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Msn Chatroom

holden rules

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Hello Peoples. Can anyone help with finding whatever it is thats needed to create my own chatroom that looks like the msn chatrooms for my own web page.I dont want to connect to other servers. I have been in many chatrooms on different servers and have also created my own room on these servers but all the time you end up with either the admins coming in to your room and complaining cause you have too many clones in there, or others come in to your chatroom and abuse you. So i have paid for a domain name and have my own website where i can create my own chatroom where it is only for friends and other friendly people that want to join. I dont want to start a new server where you create other rooms for people i just want a chatroom where it only has 1 room of the same name as the web link. If anyone can help me that would be much appreciated. Being a room owner on msn before they closed was a wonderful experience. Now having my own web page is even better. Can someone help me please Edited by holden rules
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Being as you are new here, I thought I would point out that this topic is likely to close, as this type of support is generally not offered here, as it creates hostilities. I think it's because of when msn started charging it brought tears to many peoples eyes. Here's an example of what happened when it closed.



The reason behind why we used to ban for having too many nicks is the joining/parting all at the same time is that it can lag the server.


If your willing to cut through all the porn spam of http://scriptmixers.com you can learn all about it there. I don't think he is able to maintain the site anymore but lots of people have beaten msn ocx to the ground. I beleive the site still has downloads. Feel free to message me for more info, I may have a solution for you. However making a chatroom involves more than having a website. You actually require a chat server as well, in the msn clone world there are a few people who have stolen little tidbits off of each other. One that you can use is called paperirc, others have tweaked it. another is called hexerver, I think theres another one called ccn server, it even has webpages you can tweak to your own liking. All of which are easy to operate from the windows platform. Idealy these can be used to operate one room. But one thing I find is if you create a room one of those little teen chat superstar sites where people think banning gives them coolness and power, is that on the UL listing the guides cant find it unless they actually know what to look for. I went 6 months undiscovered on a msn clone. Anyways best of luck.

Edited by Shagman
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Hi, you might be interested in trying an sdk room.


Basically SDK is a chat page that you can custom create in any style you want. You can also host the files directly on your website, so then the chatroom page link would be your domain plus whatever you named the file.


Basically the chat pages are hosted on your site, or the generators site, and the actual chatroom is hosted on vsixc. Vsixc is a very secure server. We do not have trouble with flooders etc there. You can also register your room for free, so that it stays open all the time. People can then sign directly into your chatroom from your website.


If you only want your friends to join the room, you have the option to hide it, so it does not show up on the room listing..then people will only be able to join the room through the link you give you from your site.


If you are not good at html, you can also use the custom generator, which will allow you to create the chat page in several styles. It will provide you with a link to put onto your site.



sdk package: http://www.tg007.net/downloadsmsn/pafiledb...id=997&idP=


custom generator: http://vsixc.ccscript.net/custom


sdk tutorial: http://www.tg007.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=7693


Edited by Deanne
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Just so you know, if you were to use VSIXc you do not have to worry about admin harassing you like they do on the clones. For what you want, using the sdk for VSIXc sounds like your best option.


This is a simple page I made. >Click Here< to give you an example.

Edited by Travis
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You could have a look around at http://www.koach.com/ if you didn't already tried that one.


the admins coming in to your room and complaining cause you have too many clones in there


The thing I picture myself here is that you fill your room with clones so it looks more busy and thus makes more people want to join to see if theres something going on in there?


These sort of tactics always backfire is my experience

Edited by Webagent007
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I agree with 007. Also, wth is with the font size? Like Travis and Deanne stated. Try VSIXc with the SDK pack. Or you can always just register a room on VSIXc and pass protect it. Were you looking for someone to help you make a chatroom with the MSN OCX?


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  • 2 months later...

Hello in regards to my first question I have managed to get up and running the PaperIRC server which everyone seems to say is crap but i only wanted this chatroom created so my g/f has somewhere to chat with friends and be able to play her favourite game wordfrenzy. I am using a chat page coded by scribbytech and it is loaded on a php-nuke site. I was wondering if someone knew how to make the gender pics show up. I have written to scribbytech but last i heard he was pissed off at the php-nuke community. Does someone have the know how to make the gender pics show up. If you require the chatroom code or the code for the paperIRC server then i will gladly post it here. If not i can send it to you on msn or by any other means. Hope to hear from someone in the near future. Thanks in advance for any help given

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