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Who Can Help Me With Nicklist


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I have trouble with msn nicklist if I invite them into the script, he shows me the wrong icons to why

if user helpdesk in coming shows he is not to spec but gray head when user is made to owner shows he butterfly comes to staff if he shows golden hammer to have been altered but always the same


can someone help me

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msn have tried nicklist 2.0 does not have the webchatZ7 of warrior124 tried since the icons will be read out at the wrong msn nicklist will not be displayed


#nicklist on
alias nickdll { return $shortfn($scriptdirdlls\nicklist.dll) }
alias nickpic { return $shortfn($scriptdiricons\ $+ $1 $+ .ico $+ ) }
alias mdx { return $shortfn($scriptdirdlls\mdx.dll) }
alias views { return $shortfn($scriptdirdlls\views.mdx) }

alias popdll { dll $scriptdirdlls\popups.dll $$1- } 
alias additem_ { dll $scriptdirdlls\popups.dll AddItem $1- }
alias ico { return $scriptdir\icons\ $+ $1- $+ .ico }
alias loadimg_ { dll $scriptdirdlls\popups.dll LoadImg $1- }
alias pop1 tokenize 32 $dll($scriptdirdlls\popups.dll,Popup,$1-) | if ($isid) return $1- | $iif($4- != did not select a menu item,$4-)

alias booo {
  var %snick = $gettok($did(1).seltext,$numtok($did(1).seltext,32),32)
  popdll New main 16 16 
  popdll SetStyle main bordericon
  loadimg_ main icon small $ico(users)
  additem_ main end +Cdd 1 1 User Commands 
  additem_ main end + 0 
  additem_ main end + 1 1 Disconnect User $cr /timer -m 28 40 .ctcp %snick TIME
   additem_ main end + 0 
  additem_ main end +> 1 1 User Privalages $cr privalages
  additem_ main end +> 1 1 User Info $cr uinfo
  additem_ main end + 0 
  additem_ main end +> 1 1 Kick User $cr msnkick
   popdll New privalages 16 16
  popdll SetStyle privalages bordericon
  loadimg_ privalages icon small $ico(owner)
  loadimg_ privalages icon small $ico(host)
  loadimg_ privalages icon small $ico(participant)
  loadimg_ privalages icon small $ico(nogenpic)
  loadimg_ privalages icon small $ico(spec)
  loadimg_ privalages icon small $ico(ignore)
  additem_ privalages end +C 1 Owner $cr /mode $active +q %snick
  additem_ privalages end + 2 Host $cr /mode $active +o %snick
  additem_ privalages end + 3 Participant $cr /mode $active -q %snick
  additem_ privalages end + 0 
  additem_ privalages end + 4 Voice $cr /mode $active +v %snick
  additem_ privalages end + 5 Spectator $cr /mode $active -v %snick
  additem_ privalages end + 0 
  additem_ privalages end + 6 ignore 
  additem_ privalages end + 0 
  additem_ privalages end + 1 Add to access as Owner $cr access $active add owner *! $+ $$ial(%snick $+ *,1).addr 0 : $+ $me added %snick- $asctime(m/dd/yyyy $+ $chr(44) h:nn:ss TT)
  additem_ privalages end + 2 Add to access as Host $cr access $active add host *! $+ $$ial(%snick $+ *,1).addr 0 : $+ $me added %snick - $asctime(m/dd/yyyy $+ $chr(44) h:nn:ss TT)
  additem_ privalages end + 4 Add to access as Voice $cr access $active add voice *! $+ $$ial(%snick $+ *,1).addr 0 : $+ $me added %snick - $asctime(m/dd/yyyy $+ $chr(44) h:nn:ss TT)
  additem_ privalages end + 4 Add to access as Grant $cr access $active add grant *! $+ $$ial(%snick $+ *,1).addr 0 : $+ $me added %snick - $asctime(m/dd/yyyy $+ $chr(44) h:nn:ss TT)
  popdll New uinfo 16 16
  popdll SetStyle uinfo bordericon
  additem_ uinfo end +C 0 Whois User $cr /whois %snick
  additem_ uinfo end + 0 Who User $cr /who %snick
  additem_ uinfo end + 0 UWho User $cr /uwho %snick
  additem_ uinfo end + 0
  additem_ uinfo end + 0 View User's Profile $cr run iexplore http://members.msn.ca/?mpp=2211~ $+ %puid $+ mid=2211
  popdll New msnkick 16 16
  popdll SetStyle msnkick bordericon
  additem_ msnkick end +C 0 Disruptive behavior $cr kick $chan %snick Disruptive behavior
  additem_ msnkick end + 0 Excessive scrolling  $cr kick $chan %snick Excessive scrolling 
  additem_ msnkick end + 0 Using profanity in the chatroom $cr kick $chan %snick Using profanity in the chatroom
  additem_ msnkick end + 0 Custom Kick $cr msnkicklist
  pop1 main $mouse.dx $mouse.dy
alias msnkicklist { 
var %snick = $gettok($did(1).seltext,$numtok($did(1).seltext,32),32) 
set %kicknick %snick 
/dialog -m MsnKickList MsnKickList
dialog MsnKickList {
  title "Msn Kick List"
  size -1 -1 319 151
  option pixels
  combo 1, 151 59 154 100, size drop
  button "Ok", 3, 63 108 75 25, flat ok
  button "Cancel", 4, 151 108 75 25, flat cancel
  text "Kick Message:", 5, 15 6 78 16
  radio "No Ban", 6, 17 68 56 20
  radio "Ban for:", 7, 79 68 63 20
  combo 2, 16 26 289 100, size edit drop

