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Everything posted by Seci

  1. Can I use one of you to send scripts with Vincula and ID4 may see it the better error?
  2. This is the room list with Vincula connection it should be in the ID4 later to see not only do I find the error why it does not go in the ID4.
  3. Just as the list is room she works in connection Vincula only in the ID4 does not think the error is not.
  4. Hello to all I try days since the bug be found in the room list. Room List shows no chat rooms and no user. I use the Connection ID4 than just the room list will not work.? Can someone help me here where the error is? alias listroom if (!$dialog(listroom)) dialog -md listroom listroom | else var %b = $input(Dialog bereits offen,-ow,Achtung!) dialog listroom { title "Raumliste" size -1 -1 875 464 list 1, 0 8 580 276, size hsbar tab "Opt", 19, 584 8 287 279 button "Suche Raum", 21, 600 48 115 25, tab 19 default button "Schließe Raum", 22, 600 80 115 25, tab 19 button "Raum entfernen", 30, 600 112 115 25, tab 19 button "Liste aktualisieren", 32, 600 144 115 25, tab 19 box "", 62, 592 32 132 236, tab 19 box "", 63, 728 32 140 236, tab 19 text "Erstelldatum:", 64, 736 48 122 16, tab 19 edit "DATUM - ZEIT", 65, 736 64 124 21, tab 19 read center text "Raumgründer:", 66, 736 88 122 16, disable tab 19 edit "Gründer", 67, 736 104 124 45, tab 19 read multi hsbar text "User im Raum:", 27, 736 152 130 16, tab 19 edit "Users", 68, 736 168 124 21, tab 19 read center check "User im Raum zeigen", 31, 600 240 116 20, tab 19 button "Raum kopieren", 81, 600 176 115 25, tab 19 button "zeige Accessliste", 82, 600 208 115 25, tab 19 tab "Einst", 20 check "Auditorium (x)", 9, 736 30 108 20, tab 20 check "Moderiert (m)", 10, 736 46 92 20, tab 20 check "Flüstern aus (w)", 11, 736 62 108 20, tab 20 check "keine Funktion (n)", 12, 736 78 108 20, tab 20 check "Access Sperre (A)", 13, 736 94 108 20, tab 20 check "Owner Sperre (Q)", 16, 736 110 108 20, tab 20 check "Host Sperre (O)", 17, 736 126 84 20, tab 20 check "Topic Sperre (T)", 8, 736 142 92 20, tab 20 check "Nur Ops Topic wechsel (t)", 2, 592 158 140 20, tab 20 check "Password (k)", 18, 592 142 108 20, tab 20 check "Clonable (d)", 15, 736 190 84 20, tab 20 check "Nur registrierte (", 14, 592 110 124 20, tab 20 check "Gast FF aus (W)", 7, 592 94 124 20, tab 20 check "Verbergen (h)", 6, 592 78 68 20, tab 20 check "Private (p)", 5, 592 62 76 20, tab 20 check "Geheim (s)", 4, 592 46 68 20, tab 20 check "Einladung (i)", 3, 592 30 84 20, tab 20 check "Filter (f)", 33, 736 158 84 20, tab 20 check "Anti guest flooder (P)", 34, 592 174 132 20, tab 20 check "Gründer Schutz (F)", 35, 736 174 132 20, tab 20 check "Teilnehmer-Modus (S)", 36, 592 190 140 20, tab 20 check "Gast-Modus (g)", 37, 592 206 124 20, tab 20 check "Nur Staff's (a)", 38, 592 126 100 20, tab 20 check "User Kick aus (K)", 39, 736 206 124 20, tab 20 check "Klopfen (u)", 40, 592 222 100 20, tab 20 check "Room cloned (e)", 41, 736 222 108 20, tab 20 check "Register TFA-Chat ®", 96, 592 238 108 20, tab 20 check "Register Blau (U)", 100, 736 238 108 20, tab 20 check "Register Braun (z)", 162, 592 254 108 20, tab 20 tab "Ändern", 23 button "Ändere Thema", 25, 672 56 107 25, tab 23 button "Ändere Willkommen", 26, 672 88 107 25, tab 23 button "Ändere Goldpass", 28, 672 120 107 25, tab 23 button "Ändere Braunpass", 29, 672 152 107 25, tab 23 button "Ändere Gründer", 78, 672 184 107 25, tab 23 tab "Kat", 24 check "Städte u.Regionen (GE)", 43, 592 32 100 20, tab 24 check "Computer (CP)", 44, 592 48 100 20, tab 24 check "Unterhaltung (EA)", 45, 592 64 116 20, tab 24 check "Allgemein (GN)", 46, 592 80 100 20, tab 24 check "schließende Räume (HE)", 47, 592 96 132 20, tab 24 check "Interessen (II)", 48, 592 112 100 20, tab 24 check "Lifestyles (LF)", 49, 592 128 100 20, tab 24 check "Radio (MU)", 50, 592 144 100 20, tab 24 check "Studenten WG (NW)", 51, 736 32 100 20, tab 24 check "Sonstige (PR)", 52, 736 48 100 20, tab 24 check "Altersgruppen (RL)", 53, 736 64 100 20, tab 24 check "Beziehungen (RM)", 54, 736 80 110 20, tab 24 check "Sport (SP)", 55, 736 96 100 20, tab 24 check "Teenager (TN)", 56, 736 112 100 20, tab 24 check "Unlisted (UL)", 57, 736 128 100 20, tab 24 check "Event (EV)", 58, 736 144 110 20, tab 24 tab "Spr", 98 check "Deutsch (DE-DE)", 90, 592 32 100 20, tab 98 check "Italienisch (IT-IT)", 91, 592 48 100 20, tab 98 check "Englisch (EN-US)", 92, 592 64 100 20, tab 98 check "Spanisch (ES-SP)", 93, 592 80 100 20, tab 98 check "Französisch (FR-FR)", 94, 592 96 132 20, tab 98 check "Türkisch (TR-TR)", 95, 592 112 100 20, tab 98 check "Österreich (AT-AT)", 110, 592 128 132 20, tab 98 check "Schweiz (CH-CH)", 111, 592 144 132 20, tab 98 check "Niederlande (NL-NL)", 112, 592 160 132 20, tab 98 check "Schweden (SE-SE)", 113, 736 32 132 20, tab 98 check "Dänemark (DK-DK)", 114, 736 48 132 20, tab 98 check "Belgien (BE-BE)", 115, 736 64 132 20, tab 98 check "Finnland (FI-FI)", 116, 736 80 132 20, tab 98 check "Grichenland (GR-GR)", 117, 736 96 132 20, tab 98 check "Irland (IE-IE)", 118, 736 112 132 20, tab 98 check "Luxemburg (LU-LU)", 119, 736 128 132 20, tab 98 check "Norwegen (NO-NO)", 120, 736 144 132 20, tab 98 check "Portugal (PT-PT)", 121, 736 160 132 20, tab 98 tab "E La", 122 check "nur deutsche", 123, 592 32 100 20, tab 122 check "nur italienische", 124, 592 48 100 20, tab 122 check "nur englische", 125, 592 64 100 20, tab 122 check "nur spanische", 126, 592 80 100 20, tab 122 check "nur französische", 127, 592 96 132 20, tab 122 check "nur türkische", 128, 592 112 100 20, tab 122 check "nur österreichische", 129, 592 128 132 20, tab 122 check "nur schweizerische", 130, 592 144 132 20, tab 122 check "nur niederlandische", 131, 592 160 132 20, tab 122 check "nur schwedische", 132, 736 32 132 20, tab 122 check "nur dänische", 133, 736 48 132 20, tab 122 check "nur belgische", 134, 736 64 132 20, tab 122 check "nur finnische", 135, 736 80 132 20, tab 122 check "nur griechische", 136, 736 96 132 20, tab 122 check "nur irländische", 137, 736 112 132 20, tab 122 check "nur luxemburger", 138, 736 128 132 20, tab 122 check "nur norwegische", 139, 736 144 132 20, tab 122 check "nur portugisische", 140, 736 160 132 20, tab 122 check "alle Räume", 141, 672 176 132 20, tab 122 text "Bitte erst Hacken raus machen", 142, 672 194 152 20, tab 122 text "dann neuen Hacken setzen", 143, 672 210 132 20, tab 122 list 69, 0 304 196 156, list 70, 200 304 196 156, list 71, 400 304 196 156, text "Encode Nick:", 72, 0 288 70 16 text "Decode Nick:", 73, 200 288 69 16 text "Gatekeeper:", 74, 400 288 70 16 button "IP KICK", 75, 800 304 67 25 button "Gate Sperre", 76, 800 336 67 25 button "IP Sperre", 77, 800 368 67 25 button "Ip User", 83, 800 400 67 25 button "Nick kopieren [Decode]", 84, 276 288 120 16 text "Gatekeeper:", 79, 600 288 70 16 list 80, 600 304 196 156, button "Nick kopieren [Encode]", 85, 76 288 120 16 button "Gate kopieren", 86, 476 288 120 16 button "Profil anzeigen", 87, 676 288 120 16 } on *:dialog:listroom:*:*:{ if ($devent = init) { .raw list if (%whouser = on) { did -c $dname 31 | dialog -s $dname -1 -1 871 464 } if (%onlygerman = off) { did -c $dname 141 } if (%onlyde = DE-DE) { did -c $dname 123 } if (%onlyde = IT-IT) { did -c $dname 124 } if (%onlyde = EN-US) { did -c $dname 125 } if (%onlyde = ES-SP) { did -c $dname 126 } if (%onlyde = FR-FR) { did -c $dname 127 } if (%onlyde = TR-TR) { did -c $dname 128 } if (%onlyde = AT-AT) { did -c $dname 129 } if (%onlyde = CH-CH) { did -c $dname 130 } if (%onlyde = NL-NL) { did -c $dname 131 } if (%onlyde = SE-SE) { did -c $dname 132 } if (%onlyde = DK-DK) { did -c $dname 133 } if (%onlyde = BE-BE) { did -c $dname 134 } if (%onlyde = FI-FI) { did -c $dname 135 } if (%onlyde = GR-GR) { did -c $dname 136 } if (%onlyde = IE-IE) { did -c $dname 137 } if (%onlyde = LU-LU) { did -c $dname 138 } if (%onlyde = NO-NO) { did -c $dname 139 } if (%onlyde = PT-PT) { did -c $dname 140 } } if ($devent = sclick) { if ($did = 1) { var %x = $did($did).seltext | tokenize 32 %x | set %mode $4 | set %category $5 | set %locale $6 | prop $1 creation | prop $1 nick | checkmodes | checkcategory | did -ra $dname 68 $2 | $iif(%whouser = on,who $1) } if (($did >= 2) && ($did <= 18)) || (($did >= 33) && ($did <= 41)) || ($did = 96) || ($did = 100) || ($did = 162) $iif($did($did).state = 1,mode $gettok($did(1).seltext,1,32) + $+ $remove($gettok($did($did).text,2,40),$chr(41)),mode $gettok($did(1).seltext,1,32) - $+ $remove($gettok($did($did).text,2,40),$chr(41))) if ($did = 21) { did -r $dname 1 | .raw list $+(*,$$input(Raum Name?,-eq,Room),*) } if ($did = 22) CLSROOM $gettok($did(1).seltext,1,32) $+(:,$$input(Grund?,-eq,Reason)) if ($did = 25) $iif($gettok($did(1).seltext,1,32),prop $ifmatch topic $+(:,$$input(Neues Thema?,-eq,Topic)),$input(Any room selected,-ow,Attention!)) if ($did = 26) $iif($gettok($did(1).seltext,1,32),prop $ifmatch onjoin $+(:,$$input(Neue Willkommensnachricht?,-eq,Onjoin)),$input(Any room selected,-ow,Attention!)) if ($did = 28) $iif($gettok($did(1).seltext,1,32),prop $ifmatch ownerkey $+(:,$$input(Neuer Goldpass?,-eq,Ownerkey)),$input(Any room selected,-ow,Attention!)) if ($did = 29) $iif($gettok($did(1).seltext,1,32),prop $ifmatch hostkey $+(:,$$input(Neuer Braunpass?,-eq,Hostkey)),$input(Any room selected,-ow,Attention!)) if ($did = 78) $iif($gettok($did(1).seltext,1,32),move founder $ifmatch $$input(Neuer Gründer?,-eq,Founder),$input(Any room selected,-ow,Attention!)) if ($did = 30) drop channel $gettok($did(1).seltext,1,32) if ($did = 31) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %whouser on | dialog -s $dname -1 -1 871 464 } | else { set %whouser off | dialog -s $dname -1 -1 871 284 } } if ($did = 32) refreshlist if ($did >= 43) && ($did <= 58) { move category $gettok($did(1).seltext,1,32) $remove($gettok($did($did).text,2,40),$chr(41)) | did -ue $dname 43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58 | did -cb $dname $did } if ($did >= 69) && ($did <= 71) did -c $dname 69,70,71,80 $did($did).sel if ($did = 75) kill $did(69).seltext $input $+ $$?="Schreibe den Grund" if ($did = 76) kline $did(69).seltext $input $+ $$?="Gib die Zeit an" $input $+ $$?="Schreibe den Grund" if ($did = 77) qline $did(69).seltext $input $+ $$?