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help with buzzen


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You Rancid or whatever you want to call yourself, there's more then just me who still wants to use the msn ocx. All the people on buzzen, phreik,sparkpea, ect ... So dont be pointing fingers.


From what I've seen buzz is going to be a ghost town pretty soon. Alot of the rooms seemed to have moved out, since I was last there in mid-december. Can't blame them for moving out when there are so many other clones out there, which offer better service for free. :) How long can you keep people holding on with promises that never materialize? How long can you keep convincing people to 'donate' when simple features such as find a friend, and updating your profile don't work. How long will it take people to get annoyed with the overwhelming number of google ads scattered over every single page? Personally after hearing that buzzen might not release their own ocx afterall, I expect we will see buzzen simply close down at some point in the near future. As donation based rooms begin moving out, and buzzen potential for profits dwindle, they will have no motivation left to keep providing the service.


As for all the people on buzzen, phreik, sparkpea etc WANTING to use the msn.ocx. A very very large majority of chatters and room owners that I've talked to don't even know their is an alternative to the msn.ocx--worse yet a large majority of them don't even know what a clone IS, or that they ARE using the msn.ocx. :) lol Most people who visit VSIXc are impressed with the clean fresh look of the webchat, and friendly people. And those people who set up a room on VSIXc or who stick around as regular chatters are impressed with the server stability, and helpful staff. It says alot when you've got your regular chatters out telling ALL their friends just how great VSIXc is, and inviting them all to join it also. :) That type of energy is difficult to stop.


What I've found is that when people to hear that their is a better alternative to buzzen or the clone they are on--they start preparing their chatters, or bugging their room owners to move. :) I need more than two hands to count the number of rooms that are seriously fed up with buzzen and have either previously tried the other clones, or are just tired of the clonish look. :) These rooms are very close to de-cloning, as I expect that and a few start, alot more will follow.


Sites running their own ocx are the up and coming sites :) See! you first gotta be big, and lose all your users in order to be a ghost town. The sites running their ocx haven't hit their high point yet, they are still steadily working up towards it, and will probably enjoy a high user base for a long time after the clones have lost their freshness. Because sites with thier own ocx can keep updating, which VSIXc is in the process of doing again:) whereas the clones are stuck with the already outdated msn.ocx :)

Edited by Deanne
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Deanne you talk in a brainwashing form, why not just quit chat all together, Work on getting more disposable income? The question should be based on peoples past experiences with staffing issues with buzzen, why do "non-paid" staff stick around? If theres no return for the time put in, why bother? Why design web pages where someone else claims ownership of the site? Why promote something like it was your own, when at the end of the day there is no return? Why let others cash checks(cheques)? Now if you ever seen plentyoffish.com this site never asked for money from its members, yet it takes in $100,000 a month, and this was done within a 3 year period. Now gets over 1 million hits per day.


You can see the success story

. Something I would have brought. Ha Suckers. Edited by Shagman
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Guest XploziOn

Plz no fighting on the forum board , meet in person and Kick Some Ass, anyway in my opinion, people are gonna go where the most users are & that's Buzzen. in my opinion, the chatters dont care about what ocx their using or what server is better than the other or if this server has free rooms and that one doesn't, they are gonna go where the most users are, just look at Buzzen (users registered), i think it speaks foir itself. I myself go into chats from time to time, It's Buzzen that stay's constantly active at any giving time, at least people talks in their rooms. I dont think Buzzen will be overtaken anytime soon as i see them as the front runner & most likely will remain so. Most servers i go to like Molson said is Ghost Towns.

Edited by XploziOn
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