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Everything posted by Fanfare

  1. As spooky said, you need to go to helpdesk and ask for a staff to come into your room to set a host pass for you. Once it's set, all you have to do is give the password to those you absolutely trust to get an op status. They simply enter the command: /pass A dialog will pop up for them to input it. This is the easiest way to do without using mirc if you choose not to.
  2. I've read about someone using Lego to build a world's tallest tower before. This is not some new or shocking, and I believe there are people who've attempted such tasks, though not world-record breaking, throughout the world.
  3. It's impossible to trigger your own text, thus the ! prefix by the text event is not necessary.
  4. I think the last part of code can be shortened a bit: if ($istok(306 822,$numeric,32)) if ($istok(305 821,$numeric,32))
  5. But who in the world would enter those false positive patterns you listed to spam? Chances are not that great. Besides, if anyone enter: come to blah.com etc.. without http:// or www. yours will return false.
  6. If you reckon spammers will use something like come to blah.com or blah.tv or blah.org etc...without using http:// or www. , just modify the regex a bit to this: if ($regex($1-,/(?<=^|\s)((?>\S{3,8}:\/\/|w{3}\56)\S+|\S+\56\S{2,3})$/iS)) { This should cover every kind of url links.
  7. Why makes you think that a regex has to be long to match all types of url, including the so-called evading type: if ($regex($1-,/(?<=^|\s)((?>\S{3,8}:\/\/|w{3}\56)\S+)/iS)) {
  8. The on text event to kick for url can also be scripted using regex to match.
  9. Your English is going make people take up educated guesses. Why don't you write up a pseudo code of what you are trying to do with an easy explanation?
  10. Kronicdreamer, $chr(160) is not really a space. Use $chr(32)
  11. Apparently Haggis' code won't work for Buzzen.
  12. The feeling is as if someone buys you a Christmas present and you end up selling it to another person for money.
  13. sirfunny, if you call something useless, then you need to back that up with what you can do way better or what you've done that shows your true capability, or else you're only demoralizing yourself.
  14. Money aside, If a person you call pal is not trustworthy to you, a "written agreement" is perhaps necessary. But then again, the trust built upon you and your pal is merely superficial in a sense.
  15. Many people love the idea of free services. They also say the best things in life are free. But having a free service without the support of those devoted Buzzen users is going to be "costly." P.S. I don't reckon Buzzen is completely free...
  16. Well, pretty much like getting a paycheck from our jobs too. Yup, at the end of the day, it all depends on how you take on this subject.
  17. I was being hypocritical. And yes, I agree; It's about passion, not the money.
  18. You should take the money if your pal insists. lol But then you will have to ask your pal for the permission to release the script, since he or she'll have the ownership. And as stated, you've written this script voluntarily for your pal without monetary exchange involved, you do whatever you want with it. And don't be surprise people modify it, (in a bad sense, rip it) chances are they will. This is what happen with open sourced codes these days.
  19. Unless he paid you for your work...that'd be another story.
  20. At least you sound like a type of person who can walk away from something and never come back to it, until necessary. lol
  21. Happy belated birthday, err0r!
  22. Then don't. You don't even have to say that to give people an impression with a touch of honey.
  23. I don't happen to be a big fan of dark themes, but to each our own...lol
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