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Everything posted by Josh`

  1. That's completely useful! That will give me hours of entertainment! Screw chatting now! lol I'll just youtube all night
  2. well way to go, now the thread makes no sense until you read halfway into it, X Fail. haha
  3. HydraIRC This is the only other IRC client I could find that is decent enough to use other than mIRC. It looks and behaves a lot like mIRC. This has a few more features than mIRC and a few less features than mIRC. I've yet to look into any scripting (if it's even possible)
  4. I've been busy working on homework and my demo reel intro for school lately. I did a quick sketch the other night, however. I was going to make a full armor set for a game character (in my head) but I've lost the motivation in it lol. If you're interested, you can find it here.
  5. Nah, that's ok... mIRC has gotten old... There's not much you can do in it that hasn't been done before... I'm going to stick to drawing, digital painting, and 3d animation.
  6. The scripting world is so dumb... which is sort of why I quit... Everyone accuses left and right of everyone ripping their code. -- it gets old very fast.
  7. I'm actually quite impressed. The code is very neatly written. Good job.
  8. Do you ever wonder how 'keep off of grass' signs get there?
  9. there's also a lot of little kids on dA which is rather upsetting. The website used to be really good, but it's starting to turn into MySpace.
  10. It was listed under Chat Tech > General IRCd > Screenshots. Desktop screenshot threads don't belong in IRCd scripting forums
  11. I've moved this topic to General Chat Talk because the thread is steering more towards desktop screenshots.
  12. he died AGAIN? Jeez... How many times are we going to have to run over this guy??
  13. Merry [late] Christmas lol. I've been gone the past few days on holiday vacation. Hope everyone had a great Christmas
  14. exactly! It's just the net! I HATE YOU. See? No need to be sorry
  15. I love the feeling of being lost. It just makes me feel so... lost!
  16. DCX isn't hard to put this into your dialog -- You don't even have to convert the MDX to DCX... just add DCX to it.
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