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Everything posted by Chief

  1. Which ones have you tried that have been a disapointment? Im in the market for a decent webhost myself! Ones i've been looking into is hostmonster, bluehost, dreamhost, fatcow and a few others i cant remember right now.
  2. I use Firefox and Maxthon, because ... FF has all the usefull tools and extentions i like, and maxthon is kinda like a IE engine driven version of FF which is pretty cool.
  3. Probably because your emulating the webchat method of connection thru mirc, i think phreik will ban mirc's that try to emulate webchat as some form of protection/restriction. And the resulting ban from using webchat would be due to your ip ban placed when attempting to mimic webchat via mirc..
  4. You seem to make very well thought out sentences and examples there "phreikischit", based on this, i would say your view is very well informed and we should take it very seriously ... Honest. Ok, next crackpot!
  5. They restrict that to oper only. Probably because you can set hostname +b bans, and hostname bans and range ban information is more likely to be usefull to staff not reagular users, on a gatekeeper passport based chat system.
  6. They would have to release a new chat control if it happened (which it wont) With all these clones, i'm sick of looking at it!
  7. Yeah, the render engine is the same i actually prefer IE's render engine to FF's (gekko or something isnt it?) But a good browser is more than just the render engine, its the total package - programs should be designed to cater for the lowest spec computers to perform a resonable standard and then exccel on high-spec comps. This is where i think IE lets itself down, having compared them on different pc's and laptops i've come to the conclusion that new products from MS demand you get upto-date with them! ... rather than they must stay in touch with you! (in touch with what a user wants from their products) Look at silverlight and Vista for examples, these are things that demand you have high-spec kit really, if you want to use them smoothly and to the capacity intended
  8. All new IE updates seem to be focused on copying some of the alternative browsers tools and tricks - and while other browsers are focusing on performance and speed, IE seems to be getting worse ... more sluggish and bogged down than ever. IE is my last resort now ... i use Maxthon, firefox and even Slim Browser before i use IE7 ( off-topic: btw IE8 = utter waste of time)
  9. Yeah, doesnt look all that authentic really.
  10. I chat on an msn clone thats more ircd protocol than ircx, that aside ... id make a wild asumption that perhaps some ppl like msn clones that imitate msn in protocol aswell as chat interface because familiar is comforting, or they just miss it. Maybe even, they are limited in knowledge so dont stray to far from what there was the most support for. At the end of the day ppl are just looking for somewhere to chat. So yeh .. i do think some "scripters" use some clones because they dont have to learn new stuff or challenge themselves.
  11. Chief


    Chatcore is quite good, still buggy as hell ... but as a new type of "msn like" webchat its quite nice, it uses a similar sorta ajax setup as buzzenv2, tho i dont fully trust the setup ... all ppl that connect, do so via a chatcore ip (because you configure the client in a webpage that they control, they host the software not you) .. thus all having the same ipmask in and unreal IRCD for example, aswell as the fact that it says it supports ircx and ircd, yet doesnt support +b (which is the way to set bans in ircd) Would be really good if there was a source code of the chatcore client, which you could run yourself from your website! If there is .. hit me up?!
  12. Gag means tha no-one in the chatroom can see msgs from the gagged person untill the usermode is removed again - or till they d/c and reconnect, its not an individual ignore. I guess its more like being spec'd but not knowing it!
  13. Yep, i imagin its because vb is squillions faster than mirc scripting! Yeah interesting to look at what was used on MSN!
  14. Chief


    Hmm .. you were using mode bans not /access if i knew your chat had both i would have just suggested /access mode +b is usualy ircd and they dont have /access unless specificaly modded in. .. well now you have two ways!
  15. Chief


    mode $chan +bb $address($nick,2) $nick <-- replace this /ban -u300 # $address($nick,2) <-- with this
  16. Chief


    you could maybe use the /ban command instead with a -uSECONDS switch so it works abit like a auto-expiring var, like um : /ban -u300 # $address($nick,2) that should make the script automaticaly delete the ban in 5 mins. And good luck with a room were you ban ppl for poping in and then back out too fast .. ppl are nosey many will pop in an out a few times before you even get them to talk:) but as they say different horses for different courses ...
  17. Dont think thats the new interface, more likely they are testing the sizes of the design to go around it etc to fit with the new one ... coz atm its quite clearly the same msn ocx.
  18. Duno why ppl keep flashing the online stats of buzz, its quite obvious if you look around the room lists for a few moments that those statistics are faked. (you cant /lusers on buzz, hmm how about that)
  19. Its previous "gates" at a certain nick im logging, not nicks at a gate, but the principle is the same just switched around, ircd's show (usualy) a masked version of the users ip as there gate, i was looking to use this code to help me see how oftern certain users ip masks change .. to help with effective ip banning or spotting certain isp's and ranges, the while loop in my code lists the ip masks one per line in the window, so its easy to compare them
  20. Hello, I hope someone can help me! I have this code, which is the good old exoclone nick tracker... kinda reversed round to log pervious ip masks @ a certain nick in and ircd chat ... It echos then to a window kinda of like this: #channel =============== ( time ) Name's last 2 ip's are: [email protected] [email protected] etc .. logging upto the previous 10 used by that nick. What im wanting to get it to do is record the time & date of each new ip mask and echo it next to each one like this .. #channel =============== ( time ) Name's last 2 ip's are: [email protected] 12:20:12 20/02/07 [email protected] 02:34:01 24/02/07 etc ... So i can see when they change, what im stuck on is how to alter the write, read, and deltok to include the new parameter i want to add which is .. time & date. Im sure its something simple, or maybe because i looking at it half 3 in the morning anyway hope someone can point me in the right direction! #ip2check on on *:start:/window @IP's on *:JOIN:#:{ if ($left($nick,1) == ') || ($left($nick,1) == >) halt ipcheck $ial($nick).addr $remove($nick,') $chan } raw knock:*:{ if ($left($nick,1) == >) halt ; set -u5 %knock. [ $+ [ $remove($nick,') ] ] $true ipcheck $address $remove($nick,') $1 } alias ipcheck { if ($1 != $me) { var %n 10 var %x $read($scriptdir $+ check.dat,sn,$2) if (%x == $null) write $+(",$scriptdir,check.dat") $2 $1 else { %x = $addtok(%x,$1,32) if ($numtok(%x,32) > %n) %x = $deltok(%x,1,32) write -l $+ $readn $+(",$scriptdir,check.dat") $2 %x } if ($numtok(%x,32) > 1) { echo $iif(%IpCheck. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $true,-a,@IP's) $3 ======================================================== echo $iif(%IpCheck. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $true,-a,@IP's) 4 $+ $timestamp $date $chr(2) $+ $2 $+ $chr(2) Last 4 $chr(2) $+ $numtok(%x,32) $+ $chr(2) IP's Used: var %c = $numtok(%x,32) var %z 1 while (%z <= %c) { echo $iif(%IpCheck. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] == $true,-a,@IP's) $gettok(%x,%z,32) inc %z } } } } #ip2check end
  21. Some people might forget that not all chats aspire to be all conquering superchats, and are happy doing their own thing at their own pace.
  22. The utf-8 support in the newer versions of mIRC still dont work in dialogs which is what nicklust and other icon nicklists are really ... a kind of dialog so the fact that utf-8 gets the nick perfect in the regular nicklist wont make a difference - so you'll need to use a decode alias or something most chats have their own ones .. usualy just msn decode re-araranged abit:P and there never quite good enough which is a pain, anyway ... Perhaps that is something they can include in the next version utf-8 decoding in dialogs, that would be nice.
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