="Gib die Zeit an" if ($did = 81) clipboard $gettok($did(1).seltext,1,32) if ($did = 82) { hadd -m listaccessi room $gettok($did(1).seltext,1,32) | listaccessi } if ($did = 83) userhost $did(69).seltext if ($did = 84) clipboard $did(70).seltext if ($did = 85) clipboard $did(69).seltext if ($did = 86) clipboard $did(71).seltext $+ @ $+ $did(80).seltext if ($did = 87) /run http://www.talkforall.de/profile.php?puid= $+ $did(71).seltext if ($did >= 90) && ($did <= 95) || ($did >= 110) && ($did <= 121) { move locale $gettok($did(1).seltext,1,32) $remove($gettok($did($did).text,2,40),$chr(41)) | did -ue $dname 90,91,92,93,94,95,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121 | did -cb $dname $did } if ($did = 123) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde DE-DE | refreshlist } } if ($did = 124) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde IT-IT | refreshlist } } if ($did = 125) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde EN-US | refreshlist } } if ($did = 126) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde ES-SP | refreshlist } } if ($did = 127) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde FR-FR | refreshlist } } if ($did = 128) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde TR-TR | refreshlist } } if ($did = 129) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde AT-AT | refreshlist } } if ($did = 130) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde CH-CH | refreshlist } } if ($did = 131) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde NL-NL | refreshlist } } if ($did = 132) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde SE-SE | refreshlist } } if ($did = 133) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde DK-DK | refreshlist } } if ($did = 134) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde BE-BE | refreshlist } } if ($did = 135) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde FI-FI | refreshlist } } if ($did = 136) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde GR-GR | refreshlist } } if ($did = 137) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde IE-IE | refreshlist } } if ($did = 138) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde LU-LU | refreshlist } } if ($did = 139) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde NO-NO | refreshlist } } if ($did = 140) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman on | set %onlyde PT-PT | refreshlist } } if ($did = 141) { if ($did($did).state = 1) { set %onlygerman off | set %onlyde AU-AU | refreshlist } } } if ($devent = dclick) { if ($did = 1) join $gettok($did($did).seltext,1,32) } } alias -l refreshlist did -r listroom 1,69,70,71,80 | .raw list alias -l checkmodes { if (t isincs %mode) did -c $dname 2 else did -u $dname 2 if (i isincs %mode) did -c $dname 3 else did -u $dname 3 if (s isincs %mode) did -c $dname 4 else did -u $dname 4 if (p isincs %mode) did -c $dname 5 else did -u $dname 5 if (h isincs %mode) did -c $dname 6 else did -u $dname 6 if (W isincs %mode) did -c $dname 7 else did -u $dname 7 if (T isincs %mode) did -c $dname 8 else did -u $dname 8 if (x isincs %mode) did -c $dname 9 else did -u $dname 9 if (m isincs %mode) did -c $dname 10 else did -u $dname 10 if (w isincs %mode) did -c $dname 11 else did -u $dname 11 if (n isincs %mode) did -c $dname 12 else did -u $dname 12 if (A isincs %mode) did -c $dname 13 else did -u $dname 13 if (B isincs %mode) did -c $dname 14 else did -u $dname 14 if (d isincs %mode) did -c $dname 15 else did -u $dname 15 if (Q isincs %mode) did -c $dname 16 else did -u $dname 16 if (O isincs %mode) did -c $dname 17 else did -u $dname 17 if (k isincs %mode) did -c $dname 18 else did -u $dname 18 if (f isincs %mode) did -c $dname 33 else did -u $dname 33 if (P isincs %mode) did -c $dname 34 else did -u $dname 34 if (F isincs %mode) did -c $dname 35 else did -u $dname 35 if (S isincs %mode) did -c $dname 36 else did -u $dname 36 if (g isincs %mode) did -c $dname 37 else did -u $dname 37 if (a isincs %mode) did -c $dname 38 else did -u $dname 38 if (K isincs %mode) did -c $dname 39 else did -u $dname 39 if (u isincs %mode) did -c $dname 40 else did -u $dname 40 if (e isincs %mode) did -c $dname 41 else did -u $dname 41 if (r isincs %mode) did -c $dname 96 else did -u $dname 96 if (U isincs %mode) did -c $dname 100 else did -u $dname 100 if (z isincs %mode) did -c $dname 162 else did -u $dname 162 unset %mode } alias -l checkcategory { if (%category = GE) did -cb $dname 43 else did -ue $dname 43 if (%category = CP) did -cb $dname 44 else did -ue $dname 44 if (%category = EA) did -cb $dname 45 else did -ue $dname 45 if (%category = GN) did -cb $dname 46 else did -ue $dname 46 if (%category = HE) did -cb $dname 47 else did -ue $dname 47 if (%category = II) did -cb $dname 48 else did -ue $dname 48 if (%category = LF) did -cb $dname 49 else did -ue $dname 49 if (%category = MU) did -cb $dname 50 else did -ue $dname 50 if (%category = NW) did -cb $dname 51 else did -ue $dname 51 if (%category = PR) did -cb $dname 52 else did -ue $dname 52 if (%category = RL) did -cb $dname 53 else did -ue $dname 53 if (%category = RM) did -cb $dname 54 else did -ue $dname 54 if (%category = SP) did -cb $dname 55 else did -ue $dname 55 if (%category = TN) did -cb $dname 56 else did -ue $dname 56 if (%category = UL) did -cb $dname 57 else did -ue $dname 57 if (%category = MX) did -cb $dname 58 else did -ue $dname 58 if (%locale = DE-DE) did -cb $dname 90 else did -ue $dname 90 if (%locale = IT-IT) did -cb $dname 91 else did -ue $dname 91 if (%locale = EN-US) did -cb $dname 92 else did -ue $dname 92 if (%locale = ES-SP) did -cb $dname 93 else did -ue $dname 93 if (%locale = FR-FR) did -cb $dname 94 else did -ue $dname 94 if (%locale = TR-TR) did -cb $dname 95 else did -ue $dname 95 if (%locale = AT-AT) did -cb $dname 110 else did -ue $dname 110 if (%locale = CH-CH) did -cb $dname 111 else did -ue $dname 111 if (%locale = NL-NL) did -cb $dname 112 else did -ue $dname 112 if (%locale = SE-SE) did -cb $dname 113 else did -ue $dname 113 if (%locale = DK-DK) did -cb $dname 114 else did -ue $dname 114 if (%locale = BE-BE) did -cb $dname 115 else did -ue $dname 115 if (%locale = FI-FI) did -cb $dname 116 else did -ue $dname 116 if (%locale = GR-GR) did -cb $dname 117 else did -ue $dname 117 if (%locale = IE-IE) did -cb $dname 118 else did -ue $dname 118 if (%locale = LU-LU) did -cb $dname 119 else did -ue $dname 119 if (%locale = NO-NO) did -cb $dname 120 else did -ue $dname 120 if (%locale = PT-PT) did -cb $dname 121 else did -ue $dname 121 unset %category } raw 818:*:{ if ($dialog(listroom)) { if ($3 = creation) { did -ra listroom 65 $asctime($4,dd/mm/yy HH:nn:ss) | haltdef } if ($3 = nick) { $iif($4,did -ra listroom 67 $4,did -ra listroom 67 nicht bekannt) | haltdef } } } raw 819:*:{ if ($dialog(listroom)) haltdef } raw 352:*:{ if ($dialog(listroom)) { if (%fine = 1) { did -r listroom 69,70,71,80 set -u100 %fine 0 } did -a listroom 69 $6 did -a listroom 70 $msn.decode($6) did -a listroom 71 $3 did -a listroom 80 $4 } else echo -s $2 // $6 / $msn.decode($6) - $3 - $4 haltdef } raw 315:*:{ set -u100 %fine 1 | haltdef }
  5. Closer looking after your order is correct Symbols are in the correct directory mirc nicklist same dll
  6. MSN is true there is no longer the chats are to be made also have a chat system in the art such as MSN Sparkpea only the icons are displayed incorrectly Talkforall.bmp
