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Cloning on Buzzen?


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Oh I'm sure they are ready for that if ever happens. People having been trying for years to shut down these chats without any success, so I dont see the point of them trying, cause they aren't getting anywhere. We all know that msn does not care if they use it or not, because they would of shut it down along time ago.

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Guest X-Fusion
They're not ready for it. You can really sit here and tell me that people on a server that uses SOMEONE ELSES ocx is ready to move onto something that uses their own ocx? Sure, and I bet you'll tell me Canada is full of little green leprechauns that run around making the arctic warm, right?
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Well I dont really think people who chat on "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME". I think they dont really care if they are using the msn ocx or not. It's place to chat and it's where all they're friends are.


Molson, the fact of the matter is that some people care enough that as soon as they found out buzz en was illegally using the msn.ocx--they left. I have seen both paid rooms and none-paid rooms pack up and leave because they DON'T like the fact that buzz en used the msn.ocx illegally--and the fact that "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME" concealed this from them made them feel gulliable and foolish.


So Molson, you seem to be under the mis-understanding that no one cares, and that the whole world supports illegal activity. lol I'll break this to you gently Molson, alot of people still care.


The fact of the matter is that"

1) Some people don't care.


2) Some people do care.


3) The majority of our society still tries to stay within the legal boundaries, and does NOT knowingly support illegal activity. Despite this, there are some people who don't care if they participate in illegal behavior, and there are also some people who prefer illegal behavior.


4) Buzz en realizes that the majority of people in our society are honest and willing to treat others rightly and fairly, and hence they have tried to color the whole issue, and mislead people into believing that "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME" is perfectly legal, and on the up and up in everything it does, all the while playing on the generous and trusting side of those people, and hitting them up for financial donations. It's a sad situation, and personally I consider buzz en tactics to predatory. --->feeding off the trusting and generous nature of alot of people.

Edited by Deanne
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Guest X-Fusion

Well it doesnt hurt to have an backup plan, now does it?

If there was a regular plan in place, a backup plan wouldnt be sufficient. In any event, the msn ocx will get old, and people will get tired of scripting/chatting on it.

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i also get the sense that IRCx isn't in it for money. Meaning he really isn't approaching it as a business. Much like I approached doing TG. He's seems content on just trying to give the people that chat on his network a great place to chat. Buzz is on the other end of the spectrum. They are running buzz as a business. Many times in the business world you end up doing things that aren't really right but what's right for the business.


So far this seems to be the long and short of it.


User1: Using the ocx is illegal


User2: Who cares


User3: Other people are doing illegal things too.


Those are the stances in their most basic form. move on time.


User4: Using the ocx is illegal? It can't be because buzz en told me they weren't doing anything illegal!


User5: Using the ocx isn't illegal!! buzz en owns the copyright on it!


User6: Using the ocx isn't illegal!! google supports buzz en ads!


User7: MSN endorses buzz en--didn't you see the ads??


User8: MSN supports buzze n becaues you can use your buzz en buddies on messenger.


User9: Buzz en just rents server space from msn.


User10: I was gulliable, and sent money to a group of small time conners.


User11: I was so stuipd!


User12: I hate buzz en, and know its illegal....but everyone else is there.


err0r I agree that ircx is doing it because he cares about people--not the money. Buzz en on the other hand cares about the money, and only the people so far as they provide the money.


Ircx once said that he wasn't putting ads on vsixc because he hated getting ad cookies on his computer, and wasn't going to put them on other peoples computer. Even though ircx realized he could makey money with ads, ircx chose to uphold his morals, and treat other people how he would want to be treated. I have alot of respect for ircx, because ultimately he does what he thinks is right, even if it means forfeiting money from ads. The whole of VSIXc is built on this kind of foundation--and in the long run, a slowly built structure on a solid foundation always outlasts and out performs a tall but shodily built straw hut on a foundation of illegal sand.



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i don't include those here because no one here would believe any of those. we've been around the block so to speak. I've yet to see anyone come forward here with an arguement stating they thought buzz was a part or affiliated with MSN. If there are indeed people like that out there then they could have simply read up on it at TG. ( as we are in the business of helping chatters )

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i don't include those here because no one here would believe any of those. we've been around the block so to speak. I've yet to see anyone come forward here with an arguement stating they thought buzz was a part or affiliated with MSN. If there are indeed people like that out there then they could have simply read up on it at TG. ( as we are in the business of helping chatters )


Unfortunately err0r not everyone reads up on the issue---and honstly, even if they did read all the posts here, they would be caught between believing what us scriptors say about it being illegal, and what buzz en admin say about 'buzz en doing nothing illegal'. So even here, people can read two sides of the story.


Buzz en admin_jay absolutely insists that buzz en has done nothing illegal, and alot of chatters look up to them as a professional and trustworthy corporation---and so all of us saying buzz en using the msn.ocx is illegally sound like a bunch of small time scriptors who don't really know what we are talking about.


Sure I know there are some of us who KNOW it is illegal---but alot simply think we are lying about it. Just last week I was at buzz en talking about this issue, and one of the chatters rushed to the buzz en help desk to find out if what I was saying was true. They returned to inform me that I was lying, because buzz en help desk staff told them buzz en was NOT doing anything illegal. :) lol

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why would i lie?


I'm a subject matter expert.


we don't lie :P


All you can do is inform. It's up to the person what they do with that information. If they are indeed lying to their users that will have consequences i'm sure.

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