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  1. egyptian


    the userhost is working good but notr adding more options to be used as echo in winows or on chatting window etc... user host is ging to be used for reading the result only and no additional options can be used by it.. hope you got wt i want to say
  2. egyptian


    please if raw doesnt work on one connection and worked on another connection and both for the same server so can i know wt 've to check or the reason to make it work ?
  3. thx alot for ur help again
  4. thanks alot for that i was using it in vincula like this ctcp *:TIME:*: { if ($sock(msn.*. $+ $cid,0) >= 2) { echo $color(ctcp) -a Time Request by $nick .ctcpreply $nick TIME $date $+ , $time haltdef } } so its here the same or it will do the local time just once not twice then halt right ?
  5. thanks alot working now but should use strip not as before without strip and why its sendin a time to all channels i am in
  6. CTCP *:*:*: { if (TIME isin $1) && ($me isop $comchan($nick,1)) { access $comchan($nick,1) add deny *! $+ $$ial($nick $+ *,1).addr 0 : Time kick | kick $comchan($nick,1) $nick Dont Check Me :P [TIME] } } i got lost that code doesnt work with moschino so wt i 've do i couldnt undersand any thing to do
  7. Plz i am using Moschino 1.7 i need to know wy time kicker if one checked my time or pinged me or version etc.. script doesnt kick him ? i tried many codes but all the same no action so if there is any thing halted in moschino for those checks or wt exactly
  8. 1st thanks for ur reply 2nd i was asking i am gettin the dialog without problems its ok, but what i am asking about how to get the access to be shown in the status as before with i write or give the script a code ( access # ) will show all access in status as i am going to remove bans using commands with raw 804 set the address then access # will check the deny with this raw so hope u got wt i meant
  9. plz i am buzzen chat user and want to ask about something there i used to open the access of the room with access # but wt abt there i am usning Moschino[buzzen]1.6 if there in thing different in this conx hope to get help about that
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