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Help In Emotion Kicker

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This code supposed to kick person who make similar 8 emotions , But doesn't work with me what's the wrong???



#EmoteKicker off 
on *:TEXT:*:*: { 
  if (($nick != $me) && ($nick !isowner #) && ($nick !isop #)) { 
    var %text = $hash($strip($1-),32) 
    var %old.text = %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] 
    var %old.text = $deltok(%old.text,1,46) 
    if (%rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) || (%old.text != %text) { 
      set -u10 %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] 1. $+ %text 
    var %temp = %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] 
    var %count = $gettok(%temp,1,46) 
    inc %count 
    set -u10 %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] %count $+ . $+ %text 
    if (%count >= 8) { 
      /access $chan add deny $address 1440 :FLOODING $nick | /kick $chan $nick NOPE NOT HERE 

on *:ACTION:*:*: { 
  if (($nick != $me) && ($nick !isowner #) && ($nick !isop #)) { 
    var %text = $hash($strip($1-),32) 
    var %old.text = %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] 
    var %old.text = $deltok(%old.text,1,46) 
    if (%rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] == $null) || (%old.text != %text) { 
      set -u10 %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] 1. $+ %text 
    var %temp = %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] 
    var %count = $gettok(%temp,1,46) 
    inc %count 
    set -u10 %rp. [ $+ [ $chan ] $+ . $+ [ $nick ] ] %count $+ . $+ %text 
    if (%count >= 8) { 
      /access $chan add deny $address 1440 :FLOODING $nick | /kick $chan $nick NOPE NOT HERE 
#EmoteKicker end 

Menu Channel { 
Emote Kicker $upper($group(#EmoteKicker)) 
.Enable: enable #EmoteKicker 
.Disable: disable #EmoteKicker 

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Here is one based on a old msn emot per line kicker that should work.


The > 8) sets the number of emots they can post in one line. In this instance if it's more than 8 in one line they get booted


#EmoteKicker off
on *:TEXT:*:*: {
  if ($nick == $me) || ($nick isop $chan) halt
  if ($calc($wildtok($1-,*,0,41) + $wildtok($1-,*,0,58) - $wildtok($1-,:,0,41)) > 8) {
    /access $chan add deny $address($nick,1) 1 : Emoticon Flood $replace($nick,>,Guest_) added by $replace($me,>,Guest_) at $date @ $asctime(hh:nn:ss)
    /kick $chan $nick Emoticon Flood (ban set for 1 min)
on *:ACTION:*:*: {
  if ($nick == $me) || ($nick isop $chan) halt
  if ($calc($wildtok($1-,*,0,41) + $wildtok($1-,*,0,58) - $wildtok($1-,:,0,41)) > 8) {
    /access $chan add deny $address($nick,1) 1 : Emoticon Flood $replace($nick,>,Guest_) added by $replace($me,>,Guest_) at $date @ $asctime(hh:nn:ss)
    /kick $chan $nick Emoticon Flood (ban set for 1 min)

#EmoteKicker end

Menu Channel {
  Emote Kicker $upper($group(#EmoteKicker))
  .Enable: enable #EmoteKicker
  .Disable: disable #EmoteKicker

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Guest Travis

I noticed the code halts when the event is looking for all text. When you do this it will not process any other text event in any other file with 2 exceptions that I know about.


1. any text event with the prefix ^

2. a text event in a file that's $script number is closer to 0.

if ($script($script) > $script(otherfile.mrc)) the text event should execute



The /halt command halts a script and prevents any further processing.


Halt is usefull in raw events and such to halt status echo's. If I want a script to stop but I want other scripts to continue processing, I use /return.


As a rule if I use the wildcard * in an common event like text, I do not use halt. Unless, of course it is indeed my intention to halt all scripts as in a theme script.


Also, look into Event Prefixes. It is more efficient to use them.


on !*:text:*:#:{ }

The ! means "if ($nick = $me) return"

@ means, "if ($me !isop $chan) return"


Whenever you use code that does functions that need a hammer, like kicking or changing a mode, you should make sure you are an op in the channel. Using a prefix makes this very easy.




on !@*:TEXT:*:*: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) return
rest of code

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maybe i'm misunderstanding you..


you are saying if i were to just do


on *:TEXT:*:#: { halt }


in one file and in one after that in another file after the first loaded file with the halted on text like


on *:TEXT:*:#: {

.msg $chan $1-



The second wouldn't work?


i was under the impression that the halt inside a snippet of code only applied to that snippet


i could very well be wrong but i assumed that by halting it would just stop processing in that snippet like


<start processing>

on text * {


<stop processing this script>

do stuff here


<resume processing>


am i wrong in this thinking?

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Guest Travis

Exclamation prefix was an example. You are right but I was using the event he was familiar with,


Error, the way I understand it is that you receive an event.


First priority, unless using a socket to connect, is mIRC.

Next priority is any script using the ^ prefix for that event.

Next priority is the first matching event in the first file starting from file 1.

If I have 3 files and each has a text event like this.


on *:text:*:#:echo -s $script


It is my understanding that:


$script(1) text event will perform first.

$script(2) text event second

$script(3) text event third, etc.


Now understand the event you are capturing is * meaning anything. If the text event in $script(1) says halt, it halts that event. So then $script(2) wouldn;t have the chance of processing it.


This is the way it seemed to me from my experience if I am wrong please let me know. It can easily be tested I'm just lazy. This happens when you specify * for the match text.




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I have used halts in multiple on text * events and never had one not process because i halted on another. halts have always worked on per snippet basis for me unless dealing with mirc default messages. Fanfare is correct in the nick == me.. i overlooked that when i copied the line

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