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Room Stats Code


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hey there mate,


Thought I'd post something here to help you on the way... I wouldn't know the exact code they use... but I have an idea on what you could use to get you started...


Basically its an on TEXT event, which would record and store data of each nickname which posts a message to the channel..


You could use variables or an .ini file, or even better still hash tables which I'm a bit of a fan of.. However for this purpose I'll just use .ini to show an example, you can edit however you like..


on !:TEXT:*:#:{
  var %n = $nick, %c = $chan, %x = $readini(chanlog.ini,%c,%n), %v = $gettok(%log. [ $+ %c],1,32)
  inc %x
  writeini -n chanlog.ini %c %n %x
  if (%x < %v) return
  else { set %log. [ $+ %c ] $iif(%x == %v,%log. [ $+ %c ],$iif(%x > %v,%x)) %n }
Note: "on !:TEXT" means, whoever writes something to the channel except for you!
Note: The "-n" flag in /writeini, means it will attempt to write to the .ini file if it is bigger than 64k


Thats a simple code to log the data...

Then to show the data could be something like...


on *:TEXT:@stat:#:{
if (!%log. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) msg # No data is stored for this Channel.
else msg # Top Talker in this Channel $gettok(%log. [ $+ [ # ] ],2,32) with $gettok(%log. [ $+ [ # ] ],1,32) Lines!

Note: With this on TEXT event, anyone could use this command by typing @stat, so either add a user level or something along the lines of that... 


Just an idea of the code... I'm sure there's plenty of ways to do this, and you can add, edit this to suit your needs now =)


Kind Regards,


Edited by Dan*
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ooo, Also realised there were a few bugs in this code... Heres the new code which straightens out some of the bugs...


Bug Fixes Include:
- If local variable = $null, set it as 0...
- Added evaluation tags in the logging process, as it will evaluate the local variable %c now!
- Added support for multiple people to be the top talkers.. So if Daniel and James have both the highest lines, will now say " Daniel & James"

NOTE: @stat command is available to anyone, I'd strongly recommend you changing this to only allow a user level nickname...


on *:TEXT:*:#:{
if ($1 == @stat) {
  if (!%log. [ $+ [ # ] ]) msg # No data is stored for this Channel.
  else msg # Top Talker in this Channel $replace($gettok(%log. [ $+ [ # ] ],2-,32),$chr(32),$+($chr(32),$chr(38),$chr(32))) with $gettok(%log. [ $+ [ # ] ],1,32) Lines!
else {
  var %n = $nick, %c = $chan, %x = $readini(chanlog.ini,%c,%n), %v = $iif(%log. [ $+ [ %c ] ],$gettok(%log. [ $+ [ %c ] ],1,32),0)
  inc %x
   writeini -n chanlog.ini %c %n %x
  if (%x < %v) return
  set %log. [ $+ [ %c ] ] $iif(%x == %v,%log. [ $+ [ %c ] ],$iif(%x > %v,%x)) %n


Hope this helps...


Kind Regards,


Edited by Dan*
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