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Cloning on Buzzen?


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not twisting deanne that was an important question and it has been discussed before on the internet!

What i donot understand is why the ocx servers have been re opened and why if they are stating that it is illegal to use, why are they not blocking the use of? why has there not been an update to disable it?? do you think that perhaps microsoft have communication with third parties and we are kept in the dark about this??

what reason does microsoft have for reopening thier server with msn chat gone??

These are general questions and not about "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME" this is about the conflict of actions!


I also don't fully understand why the ocx servers have been re opened, except that perhaps msn re opened them to allow authorized third party users to access them. Msn has stated that the ocx is only illegal to use, if you do not gain permissio first..so that ocx might be provided there for people who do have permission.


Just because we have access to a house, does not mean we can go in and use their tv and groceries. :) In the same way, just because we have access to the msn.ocx does not mean it is ours to use..


Official word from msn continues to be that the clones are operating without permission and illegally in their use of the msn.ocx. I realize that sometimes these types of investigations take along time..look how long it took to begin to resolve the issues around napster etc..



Someone just mentioned also that perhaps msn re-opened that server for space for msn spaces or something.. it might not have intentionally removed or replaced the ocx at all...maybe they just shut down the server that the ocx is on , and re-opened it for some other reasons, not at all related to the ocx..

Edited by Deanne
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Good thing I don't have the power to ozzimatize..... :sick: I'm tired of this discussion & can't think of a new topic to start... so for the love (or hate) of "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME"... please... I begggggggggg someone.. start something new...


PS I know I don't have to read it, but I'm bored & it is all I have to read at the moment...


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i don't censor the word morons do i? or is he calling us something worse and moron is the replacement lol.


Ok YAHOO i'm sure you have no idea what you would do if I came to "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME" forum and repeatedly called your users morons. sheesh is anyone buying this?


I'd like to see where i've called "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME" a group of morons. I think if you look you will find several instances of just the opposite. Where i have given them credit for trying. For caring enough to come and answer questions. some people only see what they want to see. i've even gone as far to say if i were them i probably would ride the ocx as far as i could. But i'm not them, I'm me. and from the mepoint i think overall using the ocx is a bad idea.. not because it's illegal, not because they are using someone else's hard work to make a name for themselves, but because by using the ocx you leave yourself open to the chance MS can call you on it. They probably have hundreds of lawyers on retainer and having one of them write buzz en a dirtly little cease and desist order would be very simple. And of course buzz en would follow it. They are not morons and would not dare try to fight a legal battle with MS when they know they are in the wrong. But i doubt it happens. MS probably doesn't care some site is making money off their ocx. In the scheme of MS they are a speck. Unless that speck turns into a bleep and onto a spot and then maybe MS will turn their head. But that's not likely to happen.


Jay if you don't want to answer questions or you only want to answer the select questions that's fine. But don't come here and call our users names. I wouldn't do it to you and I feel as fellow webmasters that respect should go both ways. If not then continue and we will ban you if that's your wish on the matter. But I tell you this. You will never see the day that I come to your forum and bad mouth your site no matter what i thought of it.



Why the enhanced drama?


You Know full well I was referring to a select group of individuals and not your whole site or userbase as you are suggesting.

They are fully capable of sticking up for themselves and dont need you to do it.





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Good thing I don't have the power to ozzimatize..... :sick: I'm tired of this discussion & can't think of a new topic to start... so for the love (or hate) of "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME"... please... I begggggggggg someone.. start something new...


PS I know I don't have to read it, but I'm bored & it is all I have to read at the moment...


I think yahoo brought up a valid and sincere question/concern. :)

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So, you dont read things when you sign up? What if Techgear had a things on the TOS that allowed err0r and Ozzy to give away your email address and ip freely to hackers or ad/spyware sites?


X-FUSION you can have my email addy which one of the 300+ do you want and if I am right my ip has changed about 5times this year so far.. Knowing that I work for Mcdonalds as a cleaner I am priviliged by having my ip changed quite often. Well I wish that could be said about my home network too.


You want poetry? We got poetry. You want Shakespeare? We got Shakespeare. (And a bunch of other drama too!) Keep watching this channel for the next episode of Deanna's Fuse vs Buzzing proceedings. On your screens this coming New Years :stupid:

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if you are talking about a "select few" jay by all means point them out.. instead of saying techgear this and techgear that. what they say they say on their own. they aren't speaking for techgear. hell i'm not even really speaking for techgear lol. I've stated a hundred times i think using the ocx is a bad idea yet i still put up links, forum topics, and downloads for "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME". why? i'm sure you say it's because i'm a hypocrite. But i'd actually be a hypocrite if i didn't put them up. I say all the time tg is here for it's users. we had users that asked questions about this or that for different servers. I've tried to include the major ones. Some users have submitted programs and asked for files connected with these networks so i offer them. I have rejected some submissions due to their intent to disrupt chat in "THE CHAT THAT WE DARE NOT SPEAK IT'S NAME" and sparkpea. Same as I did with MSN. I didn't agree with everything MSN did but I tried to offer our users what they wanted. It wasn't an easy decision for me to make. But in the end I took what our users ask me for into consideration. I still suggest you move away from msn ocx. make your own. I'm not yelling to do it today. I understand if you rush out a new ocx and alot of users have trouble they will move on. But use the time wisely. Once you have your own ocx you control every aspect of your business. Can't you see how valuable that is? Can't you understand how far that would go with your users being able to tell them you own the ocx and you can edit it to make improvements on your own without worry of what might or might not happen? We don't want you to fail jay.. we want users to have great places to chat, but we want them dependable. I don't think that's too much to ask. After how shitty MSN treated it's users in the end I think going the extra mile to ensure them you care is best for you and them both.

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