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Everything posted by Pete®tje

  1. Freaking cool. Does it show your age when you say you seen them all working for real?
  2. It's funny to see how much effort MS puts in getting people to Windows 7. I doubt if anyone will be pulled over the line by a new version of Live Essentials, but who knows. Like you can expect of an old fart, I stick to XP.
  3. Wow. Didn't expect that. Must be the $reverse indeed.
  4. No idea which would be faster. I would say test it Mine has a sorttok in it so can be slower. Depends on where you use it for but I dont expect huge differences.
  5. What is the reason for releasing stuff? Some want to help others with it, some do it to get attention. Rippers won't stop before people stop releasing stuff. So want attention or help people? -> release Want that without being ripped? -> don't release
  6. Nice work hixxy. alias remreps { var %i, %j = $regsub($1,/(.)/g,\1 $+ $chr(1),%i), %j = $remove($sorttokcs(%i,1),$chr(1)) %i = $regsub(%j,/(.)(?=.*?\1)/g,,%j) return %j }
  7. Feel free to use, distribute or modify it (in whatever order).
  8. If you use the standard Phreik addon, there is an alias called accnick that returns the accountname of the nick. So %somevar = $accnick(<nickname>) would put the accountname of <nickname> in %somevar.
  9. You have 2 aliasses named icon. That will probably cause the problem.
  10. It's available from Rümßäär's site: http://www.rumbaar.net/public
  11. Do you mean with dutch room messages? SuperTrivia can be used with either english or dutch messages. Only the room stuff is dutch, not dialogs and menu options...
  12. Well I think the choice for rejoin the channel when kicked is up to the user. That user has that function in mIRC. What is the use for coding that also in a script? I admit that extra functionality on join can be useful in a script, but that is not what I ment. In general: making code for functions that are in mIRC already is useless to me.
  13. When you talk about the function of being able to automatic rejoin when kicked, you better leave it out of the scripts because mIRC has it already on board. Making that code in a script is quite useless to me, except rejoining cant be done in a normal way.
  14. I expect the built in stuff to work faster than the coded. Never tested it anyway.
  15. I wonder what would be the reason for that... Seems a bit weird to code functionality that is already present.
  16. Using the same timer twice will override the first one. ./timer $+ $nick $+ 1 1 10 kick # $nick You was told to do !member Please Come back in 5mins ./timer $+ $nick $+ 2 1 50 /mode # -b $nick And there was a blank missing in the on text statement: on *:text:!member:#:{
  17. Is using the MSN chat control on the client side illegal? I don't think so.
  18. Well, you should think about in what case you will kick someone. Example: you don't want someone to join with a nickname that has the same first 4 characters as the people who joined the last 10 seconds. That would something like this: on !*:join:# { inc -u10 %lnick. [ $+ [ $left($nick,4) ] ] if (%lnick. [ $+ [ $left($nick,4) ] ] > 1) { access # add deny $left($nick,4) $+ * 3 : ppflood kick # $nick Possible passport flood - 3 minute ban - } }
  19. Well you have to think about what rules apply for when 2 names are called "the same type", like the first 4 characters the same or whatever.
  20. //access # add deny [ha]*
  21. Pete®tje


    Why not make your problems clear in this topic? Seams a bit more easy to me
  22. Look in the settings for flood protection in mIRC.
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