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Who Misses The Msn Chat/scripting Days?


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I've been kicked and banned from the Lobby of VSIXc :oops: but I'm sure X felt it was for a good reason.

I've forgotten what this topic is about ...


Yes the chatters make the chat server no doubt about that. VSIXc is by far the best as far as security, "safety", fair and honest management and stability goes, yet it is empty. And it isn't empty for any good reason, just that it hasn't been populated by a large enough amount of diverse people.


It's a funny paradox. People won't stay in a room with 1 person in it so the room remains empty. Yet, if they don't stay then the room will never grow. Same goes for a server.


I also like the energy the Buzzen owners put into their network. The only issue are the constant attacks. It's really a shame. I guess it's human nature to destroy. I would just prefer to believe that we are constantly evolving towards a higher consciousness where we can work together to make a better world instead of ruining it.


As far as scripting goes, how can you say MSN is easier than VSIXc. Sounds to me like it's easier because there are lots of addons already made. Basic IRC is way easier than working around a modified IRC style. That is one of the first things I liked about VSIXc. It is so simple and basic. You can even use many tools Khaled offers in mIRC but we never use because they dont work on the screwed up versions of IRC.


As far as the others go, I do not give any of the msn clones credit. I give credit to the people who actually know what they are doing. Who are actually running a chat network, not just stealing someone else's work. I guarantee the person who is running their own chat server cares more about it and has quite a bit more integrity. What am I saying, scripters dont care about integrity. Do you?

Edited by Travis
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scripters dont care about integrity

Does that mean you don't? You yourself are a scripter are you not? I am, err0r, ozzy, and countless others are all scripters. Are we all without integrity? There are a select few that choose to attack, rather than protect, but the majority of us, all wish to help, than cause the need for help.


We all have our part to play. Without the attackers, servers would never improve, without them, we wouldn't of had the amount of fun in script on msn. As one improves, so does the other. Without one, the other will not advance.

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K-lined , kicked and banned, whats the difference. Some guy came in calling everyone thingys. I detest the word and X thought it was ok for a 16+ chat room, so I began to use the word since he felt it was ok. But yeah, suddenly it wasn't ok anymore.


David, we are the minority. Most scripters dont care about integrity or honor. But I should just be thankfull for the few who do.

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Guest X-Fusion

No, he wasn't dropping the F-Bomb, and when he did (one time) I told him to stop, and he apologized for it. You, however, went into your own reality (as you so often do) and decided to say it whenever you could, taking from what I said that it was perfectly fine for you to say it. If I'm not mistaken, a few people even asked you to stop. If you want, I'd be more then happy to try and find and post the chat log for ya.

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lol X, you and your selective memory. When I brought it up it was pertinent to the flow of convo, don't drag this out to try and justify what happened a long time ago.

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