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  1. Thankz For That Code But It Still Doesnt Work I Dnt Know Wots Wrong With It lolz
  2. Nope i added the icon and the alias and it still dnt work it shows the nicks up as 0 + 5 Deanzkex and errm i dnt kno why half of its in a diffrent language... i got it off a forum... on *:start: { dialog -m nicklist nicklist } dialog nicklist { title "MSCN Admin Client" size -1 -1 136 184 option dbu icon C:\Program Files\mIRC\pics\msn.ico, 0 list 1, 5 6 72 217 text "Hamer Opties", 2, 80 8 52 10, center button "Geef Goud", 3, 80 18 52 10 button "Geef Bruin", 4, 80 28 52 10 button "Maak Deelnemer", 5, 80 38 52 10 button "Maak Touschouwer", 6, 80 48 52 10 text "Kick/Ban Opties", 7, 80 58 52 10, center button "Kick", 8, 80 68 52 10 button "Ban 15 minuten", 9, 80 78 52 10 button "Ban 1 uur", 10, 80 88 52 10 button "Ban 24 uur", 11, 80 98 52 10 text "IRC Operator Opties", 12, 80 108 52 10, center button "IP Kick", 13, 80 118 51 10 button "IP Ban 1 uur", 14, 80 128 52 10 button "IP Ban 6 uur", 15, 80 138 52 10 button "IP Ban 12 uur", 16, 80 148 52 10 button "IP Ban 24 uur", 17, 80 158 52 10 button "IP Ban 1 week", 18, 80 168 52 10 } alias icon { return C:\Program Files\mIRC\pics\) } alias mdx { return C:\Program Files\mIRC\dlls\mdx\mdx.dll) } alias mdx.view { return C:\Program Files\mIRC\dlls\mdx\views.mdx) } alias mdx.bars { return C:\Program Files\mIRC\dlls\mdx\bars.mdx) } alias mdx.gen { return C:\Program Files\mIRC\dlls\mdx\CTL_GEN.MDX) } on *:JOIN:*: { /split } on *:PART:*: { if ($nick == $me) { unset %away.* } | elseif ($nick != $me) { unset %away. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $nick } | /split } on *:KICK:*: { if ($knick == $me) { unset %away.* } | elseif ($knick != $me) { unset %away. [ $+ [ $knick ] ] $nick } | /split } on *:QUIT: { if ($nick == $me) { unset %away.* } | elseif ($nick != $me) { unset %away. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $nick } | /split } on *:RAWMODE:*: { /split } on *:DISCONNECT: { unset %away* } on *:dialog:nicklist:init:*:{ dll Dlls\rebar.dll Dock $dialog($dname).hwnd > right dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 ListView report single > Dlls\views.mdx did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 130 did -i $dname 1 1 iconsize normal small did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(owner.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(msn.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(cuppeh.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(glass.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(onk.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(onxy.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(winxp.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(oppers.ico) .timer.refresh 1 1 refresh .timer 0 1 cpugds2 set %cpu = $dll($pcdll,cpuinfo,_) } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:1: { unset %temponick unset %tempoaddy did -r nicklist 4 did -r nicklist 7 did -r nicklist 9 did -r nicklist 11 if ($did(1).seltext != $null) { set %temponick $remove($did(1).seltext,0 +fs 0 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 1 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 2 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 3 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 4 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 4 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 5 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 6 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 7 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 8 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 9 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 10 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 11 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 12 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 13 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 14 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 15 0 0 $+ $chr(32)) .whois %temponick did -ra nicklist 4 %temponick) $userstatus $level } } on *:dialog:nicklist:dclick:1: { query } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:3:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else mode $active +q $$1 } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:4:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else mode $active +o $$1 } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:5:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else mode $active -qo+v $$1 } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:6:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else mode $active -qvo $$1 } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:8:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $active $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:9:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else access $active add DENY *! $+ $$ial($$1 $+ *,1).addr 15 | kick $active $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:10:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else access $active add DENY *! $+ $$ial($$1 $+ *,1).addr 60 | kick $active $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:11:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else access $active add DENY *! $+ $$ial($$1 $+ *,1).addr 1440 | kick $active $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:13:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kill $$1 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:14:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kline $$1 86400 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:15:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kline $$1 518400 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:16:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kline $$1 1036800 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:17:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kline $$1 2073600 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:18:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kline $$1 14515200 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } alias split { /waiting /waiting2 /waiting3 /waiting4 } alias waiting { .timernicklist 1 1 /refresh } alias waiting2 { .timernicklist2 1 0 /go } alias waiting3 { .timernicklist3 1 2 /go2 } alias waiting4 { .timernicklist4 1 1 /go3 } alias go { /accessrefresh } alias go2 { /levelrefresh } alias go3 { /cpugds1 } alias refresh { did -r nicklist 1 var %n 1 while (%n <= $nick($active,0)) { did -a nicklist 1 0 + $icon($nick($active,%n)) $nick($active,%n) inc %n } } alias accessrefresh { did -ra nicklist 15 $nick($active,0,q) did -ra nicklist 17 $nick($active,0,o) did -ra nicklist 19 $nick($active,0,v) did -ra nicklist 21 $nick($active,0,a,v) } alias all-list { var %l 1 var %x 0 while (%l <= $nick($1,0)) { if ($ulist($address($nick($1,%l),1),$2,1)) { inc %x } inc %l } return %x } alias -l icon { if ($level($address($1,1)) == Ignore) return 1 elseif (%away. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $1) return 2 elseif ($1 == $me) return 3 elseif ($left($1,5) isin AdminSysopGuide) return 4 elseif ($1 isowner $chan(1)) return 5 elseif ($1 isop $chan(1)) return 6 elseif (m isin $chan($chan(1)).mode) && ($1 !isvoice $chan(1)) return 7 else return 8 } dialog error { title "Nickname Error" size -1 -1 100 35 option dbu text "Selecteer eerst een nicknaam", 1, 2 2 98 8, center text "Klik op een naam uit de lijst", 2, 2 10 98 8, center button "Sluit", 3, 30 20 37 12, flat ok cancel }
  3. Does any1 know why these icons wont show up i found it in a forum on rumbaars site i think but wen i put into mirc remote the icons wont show up :| and its puzzling me why :s on *:start: { dialog -m nicklist nicklist } dialog nicklist { title "MSCN Admin Client" size -1 -1 136 184 option dbu icon C:\Program Files\mIRC\pics\msn.ico, 0 list 1, 5 6 72 217 text "Hamer Opties", 2, 80 8 52 10, center button "Geef Goud", 3, 80 18 52 10 button "Geef Bruin", 4, 80 28 52 10 button "Maak Deelnemer", 5, 80 38 52 10 button "Maak Touschouwer", 6, 80 48 52 10 text "Kick/Ban Opties", 7, 80 58 52 10, center button "Kick", 8, 80 68 52 10 button "Ban 15 minuten", 9, 80 78 52 10 button "Ban 1 uur", 10, 80 88 52 10 button "Ban 24 uur", 11, 80 98 52 10 text "IRC Operator Opties", 12, 80 108 52 10, center button "IP Kick", 13, 80 118 51 10 button "IP Ban 1 uur", 14, 80 128 52 10 button "IP Ban 6 uur", 15, 80 138 52 10 button "IP Ban 12 uur", 16, 80 148 52 10 button "IP Ban 24 uur", 17, 80 158 52 10 button "IP Ban 1 week", 18, 80 168 52 10 } alias mdx { return C:\Program Files\mIRC\dlls\mdx\mdx.dll) } alias mdx.view { return C:\Program Files\mIRC\dlls\mdx\views.mdx) } alias mdx.bars { return C:\Program Files\mIRC\dlls\mdx\bars.mdx) } alias mdx.gen { return C:\Program Files\mIRC\dlls\mdx\CTL_GEN.MDX) } on *:JOIN:*: { /split } on *:PART:*: { if ($nick == $me) { unset %away.* } | elseif ($nick != $me) { unset %away. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $nick } | /split } on *:KICK:*: { if ($knick == $me) { unset %away.* } | elseif ($knick != $me) { unset %away. [ $+ [ $knick ] ] $nick } | /split } on *:QUIT: { if ($nick == $me) { unset %away.* } | elseif ($nick != $me) { unset %away. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $nick } | /split } on *:RAWMODE:*: { /split } on *:DISCONNECT: { unset %away* } on *:dialog:nicklist:init:*:{ dll Dlls\rebar.dll Dock $dialog($dname).hwnd > right dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 ListView report single > Dlls\views.mdx did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 130 did -i $dname 1 1 iconsize normal small did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal .timer.refresh 1 1 refresh .timer 0 1 cpugds2 set %cpu = $dll($pcdll,cpuinfo,_) } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:1: { unset %temponick unset %tempoaddy did -r nicklist 4 did -r nicklist 7 did -r nicklist 9 did -r nicklist 11 if ($did(1).seltext != $null) { set %temponick $remove($did(1).seltext,0 +fs 0 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 1 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 2 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 