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A Trivia Question Or Two


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In Tat's trivia you can set the number of Q's you want the round to have..ie !trivia 20 (and it gives you 20 Q's and then it stops). In super trivia version 5 the round is unlimited. Any way I can have the limited round thing added to st5?


Also...I'm not sure which trivia has it or whether it's sth that is added to either one....there's a 'speacial question, make your bet' feature in which you bet a certain amount of points and then a special (multiple choice) Q appears. I'd like to add that to Super Trivia but not sure if I can ( if it's ok to I mean) and , if it's ok, how to.


Any help would be appreciated. I did look at Petertje's site ( well I had) but it seems to be pretty dormant.


P.S. Although it's for a Buzz script, I thought the question is general and didn't post under Buzzen. If I was wrong , plz move it. thx.

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Guest X-Fusion

I've messed around with Supertrivia, and it's not the easiest thing to mod.

The trivia I made was loosely based on Tats, however, a bonus question probably wouldn't be that difficult to make.

alias extra { 
if (%q.num = 20) { 
msg # message stuff here
var %bonus.num active
else halt
on *:TEXT:*:#:{ 
if (%bonus.num == active) && ($1 isnum) { 
set %bet.num. $+ $nick
msg # message stuff here
else halt 

That's a loose outline of what it would do. It doesn't work, and I don't have enough time to check over Tats or ST to modify it. It would take alot of modifying to do.

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No..you misunderstood me. ST HAS bonus questions (not sure about tats but I'm using ST5 right now)..I'm talking about 'Special questions'.


IE...Script sez 'Special Question, make your bets preceeded ( I can't spell this word, sorry) by a dot.


So you type .half ( you bet half yr points) or .max ( all of them) or .456 (or whatever number of points you wish).


Then it asks in whisper in room a question...its a multiple choice question. Each chatter who's betted sees the options/choices in a different sequence so theres no cheating. You type only the letter that corresponds to the answer you think is correct..ie a

Then bot sez who got it right right after they type their choice and adds or deducts points according to whether it was the right option or not.


That's a special question.

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the questions you are talking about usuallyare in a file called bonus.and are in the the form of


M: What is bob's name?*bob*joe*mark*lou


i am not sure where to find this type of question.i got luck and found a bonus file that has about 180 of these.but these are what you are looking for.depending on if your bot came with st50 already loaded you might already have some of thesejust check all your question files its usually the smallest one.

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Guest X-Fusion

I suppose if your gonna do it that way, something like this would work ..

alias start.trivia {
set %trivia $1
msg $1 Starting multiple choice Trivia in 10 seconds. Get Ready!
.timertrivia 1 10 trivia.q
alias trivia.q {
var %x = $r(1,$lines(trivia.txt))
set %trivia.q $gettok($read(trivia.txt,%x),1,42)
set %trivia.a $gettok($read(trivia.txt,%x),2,42)
msg %trivia Question: $+($chr(3),12,%trivia.q,$chr(3),.) You have 1 minute and 30 seconds!
set %trivia.aq 1
.timertriv 1 90 trivia.a
alias trivia.a {
var %x = 1,%y
unset %trivia.aq
msg %trivia Times up! The answers were: %trivia.a
while (%x <= $numtok(%triv.u,32)) {
  %y = $gettok(%triv.u,%x,32) with $+(%triv.u. [ $+ [ $gettok(%triv.u,%x,32) ] ] correct,$iif(%x = $numtok(%triv.u,32),.,$chr(44)))
  writeini triv-scores.ini scores $gettok(%triv.u,%x,32) $calc($readini(triv-scores.ini,scores,$gettok(%triv.u,%x,32)) + %triv.u. [ $+ [ $gettok(%triv.u,%x,32) ] ])
  inc %x
msg %trivia Here are the points for this round: %y
msg %trivia Next question in 5 seconds!
unset %trivia.*
unset %triv.*
.timertriv 1 5 trivia.q
on *:TEXT:*:#: {
if ($chan != %trivia) halt
if (%trivia.aq) && ($istok(%trivia.a,$1,32)) && (!$istok(%trivia.ala,$1,32)) {
  $iif(!$istok($nick,%triv.u,32),set %triv.u %triv.u $nick)
  inc %triv.u. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] 1
  set %trivia.ala %trivia.ala $1
  msg $chan $+($chr(3),12,$nick,$chr(3) got one of the answers: $1
  if ($numtok(%trivia.ala,32) = $numtok(%trivia.a,32)) { .timertriv off | trivia.a }
elseif ($1 = !score) {
  if ($readini(triv.scores.ini,scores,$nick) { msg $chan The score for $nick is: $v1 }
  else { msg $chan There is no score for $nick }


Then, it would be Question*Answer Answer Answer Answer

A basic showing of how it's done. I may implement the idea into my trivia script. I highly doubt it would work in any current Trivia bot, as I'm almost sure some amount of highly modding would need to be done. I'll see if I can work on implementing something in my current trivia bot later this evening.

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I looked in the trivia files. There's no such file BUT ..Petertje says you can choose from 3 question files..but only uses two...norm Q's and bonus Q's ( the usual bonus ones, not multiple choice). There's no bonus. file. However he says in his manual for it the following :


Multiple choice question

M[points]: <question>*<correct answer>*<wrong answer>*<wrong answer>


This question give every player (only when points are betted!) a question in CTCPREPLY TIME with 2 to 6 choices. The order of the answer will be different for every player.

The player has to respond the letter of the correct answer.




M: How much is 1 + 1?*2*4*6*8

M100: How much is pi ? *3.1415*3.1417*3.1413*3.1514


Taking for granted that I have no idea what CTCPREPLY TIME is.....how do i go and add that? I was hoping someone would give it to me so I load it to the script. I can prolly create a txt file with that kind of bonus Q's (though let's face it..I'd prefer it if they already existed somewhere) but I'm not sure I know how I could have the script to 'produce' them.


Truth be told..I'm not over fussed over it..but personally I really like them so would like for the room I run Trivia in to offer them.

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@ X-Fusion


Ok.....actually the time given is much less..sth like 15 seconds.


Unless I can't read it in yours X...there's no betting in yours..whereas the whole point is the betting of a certain amount of points. The Q's come after a set amount of Q's ( I think....bonus Q's do).


Ok..this is probably way out of my lead and I really do not want anyone to sit and write it for me. I thought (seeing it's a rather popular trivia feature) the code already existed out there along with a set of Q's. I was mostly asking for ppl to direct me to it ( cause a/ I'm lazy, b/ I'm so busy with work I can't think straight and can only cope with c/p).



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i have a multiple choice bonus file.it only has about 180 multiple choice questions.you are more then welcom to it.i just dont know how i can get it to you.i see you can upload a file to the forum.if there asr no objections from the techgear staff i have no problem uploading it to the forum.

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