On *:dialog:MsnKickList:init:*:{
  didtok MsnKickList 1 44 15 Minutes,1 Hour,5 Hours,24 Hours,Life
  didtok MsnKickList 2 44 Disruptive behavior,Excessive scrolling,Using profanity in the chatroom
  did -b MsnKickList 1
  did -c MsnKickList 6
On *:dialog:MsnKickList:sclick:6:{ did -b MsnKickList }
On *:dialog:MsnKickList:sclick:7:{ did -e MsnKickList 1 }
on *:dialog:MsnKickList:sclick:3:{
  if ($did(7).state == 1 ) && ($did(1) == 15 Minutes) { access $active add DENY ! $+ $$ial(%kicknick $+ *,1) 15 : $did(2) | kick $active %kicknick $did(2) (Access ban set for 15 minutes) | unset %kicknick }
  if ($did(7).state == 1 ) && ($did(1) == 1 Hour) { access $active add DENY ! $+ $$ial(%kicknick $+ *,1) 60 : $did(2) | kick $active %kicknick $did(2) (Access ban set for 1 Hour) | unset %kicknick }
  if ($did(7).state == 1 ) && ($did(1) == 5 Hours) { access $active add DENY ! $+ $$ial(%kicknick $+ *,1) 300 : $did(2) | kick $active %kicknick $did(2) (Access ban set for 5 Hours) | unset %kicknick }
  if ($did(7).state == 1 ) && ($did(1) == 24 Hours) { access $active add DENY ! $+ $$ial(%kicknick $+ *,1) 1440 : $did(2) | kick $active %kicknick $did(2) (Access ban set for 24 Hours) | unset %kicknick }
  if ($did(7).state == 1 ) && ($did(1) == Life Ban) { access $active add DENY ! $+ $$ial(%kicknick $+ *,1) 0 : $did(2) | kick $active %kicknick $did(2) (Access ban set for Life) | unset %kicknick }
  if ($did(6)) { kick $active %kicknick $did(2) | unset %kicknick }
on *:dialog:MsnKickList:sclick:4:{ unset %kicknick }

raw 821:*: { unset %icon. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] away   | if ($dialog(nick $+ $msn.get($cid,fullroom)) != $null) .timer 1 1 getnicks $msn.get($cid,fullroom) }
raw 822:*: { set %icon. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] away | if ($dialog(nick $+ $msn.get($cid,fullroom)) != $null) .timer 1 1 getnicks $msn.get($cid,fullroom) }

dialog nick {
  title ""
  size 0 0 %nicksize
  option pixels
  list 1, 0 0 %nicksize, size

alias nicklist {
  set # #
  if $dialog(nick $+ #) {
    dialog -c nick $+ $chr(37) $+ $right(#,-1) nick
    set %nicksize $dll($nickdll,GetSize,$!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1))
    dialog -m nick $+ $chr(37) $+ $right(#,-1) nick
  else {
    set %nicksize $dll($nickdll,GetSize,$!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1))
    dialog -m nick $+ $chr(37) $+ $right(#,-1) nick

on 1:dialog:nick*:init:*: {
  .enable #profileseter
  dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version
  dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname
  dll $mdx SetDialog $dname style
  dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 listview rowselect report showsel > $views
  did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims $calc($gettok(%nicksize,1,38) - 6) $+ :1 0:2
  dll $nickdll Nicklist $dname $right($dname,-4)
  did -i $dname 1 1 iconsize normal small
  did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(owner)
  did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(host)
  did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(spec)
  did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(nopro)
  did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(msn)
  did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(boypic)
  did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(girlpic)
  did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(boywithpic)
  did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(girlwithpic)
  did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(cup)
  did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(nogenpic)
  did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(nogen)
  .timergetnicks 1 0 getnicks $msn.get($cid,fullroom)
  .timergetnicksfix 1 10 getnicks $msn.get($cid,fullroom)