3 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 4 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 4 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 5 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 6 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 7 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 8 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 9 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 10 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 11 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 12 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 13 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 14 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 15 0 0 $+ $chr(32)) .whois %temponick did -ra nicklist 4 %temponick) $userstatus $level } } on *:dialog:nicklist:dclick:1: { query } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:3:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else mode $active +q $$1 } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:4:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else mode $active +o $$1 } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:5:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else mode $active -qo+v $$1 } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:6:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else mode $active -qvo $$1 } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:8:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $active $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:9:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else access $active add DENY *! $+ $$ial($$1 $+ *,1).addr 15 | kick $active $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:10:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else access $active add DENY *! $+ $$ial($$1 $+ *,1).addr 60 | kick $active $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:11:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else access $active add DENY *! $+ $$ial($$1 $+ *,1).addr 1440 | kick $active $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:13:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kill $$1 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:14:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kline $$1 86400 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:15:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kline $$1 518400 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:16:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kline $$1 1036800 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:17:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kline $$1 2073600 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:18:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kline $$1 14515200 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } alias split { /waiting /waiting2 /waiting3 /waiting4 } alias waiting { .timernicklist 1 1 /refresh } alias waiting2 { .timernicklist2 1 0 /go } alias waiting3 { .timernicklist3 1 2 /go2 } alias waiting4 { .timernicklist4 1 1 /go3 } alias go { /accessrefresh } alias go2 { /levelrefresh } alias go3 { /cpugds1 } alias refresh { did -r nicklist 1 var %n 1 while (%n <= $nick($active,0)) { did -a nicklist 1 0 + $icon($nick($active,%n)) $nick($active,%n) inc %n } } alias accessrefresh { did -ra nicklist 15 $nick($active,0,q) did -ra nicklist 17 $nick($active,0,o) did -ra nicklist 19 $nick($active,0,v) did -ra nicklist 21 $nick($active,0,a,v) } alias all-list { var %l 1 var %x 0 while (%l <= $nick($1,0)) { if ($ulist($address($nick($1,%l),1),$2,1)) { inc %x } inc %l } return %x } alias -l icon { if ($level($address($1,1)) == Ignore) return 1 elseif (%away. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $1) return 2 elseif ($1 == $me) return 3 elseif ($left($1,5) isin AdminSysopGuide) return 4 elseif ($1 isowner $chan(1)) return 5 elseif ($1 isop $chan(1)) return 6 elseif (m isin $chan($chan(1)).mode) && ($1 !isvoice $chan(1)) return 7 else return 8 } dialog error { title "Nickname Error" size -1 -1 100 35 option dbu text "Selecteer eerst een nicknaam", 1, 2 2 98 8, center text "Klik op een naam uit de lijst", 2, 2 10 98 8, center button "Sluit", 3, 30 20 37 12, flat ok cancel }
  4. ye iv tried other ones thats why im after that one cuz the newer version ones i cant get to work in irc,ircx,ircd & msn :| and that one worked in all of them and was simple and basic and use normal popups so i thought if i put a post up some1 might have it
  5. Does anyone remeber that simple nicklist that redrum made AGES ago it was a nifty nicklist used mdx to make it i was wondering if anyone has got a copy of it anywhere i did see it in the forum a long time ago i dont know if any1 has got it but if they have could they post it please because i would like to use it it was a msn lookalikeish one it was kool i did have it but when i reinstall my os i lost it obviously so if anyone has got a copy pleeeeeeease post it for me and the nicklist i got is
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