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AntiSec hackers release data from over 50 law enforcement agencies


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Potentially placing the lives of police informants in danger, the group of hackers known as AntiSec released a large amount of private data allegedly obtained from law enforcement agencies.


In a massive 10GB data cache titled ‘Shooting Sherrifs Saturday’, the AntiSec organization released the contents of over 300 email accounts across 56 law enforcement agencies, police training videos and identities of persons submitting tips though an anonymous tip system. Email correspondence contains private information including social security numbers for police officers as well as credit card numbers, email addresses, home addresses and personal exchanges between officers. In addition, members of AntiSec claim to have used the stolen credit card numbers to place donations to the Bradley Manning Support Network, ACLU, Electronic Frontier Foundation and other organizations.


This release comes after a similar release in June where the organization released a vast amount of user information from a FBI contractor as well as the “Chinga La Migra” leak of data from many Arizona police officers from LulzSec. AntiSec obtained the SSS data after hacking into a server containing over 70 websites of law enforcement agencies, mostly Missouri county sheriff offices. The websites in question are rumored to have been taken offline and the sites that remain online have shifted to static HTML content rather than dynamic PHP. AntiSec hacked the server a second time after police officials claimed to have moved to a more secure server after the first intrusion. Beyond personal data of officers, other data includes PDFs, videos and HTML files regarding police academy training as well as a list of over 60 informants.


Both of these releases are in response to the recent worldwide arrests of prominent individuals within both the Anonymous and LulzSec hacking organizations, including the arrest of alleged 18-year-old, LulzSec member Jake Davis otherwise known as Topiary. Davis was released on bail following the arrest with restrictions on using the Internet from a PC or smartphone as well as a curfew. LulzSec’s co-founder, known only as Sabu, claimed on Twitter to be at the Defcon conference this week in Las Vegas, but was unable to be found by attendees of the conference.

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