alias getnicks {
  var %x = 1
  who $1
  did -r nick $+ $1 1
  while (%x <= $nick($1,0)) {
    did -a nick $+ $1 1 0 + $nickicon($nick($1,%x),$1) $opshow($nick($1,%x),$1) $+ $replace($msn.decode($nick($1,%x)),>,Guest_) $+ $chr(9) $+ + 0 $nick($1,%x)
    inc %x
alias opshow {
  if (' isin $1) return $+
  elseif ($1 isowner $2) return . $+ 
  elseif ($1 isop $2) && ($1 !isowner $2) return $+
  elseif ($1 isvoice $2) && ($1 !isop $2) return +
  else return $+
alias nickicon {
  if (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  == away) return 10
  elseif (' isin $1) return 5
  elseif ($1 isowner $2) return 1
  elseif ($1 isop $2) return 2
  elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  == no-profile) return 4
  elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  == profile-no-gender-no-pic) return 11
  elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  == Male-Profile) return 6
  elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  == Femail-Profile) return 7
  elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  == Profile-No-Gender) return 12
  elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  == Femail-Profile-Pic) return 9
  elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  == Male-Profile-Pic) return 8
  elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ]  == spectator) return 3
  else return 4
#profileseter off
raw 352:*: {
  if ($left($7,1) == G) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $6 ] ] away }
  elseif ($left($7,1) == H) {  }
raw 908:*:{ set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] spectator }
raw 818:*:{
  if ($4 == 0) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] no-profile }
  elseif ($4 == 1) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] profile-no-gender-no-pic }
  elseif ($4 == 3) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Male-Profile }
  elseif ($4 == 5) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Femail-Profile }
  elseif ($4 == 9) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Profile-No-Gender }
  elseif ($4 == 11) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Male-Profile-Pic | halt }
  elseif ($4 == 13) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Femail-Profile-Pic }
  else { halt }
#profileseter end

alias getprofs {
  set -u5 %hlater on
  var %i 1
  while (%i <= $nick(%chan,0)) {
    prop $nick(%chan,%i) msnprofile
    inc %i
  .timerdis 1 5 .disable .disable #profileseter
on *:dialog:nick*:*click:1: {
  tokenize 32 $did(nick $+ $right($dname,-4),1,1)
  if ($1 == rclick) {
  if ($1 == dclick) {
    query $gettok($did(1).seltext,$numtok($did(1).seltext,32),32)
on *:join:#: { 
  if ($nick == $me) {
    .ctcp $nick PING
  elseif ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timer 1 3 getnicks # | .enable #profileseter | prop $nick msnprofile | .timerdis 1 4 .disable #profileseter
on *:join:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) && ($nick != $me) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # }
on *:part:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) && ($nick != $me) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # }
on *:kick:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # }
on *:op:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # }
on *:deop:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # }
on *:owner:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # }
on *:deowner:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # }
on *:voice:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # }
on *:devoice:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # }
on *:quit:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # }
on *:nick: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # }
if ($1 == PING) && ($2 == $null ) { set %icon [ $+ [ $nick ] ] spectator | halt } 
alias room { 
var %roomname = $1-
%roomname = $replace(%roomname,$chr(92) $+ $chr(99),$chr(44),$chr(92) $+ $chr(98),$chr(32))
%roomname = $remove(%roomname,$chr(37))
%roomname = $remove(%roomname,$chr(35))
%roomname = $upper($left(%roomname,1)) $+ $right(%roomname,-1)
var %num $numtok(%roomname,32), %toknum 1
while (%toknum <= %num) { 
  var %output = %output $upper($left($gettok(%roomname,%toknum,32),1)) $+ $lower($right($gettok(%roomname,%toknum,32),-1))
  inc %toknum
return %output
#nicklist end

Edited by Seci
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Guest Travis

alias getnicks {

var %x = 1

who $1




It's been a while since I was on msn, but don't you want to whois the nick on join? I dont know ...


I'm sorry I guess I cannot help since I haven't used msn (thank god) for a few years now.

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It's been a while since I was on msn, but don't you want to whois the nick on join? I dont know ...


I'm sorry I guess I cannot help since I haven't used msn (thank god) for a few years now.



:offtopic: MSN still exists? I thought it was dead & buried years ago?

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