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Everything posted by pony

  1. can be downloaded from here http://www.evolutionscriptz.com/modules.ph...tit&lid=965 hoping soon to be in tg007
  2. im also still messing with it, and can't seem to find the problem,but will stay on it m8
  3. pony

    IRCD addons

    on *:text:*:#: { if (yournick isin $strip($1-)) nick-reply $chan $nick } on *:action:*:#: { if (yournick isin $strip($1-)) nick-reply $chan $nick } alias -l nick-reply { if (!$editbox($1)) || (($len($editbox($1)) < 18) && ($mid($editbox($1),$calc($len($editbox($1)) -1),1) == $chr(58)) && ($right($editbox($1),1) == $chr(32))) { editbox -p $1 $2 $+ $chr(58) } } alias nick-paste { if (!$editbox($1)) || (($len($editbox($1)) < 18) && ($mid($editbox($1),$calc($len($editbox($1)) -1),1) == $chr(58)) && ($right($editbox($1),1) == $chr(32))) { editbox -p $1 $2 $+ $chr(58) } } replace yournick with your own nickname what this will do when your nick is said it will auto paste the persons name in the start of the txt edit bar who said your nickname example Travis said my nick with in the sentance Travis: hey pony how are you Now His nick auto paste to the start of the edit bar for my reply pony: Travis: im doing just fine [2.10a¬+Q/admïn]: CAUTION! a script has entered the room. ( Apony_1 ) [02:10] <Apony_1> admïn: lol realy now
  4. pony

    IRCD addons

    #page on menu @Page { %page.nick %page.chan:/join %page.chan clear:/clear | .set %page.nick | .set %page.chan op .join %page.nick ..justjoin:/join %page.chan ..hello:/join %page.chan | msg %page.chan hi there %page.nick | msg %page.chan how u doing ..tyback:/join %page.chan | msg %page.chan Ty %page.nick :P ..loliseen:/join %page.chan | msg %page.chan LOL i seen that %page.nick ..youthink:/join %page.chan | msg %page.chan You think so %page.nick ..IMhere:/join %page.chan | msg %page.chan im here %page.nick how can i help you ..you rang:/join %page.chan | msg %page.chan im here | msg %page.chan u rang %page.nick | msg %page.chan how can i help u .kicks %page.nick ..SHUTAP %page.nick:/raw kick %page.chan %page.nick SHUTAUPPPP :P:P ..You think %page.nick:/raw kick %page.chan %page.nick HAHA-YOU-THINK .OPS %page.nick ..+Owner in %page.chan:/join %page.chan | /mode %page.chan +q %page.nick ..+Host in %page.chan:/join %page.chan | /mode %page.chan +o %page.nick ..+Voice in %page.chan:/join %page.chan | /mode %page.chan +v %page.nick ..-deop in %page.chan:/join %page.chan | /mode %page.chan -qov %page.nick } on *:TEXT:*:#:{ if (yournickhere isin $1-) && ($nick != $me) && (%pager == ON) { /splay PAGE.wav | /window -mk0 @Page | /echo @Page 4‹14 $+ $time(h15:14nn15t14) $+ 4!14 $+ $Buzz.decode($nick) Paged You4!14 $chan 4!14 $1- $+ 4› | .set %page.nick $converter($nick) | .set %page.chan $chan | dialog -m page page | did -ra page 3 %page.nick | did -ra page 7 $date - $time | did -ra page 5 %page.chan | did -ra page 9 $1- | halt | haltdef } if (yourothernickhere isin $1-) && ($nick != $me) && (%pager == ON) { /splay page.wav | /window -mk0 @Page | /echo @Page 4‹14 $+ $time(h15:14nn15t14) $+ 4!14 $+ $nick Paged You4!14 $chan 4!14 $1- $+ 4› | halt | haltdef } } dialog page { title "Pager System" size -1 -1 123 83 option dbu box " ", 1, 0 -1 123 25 text "You have been paged by:", 2, 1 4 64 8 text " ", 3, 66 4 55 8 text "Room:", 4, 1 13 17 8 text " ", 5, 19 13 31 8 text "Date:", 6, 51 13 14 8 text " ", 7, 65 13 56 8 box " ", 8, 0 20 123 50 list 9, 1 24 121 44, size box " ", 10, 0 66 123 17 button "Ok", 11, 84 71 37 10,ok } on *:dialog:page:init:*:{ mdxinit mdx SetMircVersion $version mdx MarkDialog $dname mdx SetFont $dname 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 -9 400 lime mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 11 clientedge } #page end menu menubar { » Pager .$iif(%pager == ON,$$style(1)) on:/set %pager ON | /enable #page | /echo -a 15(14Pager On!!15) .$iif(%pager == OFF,$$style(1)) off:/set %pager OFF | /disable #page | /echo -a 15(14Pager Off!!15) } replace yournickhere with your own also replace this with what u use from your script $Buzz.decode($nick)
  5. pony

