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U.s. Viewers Watched 36.9 Billion Online Videos In July


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People in the U.S. have an insatiable appetite for watching online videos.


According to new numbers released by market research firm ComScore, 85.5 percent of people in the U.S. with Internet access watched online videos in July -- that's 184 million people who watched a total of 36.9 billion online content videos in only one month. For comparison, that is equal to every single person on Earth watching at least five videos each.


And U.S. viewers' venue of choice is Google, which is not really surprising given the growth and popularity of YouTube. However, what is surprising is that the No. 2 spot goes to Facebook. This isn't the first time the social network has gotten so high on the video chart, but it's been a while since it last took this spot.


Coming in fourth and fifth were Vevo and Microsoft, respectively.


Other data from ComScore's report show that people in the U.S. watched 9.6 billion video ads in July with Google (again) ranking first as top venue and Hulu coming in second. ComScore notes that 20 percent of all videos viewed online were video ads.


"Video ads reached 52 percent of the total U.S. population an average of 61 times during the month," ComScore wrote in its report. "Hulu delivered the highest frequency of video ads to its viewers with an average of 46, while ESPN delivered an average of 26 ads per viewer."


Of YouTube partner data, the music channel Vevo maintained its No. 1 spot from months past, but gaming channel Machinima got the second spot for the first time ever. Warner Music came in third and Maker Studios got fourth.


The high ratings of YouTube music channels makes sense as reports came out earlier this week concluding that teens favorite venue for music listening happens to be YouTube.




Source: CNET

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