  7. There is a nicklist with vincula goes've tried several nicklist but does not correct?
  8. msn have tried nicklist 2.0 does not have the webchatZ7 of warrior124 tried since the icons will be read out at the wrong msn nicklist will not be displayed #nicklist on alias nickdll { return $shortfn($scriptdirdlls\nicklist.dll) } alias nickpic { return $shortfn($scriptdiricons\ $+ $1 $+ .ico $+ ) } alias mdx { return $shortfn($scriptdirdlls\mdx.dll) } alias views { return $shortfn($scriptdirdlls\views.mdx) } alias popdll { dll $scriptdirdlls\popups.dll $$1- } alias additem_ { dll $scriptdirdlls\popups.dll AddItem $1- } alias ico { return $scriptdir\icons\ $+ $1- $+ .ico } alias loadimg_ { dll $scriptdirdlls\popups.dll LoadImg $1- } alias pop1 tokenize 32 $dll($scriptdirdlls\popups.dll,Popup,$1-) | if ($isid) return $1- | $iif($4- != did not select a menu item,$4-) alias booo { var %snick = $gettok($did(1).seltext,$numtok($did(1).seltext,32),32) popdll New main 16 16 popdll SetStyle main bordericon loadimg_ main icon small $ico(users) additem_ main end +Cdd 1 1 User Commands additem_ main end + 0 additem_ main end + 1 1 Disconnect User $cr /timer -m 28 40 .ctcp %snick TIME additem_ main end + 0 additem_ main end +> 1 1 User Privalages $cr privalages additem_ main end +> 1 1 User Info $cr uinfo additem_ main end + 0 additem_ main end +> 1 1 Kick User $cr msnkick popdll New privalages 16 16 popdll SetStyle privalages bordericon loadimg_ privalages icon small $ico(owner) loadimg_ privalages icon small $ico(host) loadimg_ privalages icon small $ico(participant) loadimg_ privalages icon small $ico(nogenpic) loadimg_ privalages icon small $ico(spec) loadimg_ privalages icon small $ico(ignore) additem_ privalages end +C 1 Owner $cr /mode $active +q %snick additem_ privalages end + 2 Host $cr /mode $active +o %snick additem_ privalages end + 3 Participant $cr /mode $active -q %snick additem_ privalages end + 0 additem_ privalages end + 4 Voice $cr /mode $active +v %snick additem_ privalages end + 5 Spectator $cr /mode $active -v %snick additem_ privalages end + 0 additem_ privalages end + 6 ignore additem_ privalages end + 0 additem_ privalages end + 1 Add to access as Owner $cr access $active add owner *! $+ $$ial(%snick $+ *,1).addr 0 : $+ $me added %snick- $asctime(m/dd/yyyy $+ $chr(44) h:nn:ss TT) additem_ privalages end + 2 Add to access as Host $cr access $active add host *! $+ $$ial(%snick $+ *,1).addr 0 : $+ $me added %snick - $asctime(m/dd/yyyy $+ $chr(44) h:nn:ss TT) additem_ privalages end + 4 Add to access as Voice $cr access $active add voice *! $+ $$ial(%snick $+ *,1).addr 0 : $+ $me added %snick - $asctime(m/dd/yyyy $+ $chr(44) h:nn:ss TT) additem_ privalages end + 4 Add to access as Grant $cr access $active add grant *! $+ $$ial(%snick $+ *,1).addr 0 : $+ $me added %snick - $asctime(m/dd/yyyy $+ $chr(44) h:nn:ss TT) popdll New uinfo 16 16 popdll SetStyle uinfo bordericon additem_ uinfo end +C 0 Whois User $cr /whois %snick additem_ uinfo end + 0 Who User $cr /who %snick additem_ uinfo end + 0 UWho User $cr /uwho %snick additem_ uinfo end + 0 additem_ uinfo end + 0 View User's Profile $cr run iexplore http://members.msn.ca/?mpp=2211~ $+ %puid $+ mid=2211 popdll New msnkick 16 16 popdll SetStyle msnkick bordericon additem_ msnkick end +C 0 Disruptive behavior $cr kick $chan %snick Disruptive behavior additem_ msnkick end + 0 Excessive scrolling $cr kick $chan %snick Excessive scrolling additem_ msnkick end + 0 Using profanity in the chatroom $cr kick $chan %snick Using profanity in the chatroom additem_ msnkick end + 0 Custom Kick $cr msnkicklist pop1 main $mouse.dx $mouse.dy } alias msnkicklist { var %snick = $gettok($did(1).seltext,$numtok($did(1).seltext,32),32) set %kicknick %snick /dialog -m MsnKickList MsnKickList } dialog MsnKickList { title "Msn Kick List" size -1 -1 319 151 option pixels combo 1, 151 59 154 100, size drop button "Ok", 3, 63 108 75 25, flat ok button "Cancel", 4, 151 108 75 25, flat cancel text "Kick Message:", 5, 15 6 78 16 radio "No Ban", 6, 17 68 56 20 radio "Ban for:", 7, 79 68 63 20 combo 2, 16 26 289 100, size edit drop } On *:dialog:MsnKickList:init:*:{ didtok MsnKickList 1 44 15 Minutes,1 Hour,5 Hours,24 Hours,Life didtok MsnKickList 2 44 Disruptive behavior,Excessive scrolling,Using profanity in the chatroom did -b MsnKickList 1 did -c MsnKickList 6 } On *:dialog:MsnKickList:sclick:6:{ did -b MsnKickList } On *:dialog:MsnKickList:sclick:7:{ did -e MsnKickList 1 } on *:dialog:MsnKickList:sclick:3:{ if ($did(7).state == 1 ) && ($did(1) == 15 Minutes) { access $active add DENY ! $+ $$ial(%kicknick $+ *,1) 15 : $did(2) | kick $active %kicknick $did(2) (Access ban set for 15 minutes) | unset %kicknick } if ($did(7).state == 1 ) && ($did(1) == 1 Hour) { access $active add DENY ! $+ $$ial(%kicknick $+ *,1) 60 : $did(2) | kick $active %kicknick $did(2) (Access ban set for 1 Hour) | unset %kicknick } if ($did(7).state == 1 ) && ($did(1) == 5 Hours) { access $active add DENY ! $+ $$ial(%kicknick $+ *,1) 300 : $did(2) | kick $active %kicknick $did(2) (Access ban set for 5 Hours) | unset %kicknick } if ($did(7).state == 1 ) && ($did(1) == 24 Hours) { access $active add DENY ! $+ $$ial(%kicknick $+ *,1) 1440 : $did(2) | kick $active %kicknick $did(2) (Access ban set for 24 Hours) | unset %kicknick } if ($did(7).state == 1 ) && ($did(1) == Life Ban) { access $active add DENY ! $+ $$ial(%kicknick $+ *,1) 0 : $did(2) | kick $active %kicknick $did(2) (Access ban set for Life) | unset %kicknick } if ($did(6)) { kick $active %kicknick $did(2) | unset %kicknick } } on *:dialog:MsnKickList:sclick:4:{ unset %kicknick } raw 821:*: { unset %icon. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] away | if ($dialog(nick $+ $msn.get($cid,fullroom)) != $null) .timer 1 1 getnicks $msn.get($cid,fullroom) } raw 822:*: { set %icon. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] away | if ($dialog(nick $+ $msn.get($cid,fullroom)) != $null) .timer 1 1 getnicks $msn.get($cid,fullroom) } dialog nick { title "" size 0 0 %nicksize option pixels list 1, 0 0 %nicksize, size } alias nicklist { set # # if $dialog(nick $+ #) { dialog -c nick $+ $chr(37) $+ $right(#,-1) nick set %nicksize $dll($nickdll,GetSize,$!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1)) dialog -m nick $+ $chr(37) $+ $right(#,-1) nick } else { set %nicksize $dll($nickdll,GetSize,$!chr(37) $!+ $right(#,-1)) dialog -m nick $+ $chr(37) $+ $right(#,-1) nick } } on 1:dialog:nick*:init:*: { .enable #profileseter dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetDialog $dname style dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 listview rowselect report showsel > $views did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims $calc($gettok(%nicksize,1,38) - 6) $+ :1 0:2 dll $nickdll Nicklist $dname $right($dname,-4) did -i $dname 1 1 iconsize normal small did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(owner) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(host) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(spec) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(nopro) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(msn) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(boypic) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(girlpic) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(boywithpic) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(girlwithpic) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(cup) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(nogenpic) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $nickpic(nogen) .timergetnicks 1 0 getnicks $msn.get($cid,fullroom) .timergetnicksfix 1 10 getnicks $msn.get($cid,fullroom) .