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Buzzen Upgrade..

Guest SlimShady

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Guest SlimShady

Some may not notice this, but buzzen has upgraded there server some.. you may notice that gatekeepers are different.


You will need to clear your Userlist if you use it and anything else related.


such as Access List


and readd everyone.


This is something i thought i would let everyone know


You will also notice the server is alot more stable than it use to be as well :)

Edited by SlimShady
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You know I didn't notice that it was a lot "more stable". I decided to visit Buzzen as some friends had rooms there. This was my experience in a nutshell.


Joined one room with webchat. After that I always got the error message, "Unable to authenticate" or whatever. Im sure you all know which message IM talking about. Over and over I tried, could not authenticate.


So I tried mIRC. Yeah I connected ... and was moofed within 15 minutes. Rejoined, moofed, rejoined moofed. I was moofed 4 times in a matter of 30 - 40 minutes. This is after "updating" ?


Maybe I'm just not used to it since the server Im always on has NEVER moofed me. I'm not exagerating either. In the 3 months I have been chatting on this server, never once moofed.


Being disconnected a bunch coupled with the fact that admin there will toss around your private information as a game, I cant understand why people have chosen Buzzen.

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