ if ($nick isowner $active) halt { if ($nick isop $active) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick $active $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access $active add deny $nick 30 } } on *:ACTION:*www.*:?:{ if ($nick isowner $active) halt { if ($nick isop $active) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick $active $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access $active add deny $nick 30 } } on *:TEXT:*chat.msn*:?:{ if ($nick isowner $active) halt { if ($nick isop $active) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick $active $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access $active add deny $nick 30 } } on *:ACTION:*chat.msn*:?:{ if ($nick isowner $active) halt { if ($nick isop $active) halt | MODE $Me +h $Hget(qKey, $Active) | auser Advertiser $address($nick,1) $Buzz.decode($replace($nick,>,Guest_)) | write -l Advertisers.txt $1- [- was the cause of the kick and $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was the users name in chatroom $chan -] | kick $active $nick :-][ Don't poste any links here ][ 30 Minutes Ban ][- | access $active add deny $nick 30 } } #add end Need halt to my levels admin and host also for owners and so on also i dont want to add the user as advertizer becuase it removes his original level hope u help me soon. About my levels Admin = Level7 Owner = Level4 Host = Level2 And this is the way they r added *!*b56c0125c@BuzzenPassport
  16. This code supposed to kick person who make similar 8 emotions , But doesn't work with me what's the wrong??? #EmoteKicker off on *:TEXT:*:*: { if (($nick != $me) && ($nick !isowner #) && ($nick !isop #)) { var %text = $hash($strip($1-),32) var %old.text = %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] var %old.text = $deltok(%old.text,1,46) if (%rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) || (%old.text != %text) { set -u10 %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] 1. $+ %text return } var %temp = %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] var %count = $gettok(%temp,1,46) inc %count set -u10 %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] %count $+ . $+ %text if (%count >= 8) { /access $chan add deny $address 1440 :FLOODING $nick | /kick $chan $nick NOPE NOT HERE } } } on *:ACTION:*:*: { if (($nick != $me) && ($nick !isowner #) && ($nick !isop #)) { var %text = $hash($strip($1-),32) var %old.text = %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] var %old.text = $deltok(%old.text,1,46) if (%rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) || (%old.text != %text) { set -u10 %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] 1. $+ %text return } var %temp = %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] var %count = $gettok(%temp,1,46) inc %count set -u10 %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] %count $+ . $+ %text if (%count >= 8) { /access $chan add deny $address 1440 :FLOODING $nick | /kick $chan $nick NOPE NOT HERE } } } #EmoteKicker end Menu Channel { Emote Kicker $upper($group(#EmoteKicker)) .Enable: enable #EmoteKicker .Disable: disable #EmoteKicker }
  17. menu menubar { - SongSystem .Start Song addon System[2] %schan1 :/dialog -m song-sys2 song-sys2 .Stop Song Timer ..Stop Song Timer[2] %schan1 :timerSong2 off | unset %schan1 ..Stop All Song Timer:timerSong1 off | timerSong2 off | timerSong3 off | unset %schan0 | unset %schan1 | unset %schan2 - } .Edit Song.txt:/run song.txt dialog song-sys2 { title "¤ Rashed Advertizing Box ¤" size -1 -1 130 60 option dbu box "Time (Seconds)", 3, 2 28 50 26 edit "300", 4, 7 39 40 10 button "Set", 5, 64 38 24 9 button "UnSet", 6, 93 38 24 9 box "Control", 7, 56 28 69 26 button "OK", 8, 15 5 100 20, ok } on *:dialog:song-sys2:sclick:5:{ set %schan1 $active | set %song0 $ | set %song1 read | set %song2 song.txt | timerSong2 0 $did( $dname , 4 ).text /msg $chan %song0 $+ %song1 %song2 | /msg $chan $read song.txt | } on *:dialog:song-sys2:sclick:6:{ timerSong2 off | unset %schan1 } } on *:TEXT:~song http*//*.*/*.ram:#:/splay sounds\tab.wav | /write song.txt $2 (8) added By $nick | /amsg [(8)] $nick Your Song Has Been Added, thanx [(8)] on *:TEXT:~song http*//*.*/*.ra:#:/splay sounds\tab.wav | /write song.txt $2 (8) added By $nick | /amsg [(8)] $nick Your Song Has Been Added, thanx [(8)] on *:TEXT:~song http*//*.*/*.rm:#:/splay sounds\tab.wav | /write song.txt $2 (8) added By $nick | /amsg [(8)] $nick Your Song Has Been Added, thanx [(8)] on *:TEXT:~song http*//*.*/*.smil:#:/splay sounds\tab.wav | /write song.txt $2 (8) added By $nick | /amsg [(8)] $nick Your Song Has Been Added, thanx [(8)] } .Edit Song.txt:/run song.txt
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