$getprofs } alias getnicks { var %x = 1 who $1 did -r nick $+ $1 1 while (%x <= $nick($1,0)) { did -a nick $+ $1 1 0 + $nickicon($nick($1,%x),$1) $opshow($nick($1,%x),$1) $+ $replace($msn.decode($nick($1,%x)),>,Guest_) $+ $chr(9) $+ + 0 $nick($1,%x) inc %x } } alias opshow { if (' isin $1) return $+ elseif ($1 isowner $2) return . $+ elseif ($1 isop $2) && ($1 !isowner $2) return $+ elseif ($1 isvoice $2) && ($1 !isop $2) return + else return $+ } alias nickicon { if (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == away) return 10 elseif (' isin $1) return 5 elseif ($1 isowner $2) return 1 elseif ($1 isop $2) return 2 elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == no-profile) return 4 elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == profile-no-gender-no-pic) return 11 elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == Male-Profile) return 6 elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == Femail-Profile) return 7 elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == Profile-No-Gender) return 12 elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == Femail-Profile-Pic) return 9 elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == Male-Profile-Pic) return 8 elseif (%icon. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == spectator) return 3 else return 4 } #profileseter off raw 352:*: { haltdef if ($left($7,1) == G) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $6 ] ] away } elseif ($left($7,1) == H) { } } raw 908:*:{ set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] spectator } raw 818:*:{ if ($4 == 0) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] no-profile } elseif ($4 == 1) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] profile-no-gender-no-pic } elseif ($4 == 3) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Male-Profile } elseif ($4 == 5) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Femail-Profile } elseif ($4 == 9) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Profile-No-Gender } elseif ($4 == 11) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Male-Profile-Pic | halt } elseif ($4 == 13) { set %icon. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] Femail-Profile-Pic } else { halt } } #profileseter end alias getprofs { set -u5 %hlater on var %i 1 while (%i <= $nick(%chan,0)) { prop $nick(%chan,%i) msnprofile inc %i } .timerdis 1 5 .disable .disable #profileseter } on *:dialog:nick*:*click:1: { tokenize 32 $did(nick $+ $right($dname,-4),1,1) if ($1 == rclick) { booo } if ($1 == dclick) { query $gettok($did(1).seltext,$numtok($did(1).seltext,32),32) } } on *:join:#: { if ($nick == $me) { nicklist .ctcp $nick PING } elseif ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timer 1 3 getnicks # | .enable #profileseter | prop $nick msnprofile | .timerdis 1 4 .disable #profileseter } on *:join:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) && ($nick != $me) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # } on *:part:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) && ($nick != $me) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # } on *:kick:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # } on *:op:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # } on *:deop:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # } on *:owner:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # } on *:deowner:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # } on *:voice:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # } on *:devoice:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # } on *:quit:#: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # } on *:nick: { if ($dialog(nick $+ #) != $null) .timerNIK 1 1 getnicks # } on *:CTCPREPLY:*: if ($1 == PING) && ($2 == $null ) { set %icon [ $+ [ $nick ] ] spectator | halt } } alias room { var %roomname = $1- %roomname = $replace(%roomname,$chr(92) $+ $chr(99),$chr(44),$chr(92) $+ $chr(98),$chr(32)) %roomname = $remove(%roomname,$chr(37)) %roomname = $remove(%roomname,$chr(35)) %roomname = $upper($left(%roomname,1)) $+ $right(%roomname,-1) var %num $numtok(%roomname,32), %toknum 1 while (%toknum <= %num) { var %output = %output $upper($left($gettok(%roomname,%toknum,32),1)) $+ $lower($right($gettok(%roomname,%toknum,32),-1)) inc %toknum } return %output } #nicklist end
  9. We have a connection Vincula
  10. I have trouble with msn nicklist if I invite them into the script, he shows me the wrong icons to why if user helpdesk in coming shows he is not to spec but gray head when user is made to owner shows he butterfly comes to staff if he shows golden hammer to have been altered but always the same can someone help me
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