    IRCD addons

    alias F4 { /editbox -p $editbox($chan) $$1 } will incert the nick u have highlighted in the nick list example im saying something to pony this is a test example im saying something to (hit F4) this is a test - while the nick pony is highlighted comes in handy witht he funny looking nicks can also set multi nicks also click nick 1 hit f4 click nick2 hit f4 ext.....
  6. pony

    IRCD addons

    on 1:TEXT:*:#: { if ($chan == $active) { halt } if (yournick isin $1-) { echo -a 12 ***NOTICE***4[ $converter($nick) ] 12IN 4[ $chan ] 12Text: 4[ $1- ]12 ( $+ $date $+ / $+ $time(hh:nn) $+ ) | /splay beep.wav } } put your nick in were it says yournick for use when your in more then 1 rooms if the room that said your nick is not the active room (the room your talking in) this will send you a Notice the nick msg time and room name to the room you are active in if the room is active it will halt the /splay beep.wav can be removed or replaced with the sound wav of your chioce
  7. Travis my freind Very Good job Very well done
  8. hey Ty Gate Keeper btw i loved your scripts solid fun . I thout easy to operante ect... apreance was also off the hook on last vertion
  9. nice work travis imma testing your conntion on my script
  10. this is what i am working on at the moment the right tool bar has 5 tab then left tool bar has 5 also all commands are click nick then left click option or right click option example click nick left click gold hammer icon to +q right click to -q almost forgot have to give creit were due to start with this is a script wrote by d33j4y Buzz-Zyrus i just edited it a whole lot the tool bars are my work sept for the bottem one i just etited dj one that he already had there and travis tewl sin gewn and alot more who has helped me with some coding and given me some at frist silly ideas that has come out handy wait ahha them silly ideas was mine they just helped me make them work
  11. you can also do it this way /server irc.buzzen.net 6667 then /login [email protected] passhere btw nice work Tewl
  12. well i have to agree with Psych in away also but i also see buzzen trying to get the independace i have found a few major flaws in there new ocx and yes the BAD people could find them also or not but what ever server there is them bad people will always be there i guess thats were your service admin ect... should come in and do there job acordingly sorry for the spelling i have no excuse;s
  13. all good things take time and trial and erorr ect... we was all there at one time or another, Buzzen is going thout the same thing but at a much larger scale what there doing isnt nothing like a mirc script trying to get it to join a msn room look back and rember the old days what was new to us was hard and very little help Buzzen is going thou the same thing new ocx and trying to get away from old habbits of repaeting same mistakes that was worked out in msn's ocx er wait didnt they also update and dc peeps i see them trying as hard as msn did if not harder i think they need a brake and maybe instead give them some encoragment there new ocx ect... they have added soemthings that msn refused to even try like right click option for +q with reg peeps host helper (silver hammer) super owner (cant even be kicked from there room if they made it humm msn could have learnd a thing or 2 i think and buzzen could have learnd as much also from msn anyways i wish them the best of luck
  14. Naw me ether. I didnt start that tell after he booted me like 7 times in a row , so i spent the whole week end with nothing eles to do,so i made that just for him,well i mean thats what started it i actuly made one just for him il have to find it and post it LOL but it started something like this to get you to think what came afterwords on ^*:join:#:{ If (Sysop_AfterShock == $nick) { msg $active $chan see yas in 24 hrs | msg $active $chat shockazz is here | modes followed ect.... but after a few months of this we did get to become freinds and we left each other alone and help me when needed BUT then low and behold then comes Sysop_Rush and hum what was that other one i guess all them Boots my mind is bloged down
  15. pony

