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Everything posted by shanespen

  1. Alright, thanks, I'll try that in a bit, but another error I also get with all the connections I've used so far, is random ini errors, and stuff of the sorts.
  2. Does there happen to be a fairly stable buzzen connection out there? Every connection that I have found seems to find it's way of either not working for me, or coming up with an error when I run my script a second time...just wondering if there was one that wouldn't do that.
  3. Lol yeah, I'm kinda (really) picky about my work, too. If what I'm making doesn't work like I want it to, I can sit there for hours trying to make it work lol. But just be glad you can find the errors so you know what to fix
  4. Alright, I'll see if I can get this working pretty soon but it may be a while, I've been out of the scripting zone for a couple months now and I need to refresh everything lol. Thanks
  5. I'm contemplating making a script for Buzzen, but before I do, I'd like to find out how to make an automatic updater that cran grab files off a server, and download and replace them over the current script's files, to update it. Kind of like the old GD's Gaurd Doctor. Is there a simple way to do something like that? A simple dialog pops up, you click check updates, it lists updates that the script doesn't have, and has a check box by it so you can check what you'd like to update, and then click download, and it shows the progress of the update? It would be greatly appreciated if someone could help me
  6. Find the numbers that irc uses and defhalt them xP. That works with every ctcp =]
  7. Kind of like moot on that flash video, pure random & simple... with a few possibly added or changed, I don't remember, i typed out what I saw on it xP and I didn't intend to start a debate-like thread...was just asking a simple question. Kthx
  8. Lol yeah I was just askin a question and not tryin to start a debate >_<! lol but now it's been answered
  9. I wasn't asking for a debate over how it's a cloned service. Yes, Buzzen is a cloned service, but if Microsoft had a problem with clones, they would have voiced it by now. So forget about them being clones >_< I just want to find out how to have different nicks in different rooms with my script, as I run it in multiple rooms, but want a different name in each room o_o
  10. eh..how would i go about doin that on my script?
  11. Lmao, so there's no way to change your nick with a script on buzzen?
  12. Is it possible to clone on Buzzen? Just wondering
  13. that's the first time i've ever seen the flamer ask for the thread to be closed. xD
  14. o o.... it says techgear does not SUPPORT buzzen..it says nothing about techgear not being able to have a buzzen topic..so shush ..and, it also says that tg can only give limited assistance with buzzen, but they're not affiliated with it. i'm not affiliated with your mom, but to keep her from getting pregnant, tell the mail man to wear protection
  15. allowed to insult people who they like? what's wrong with insulting people? if you're like me, and have no conciense, absolutely nothing;) xD lmao, yeah you should be glad of the honesty..seriously
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