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Cloning on Buzzen?


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Hell ya ought to be able to clone a nick as they have cloned MSN, their ocx and even their icons ..lmao.. Need to change their name to BuzzenClone.MSN.com


It looks like buzzen has two standards. One for their own actions, and one for the actions of everyone else. You can't even create a chatroom with a name similar to another chatroom name on buzzen, less the regulars complain and get your room shut down for cloning. <wo0t>


Yup it seems that according to buzzen it is fine for buzzen to CLONE MSN, but it's not okay for anyone else to clone anything on buzzen. DOUBLE STANDARD


**my rant for today**

It was actually quite funny to hear some of the buzzen religion category regulars get so upset and complain about what they considered a cloned chatroom name, and get the chatroom shut down, all the while they were happily chatting on a CLONED chat service themselves. lol Don't these people think at all?? They want to complain about someone cloning their nicks or their rooms, but then they go and SUPPORT A CLONED WEBCHAT SITE?? .......... I don't understand these people.



But in closing down cloned chatrooms buzzen basically condemned themselves and admitted their own guilt in cloning. According to buzzen, clones are worthy of being CLOSED DOWN, and thus buzzen should also reap the same just reward for their cloning action, as they inflict on others. Buzzen should also be closed down, as they close down chatrooms that they consider to be clones. Fair is Fair. :)

Edited by Deanne
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Is cloning when you enter a room with an exact same nick as someone else? If yes, then yes it must be possible as I've seen it done a few times.


Yes that would be considered cloning, but buzzen also considers it cloning if you create a chatroom with a SIMILAR name to a regular chatroom--and if the regulars complain about it, buzzen sysop_denies will come and close your room down claming you cloned a regular room. <wo0t> lol a clone closing a clone?


Further, some people at buzzen seem to think it is CLONING if you choose a nickname that is SIMILAR to theirs--even if you have done so by accident, and not even being aware that someone else chose a nickname similar to yours previously.


sigh. The people at buzzen, in the religion category at least, are very quick to point out all types of supposed cloning activities, and condemn them.... yet these same people seem utterly IGNORANT of the fact that buzzen itself is a clone of MSN. People don't want anyone cloning them, or their chatrooms, but they are willing to use a clone webchat service? hmmmm.


I simply do not get how using a chatroom name, which is SIMILAR to a regular buzzen chatroom, or using a nickname that is SIMILAR to one someone already had on buzzen can be considered SO WRONG by these people, and the fact that buzzen cloned MSN by illegally building its whole webchat service on MSN's chat software can be thought of as RIGHT by these same people??? ......the only real difference is that MSN owned the copyright on their stuff, and no one owns a copyright for their chatroom name or their nickname. lol


Is it fair to get upset with other cloners, if you are personally using and supporting a clone webchat service?? :)

Edited by Deanne
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I wasn't asking for a debate over how it's a cloned service. Yes, Buzzen is a cloned service, but if Microsoft had a problem with clones, they would have voiced it by now. So forget about them being clones >_<

I just want to find out how to have different nicks in different rooms with my script, as I run it in multiple rooms, but want a different name in each room o_o

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I dont think you can do that. Say you sign into your account, you can sign out and change your nick as Cryton explained but I would think it would be the same nickname in all rooms you joined with that account at that point. I could easily be wrong.

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travis is right. Because the regcookie would change, it would change from then onwoulds. If buzzen implemented the no clone feature, there is a reason for it, and i don't think that voiding it is a wise idea. That was one of the biggest reasons why rooms were getting taken on MSN, because people had the ability to clone room owner nicks, and tricking people into giving them the pass.

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Deane i hope we can open this clone debate in some other topic :P ,i think shane asked some scripting doubt not the merits and demirts of a clone.


lol Cryton, and I was pointing out how buzzen is very generous with their cloning label, and quick to close down and ban anyone accused of cloning--all the while being a clone themselves.


Buzzen doesn't like cloners, even though they are a clone. :)

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