    Colour Codes

    not sure if this is what your looking for but got it from Hybird Coloured Text .Regular ..Aqua:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Black:{ amsg $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Blue:{ amsg S \rTahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Gray:{ amsg S \nTahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Green:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Navy:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Purple:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Yellow:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } .- .Italic ..Aqua:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Black:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Blue:{ amsg S \rTahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Gray:{ amsg S \nTahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Green:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Navy:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Purple:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Yellow:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } .- .Bold ..Aqua:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Black:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Blue:{ amsg S \rTahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Gray:{ amsg S \nTahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Green:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Navy:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Purple:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" } ..Yellow:{ amsg S Tahoma;0 $$?="Enter Message:" }
  16. i still have the screen shot of my azz with the msn Service_Bot Boot print if that counts come to thnk of it i bet i have about 123267403 SS of it and to think i was never a troble maker, i think it was personal for spelling (Sysop_Aftershiz aka Sysop_AfterShock) anyways good to see you here m8 btw i like how your server is growing see u there Pony Brown Sysops .Do it:/ACCESS # ADD HOST *!*@cg$* on ^*:Part:#:{ If (@CG* iswm $address) { .hop .timerlol 1 5 { .mode $chan -smwWipkh+ntul 100 | .topic $chan dumb azz Sysop_Aftershiz } } } } on ^*:join:#:{ If (@CG* iswm $address) { .timerAut0wner 0 1 access # add owner $gettok($address($me,8),1,64) .timerlol 1 3 { .mode $chan -smwWipkh+ntul 100 | .topic $chan dumb azz Sysop_Aftershiz } } } } took Sysop_AfterShock months to figure that one out BTW nice screen shot, not pertty but very reliable
  17. pony

    Needs Codes

    Ozzy i was thinking the same , but then i thout maybe just not good enlish
  18. pony

    Needs Codes

    ac.all { var %x $chan(0), %c, %a 0 while %x { %c = $chan(%x) if ($me isowner %c) { access %c add owner $ial($me).addr 0 :access +q add | inc %a } elseif ($me isop %c) { access %c add host $ial($me).addr 0 :access +o add | inc %a } dec %x } echo -a $timestamp *** Adding access to %a of $chan(0) channels. } on ^*:join:#: { ac.all ) this may or maynot work for you it worked in msn befor they closed what it would do isa each time you join a room and your ownered or hosted it will auto set you to access +q or +o depanding on what op you have
  19. OPPPPPPPPPPPPS for got CODE CODE CODE BOX sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  20. on *:dialog:Right:sclick:12:{ echo -a # 14Right click to deop | mode $active +q $snick($active,1) } on *:dialog:Right:rclick:12:{ echo -a 14dehosting nick | mode $active -q $snick($active,1) } on *:dialog:Right:sclick:41:{ echo -a # Right click to deop | mode $active +o $snick($active,1) } on *:dialog:Right:rclick:41:{ echo -a dehosting nick | mode $active -o $snick($active,1) } on *:dialog:Right:sclick:42:{ echo -a # Right click to deop } on *:dialog:Right:rclick:42:{ echo -a dehosting nick | mode $active -qo $snick($active,1) } icon 42, 5 50 15 15, $mircdir\iconpics\deop.JPG, 0, tab 28 noborder icon 41, 5 35 15 15, $mircdir\iconpics\host.JPG, 0, tab 28 noborder icon 12, 5 20 15 15, $mircdir\iconpics\owner.JPG, 0, tab 28 noborder http://img221.imageshack.us/my.php?image=myscript.jpg ecample of pic with in tool bars(dialogs) note : the sclick and rclick can also use dclick
  21. Just do what you think would be handy , keep a eye and ear out for what others are doing and needing, most codes are more or less from 2 or more people needing or wanting the same thing but just dont know how to go about it, so some of your ideas might be the start and someone eles might be the middle and so on, with scripting what i have found there is so many was of doing the same code, faster-slower-multi varables ect..... easy and advanceted ect.... what might come easy to you might and mostlikly will be hard for some one eles whats kept me going with making scripts (yet to release one to public) was doing what i could for freinds and what they needed its all about helping the way i look at it. i can still rember the old days when it was near imposable to get help anywere xannax gave me a copy of a script way way back and was told never to give it out BUT the only trouble was he didnt tell me how to get my cookies (old way befor updaters) so the script sat there for a yr befor someone gave me the help to get the cookies and get it to join (Twel) ty he was the frist one to get me on script and get it in a room anyways off sub just do what you think makes you happy, because i know what ever you do and you help other to advance with there knolage or even give them a new toy-tool that can use there always tankfull for the help good luck Pony
  22. yup i agree hello all IM BACK so 24/7 i need to set up my desk yet and computers
  23. pony


    make your clear all to a timmer instaed if people joined
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