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Everything posted by Warrior124

  1. I currently have an edited ClearMSN, and Vincula that will detect non-subs both when I first enter the room, and when others enter the room. The addon I'm working on, Web-Chat Z4, will contain both edited connections for anyone who wants to use either of them. MSN-Nichkchat used pings to find out who were nonsubs, and such. However, Web-Chat Z4 won't use any ctcp's, and such. It looks for if there is an O in the "raw 353", and if it does contain an O "H,U,RXO" then that person is a non sub.
  2. Alright, nice work Haggis
  3. Okay, just tried out this code, and made a few changes. It now works. Just make a few changes to how you'd like it to work, and it should work. Here is the code. alias mdx { return $findfile($shortfn($mircdir),mdx.dll,1) } alias ctl { return $findfile($shortfn($mircdir),CTL_GEN.MDX,1) } alias bars { return $findfile($shortfn($mircdir),BARS.MDX,1) } alias views { return $findfile($shortfn($mircdir),views.mdx,1) } alias icon { return images\ $+ $1 $+ .ico } alias auto { dialog -md auto auto } dialog auto { title "Auto Lists" size -1 -1 169 83 option dbu list 1, 1 1 167 81, size vsbar } on *:Dialog:auto:init:*:{ dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetColor $dname dll $mdx SetFont $dname dll $mdx SetFont $dname 1 14 50 verdana dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 ListView report single grid > $views did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 300 did -i $dname 1 1 headertext Autolist did -i $dname 1 1 iconsize normal small did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(gold) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(host) set -u %x 0 while (%x < $lines(auto.txt)) { did -a $dname 1 +b 1 $hosticon(%nickz($1,%x),$1) $replace($read(auto.txt,%x),owner,,host,) inc %x } } $hosticon($nick($1,%x),$1) alias hosticon { if (owner == $left($read(auto.txt,%x),5)) { return 1 } } I didn't know what you were going to use it for. So, I just made it this way to test it out, and it works. Basically, it looks for the word "owner" in the list with the nickname, and if found returns the gold hammer code, and replaces the word owner thereby just showing the nickname. Yours might be different though. However way you modify it, it should work. Hope things goes well with you.
  4. okay, do you have the icons in the same folder as your main mirc folder? If not, then that is why you are getting the red boxes. You will need to specify the directory to the icons. I also noticed that you have a folder listed as "icons". Try replacing your code with this... did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 300 did -i $dname 1 1 headertext Autolist did -i $dname 1 1 iconsize normal small did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal icons\gold.ico did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal icons\host.ico This way it will look for the icons in the folder "icons".
  5. Hmm, that's weird, lol. Are you getting any error messages?
  6. They have a good reason for blocking ports, and such. So, I agree with what Ozzy said. The best thing to do is to get your own computer so that way you can do whatever you want. Not trying to be mean here, or anything. However, this is one thing I won't help out with.
  7. if the icon script you are working on is in another folder besides your main mirc folder you will need to add $mircdir to the path then. Better yet, try this out... alias mdx { return $findfile($shortfn($mircdir),mdx.dll,1) } alias ctl { return $findfile($shortfn($mircdir),CTL_GEN.MDX,1) } alias bars { return $findfile($shortfn($mircdir),BARS.MDX,1) } alias views { return $findfile($shortfn($mircdir),views.mdx,1) } alias icon { return $findfile($shortfn($mircdir) $+ icons\ ,$1-,1) } dialog auto { title "List View example" size -1 -1 100 91 option dbu list 1, 1 3 98 73, size button "&OK", 2, 49 78 37 12, ok } on *:dialog:auto:init:0: { dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 ListView report single grid > $views did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 200 did -i $dname 1 1 headertext Autolist did -i $dname 1 1 seticon list $icon(gold.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon list $icon(host.ico) set -u %x 0 while (%x < $lines(auto.txt)) { did -a auto 1 +b 1 $read(auto.txt) inc %x } }
  8. Concerning the date it is good to have it displayed when using the time feature. That way if you have your script connected for more than a day you won't have to go through the hassle of scrolling up to find out what happened on which date. Concerning not having icons in the text I like having icons in the text. That way, it shows me if the person was a host, owner, or participant during the time of the conversations. However, I'll make it to where the icon display can be turned on, and off for those who don't like to use it. The full date display is already made to where it can be turned on, and off. Concerning the nicklist I've done as you suggested, and it does look better. I'll post a screenshot of it asap. I'm always looking for suggestions for the scripts I make. So, if anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
  9. Here is a screenshot of my current script I'm working on. It's not finished yet, but it will look alot better soon. It has the ability to not show the time as well. I just activated it for the screenshot so people can see a little of what it does. Commands you use when you are host or owner are hidden while you don't have op access as well, and there are a couple of commands that are only used on msnchat that won't show unless you are on the server. Voice, and devoice are also hidden until you make the room moderated as well. The nicklist also shows non-sub members as well with specks, and the (NS) on the right side of the persons nickname. (NS) = (Non Subscriber).
  10. try these... if ($nick isowner $chan) { halt } or... if ($1 isowner $2) { halt }
  11. From what I understand you want to replace the Admin_nickname to Owner_nickname in your nicklist if I'm not mistaken. If you have a custom made nicklist just use something like $replace($nick,Admin_,Owner_) or something like that. To be able to help you more we would need more info on what you are trying to do, and also the full code you have would help us to help you better.
  12. Try taking the... echo -a $dll($html,select,$window(@rsn).hwnd) ...out of the script. The Select is used when calling a default browser. However, when you use the navigate function it already uses a default browser. So, the select function won't be needed. Also, you don't need to use echo -a. Just use everything else after it. It should work just fine.
  13. Isn't this forum here to help those who want to learn? mIRC has a help file for those who do scripting with mIRC, but when I first started out I didn't know a single thing about mIRC. So, I had no clue on how to understand the help file, and everytime I asked for help I would run into people with attitudes just like what I see here. So, I had to learn on my own. I donwloaded some scripts, and played around with codes so I could see what each code did, and such. Now, I've been scripting for a little over 5 years, now. I'm still not the best. Not even close, but I think I'm pretty good, now, and I'm still learning. If we arenot here to help those who want to learn, then what are we doing here in the first place. If we have knowledge, then isn't it up to us to share that knowledge? If you don't, then what good is it? Sorry about the rants, lol. Anyway, back to the subject. If you use rebar.dll the code is something like this. dll dlls\rebar.dll Dock $dialog($dname).hwnd > top This will dock your dialog to the top of the chat window.
  14. Here is the new code for you. Just copy it, and replace your code with this. on *:start: { dialog -m nicklist nicklist } dialog nicklist { title "MSCN Admin Client" size -1 -1 136 184 option dbu icon $shortfn($mircdir) $+ \pics\msn.ico, 0 list 1, 5 6 72 217 text "Hamer Opties", 2, 80 8 52 10, center button "Geef Goud", 3, 80 18 52 10 button "Geef Bruin", 4, 80 28 52 10 button "Maak Deelnemer", 5, 80 38 52 10 button "Maak Touschouwer", 6, 80 48 52 10 text "Kick/Ban Opties", 7, 80 58 52 10, center button "Kick", 8, 80 68 52 10 button "Ban 15 minuten", 9, 80 78 52 10 button "Ban 1 uur", 10, 80 88 52 10 button "Ban 24 uur", 11, 80 98 52 10 text "IRC Operator Opties", 12, 80 108 52 10, center button "IP Kick", 13, 80 118 51 10 button "IP Ban 1 uur", 14, 80 128 52 10 button "IP Ban 6 uur", 15, 80 138 52 10 button "IP Ban 12 uur", 16, 80 148 52 10 button "IP Ban 24 uur", 17, 80 158 52 10 button "IP Ban 1 week", 18, 80 168 52 10 } alias icon { return $shortfn($mircdir) $+ \pics\) } alias mdx { return $shortfn($mircdir) $+ \dlls\mdx\mdx.dll) } alias mdx.view { return $shortfn($mircdir) $+ \dlls\mdx\views.mdx) } alias mdx.bars { return $shortfn($mircdir) $+ \dlls\mdx\bars.mdx) } alias mdx.gen { return $shortfn($mircdir) $+ \dlls\mdx\CTL_GEN.MDX) } on *:JOIN:*: { /split } on *:PART:*: { if ($nick == $me) { unset %away.* } | elseif ($nick != $me) { unset %away. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $nick } | /split } on *:KICK:*: { if ($knick == $me) { unset %away.* } | elseif ($knick != $me) { unset %away. [ $+ [ $knick ] ] $nick } | /split } on *:QUIT: { if ($nick == $me) { unset %away.* } | elseif ($nick != $me) { unset %away. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $nick } | /split } on *:RAWMODE:*: { /split } on *:DISCONNECT: { unset %away* } on *:dialog:nicklist:init:*:{ dll Dlls\rebar.dll Dock $dialog($dname).hwnd > right dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 ListView report single > Dlls\views.mdx did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 130 did -i $dname 1 1 iconsize normal small did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(owner.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(msn.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(cuppeh.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(glass.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(onk.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(onxy.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(winxp.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal $icon(oppers.ico) .timer.refresh 1 1 refresh .timer 0 1 cpugds2 set %cpu = $dll($pcdll,cpuinfo,_) } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:1: { unset %temponick unset %tempoaddy did -r nicklist 4 did -r nicklist 7 did -r nicklist 9 did -r nicklist 11 if ($did(1).seltext != $null) { set %temponick $remove($did(1).seltext,0 +fs 0 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 1 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 2 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 3 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 4 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 4 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 5 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 6 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 7 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 8 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 9 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 10 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 11 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 12 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 13 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 14 0 0 $+ $chr(32),0 +fs 15 0 0 $+ $chr(32)) .whois %temponick did -ra nicklist 4 %temponick) $userstatus $level } } on *:dialog:nicklist:dclick:1: { query } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:3:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else mode $active +q $$1 } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:4:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else mode $active +o $$1 } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:5:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else mode $active -qo+v $$1 } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:6:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else mode $active -qvo $$1 } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:8:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $active $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:9:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else access $active add DENY *! $+ $$ial($$1 $+ *,1).addr 15 | kick $active $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:10:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else access $active add DENY *! $+ $$ial($$1 $+ *,1).addr 60 | kick $active $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:11:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else access $active add DENY *! $+ $$ial($$1 $+ *,1).addr 1440 | kick $active $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:13:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kill $$1 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:14:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kline $$1 86400 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:15:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kline $$1 518400 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:16:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kline $$1 1036800 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:17:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kline $$1 2073600 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:18:{ if ($$1 == $null) { dialog -m error error | halt } | else kick $$1 Violating the MSCN Code of Conduct | kline $$1 14515200 Violating teh MSCN Code of Conduct } alias split { /waiting /waiting2 /waiting3 /waiting4 } alias waiting { .timernicklist 1 1 /refresh } alias waiting2 { .timernicklist2 1 0 /go } alias waiting3 { .timernicklist3 1 2 /go2 } alias waiting4 { .timernicklist4 1 1 /go3 } alias go { /accessrefresh } alias go2 { /levelrefresh } alias go3 { /cpugds1 } alias refresh { did -r nicklist 1 var %n 1 while (%n <= $nick($active,0)) { did -a nicklist 1 0 + $icon($nick($active,%n)) $nick($active,%n) inc %n } } alias accessrefresh { did -ra nicklist 15 $nick($active,0,q) did -ra nicklist 17 $nick($active,0,o) did -ra nicklist 19 $nick($active,0,v) did -ra nicklist 21 $nick($active,0,a,v) } alias all-list { var %l 1 var %x 0 while (%l <= $nick($1,0)) { if ($ulist($address($nick($1,%l),1),$2,1)) { inc %x } inc %l } return %x } alias -l icon { if ($level($address($1,1)) == Ignore) return 1 elseif (%away. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] == $1) return 2 elseif ($1 == $me) return 3 elseif ($left($1,5) isin AdminSysopGuide) return 4 elseif ($1 isowner $chan(1)) return 5 elseif ($1 isop $chan(1)) return 6 elseif (m isin $chan($chan(1)).mode) && ($1 !isvoice $chan(1)) return 7 else return 8 } dialog error { title "Nickname Error" size -1 -1 100 35 option dbu text "Selecteer eerst een nicknaam", 1, 2 2 98 8, center text "Klik op een naam uit de lijst", 2, 2 10 98 8, center button "Sluit", 3, 30 20 37 12, flat ok cancel }
  15. Okay, a few questions. Is your mdx.dll actually in the location C:\Program Files\mIRC\dlls\mdx? Second is your views.mdx actually in the location C:\Program Files\mIRC\dlls\mdx? The only reason I can think of for nothing showing right is because you don't actually have those paths that are specified along with the folder names specified. For instance, you could have a script that has a location of C:\My_Script. However, the dialog calls for an icon in C:\mirc\images. Therefore it wouldn't work, because you don't have a folder of C:\mirc\images. So, the solution is to go through, and see if you have the paths specified along with the icons specified. P.S.: I just now noticed another thing that I should've noticed before. I guess I'm almost dead tired, lol. However, mirc doesn't recognize folders which contains spaces in the name. So, I suggest changing C:\Program Files\mirc\ to $shortfn($mircdir) $+ \
  16. I don't know if this will help, but try using if ($did(1).sel == 3) .load -rs $scriptdiraident.mrc instead of if ($did(1).sel == 3) .load -rs " $+ $scriptdiraident.mrc "
  17. Yes, if (' isin %nickname) should do as long as you set the variable for %nickname
  18. Yes, what Ozzy_10 gave is good, or you can use if ($chr(39) isin $nick) halt Both codes should work just as good. The reason I use $chr's is that mirc seems to handle them a bit better for some reason.
  19. Warrior124


    Just about any voice recognition software will help. You will also need an mirc agent.
  20. I've heard that rebar.dll is better than ktools for docking. Try rebar instead.
  21. Ozzy's right. It isn't useless to make coding to rejoin channel on kick. See, for one thing just having the rejoin room when kicked checked only helps you to rejoin the room when kicked. However, it doesn't reowner you, and kick the kicker out of the room, and ban that person. Or it doesn't change the code so the offender can't reowner, or clear owner access, and such. However, you can put codes to do these kinds of things in your script, and it would be much better.
  22. Warrior124


    To load a picture into your status screen right click on the Status menu tab, go to "Background", and click on the "Select" button. A menu box will open where you can click on a file you would like to load. Just click on the picture file you would like to use "yourpic.jpg" or something like that. After you click on your picture file it will load into your status menu, and you'll be able to see it then. After that, right click on the "Status" tab again, go to "Background" again, and click on "Fill". This will stretch your pic to cover all of the status menu.
  23. Warrior124


    Try something like this. $replace($did(ID).text,$1,$chr(32)) I haven't tried this, yet. So, I don't know if it will work, but give it a try, and let me know.
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