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Disable Version Reply??


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If you are using a plain mIRC socket-less connection to connect to the server, then there is no way to completely disable the CTCP VERSION reply.


The only way to catch the VERSION before mIRC gets it is to use a socket connection to connect to the server.


So I guess the next question is what do you use to connect to the server?

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If you are using a plain mIRC socket-less connection to connect to the server, then there is no way to completely disable the CTCP VERSION reply.


The only way to catch the VERSION before mIRC gets it is to use a socket connection to connect to the server.


So I guess the next question is what do you use to connect to the server?


There's only one working connection for Oasiz chat and it's not a socket conn, unfortunately.
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A basic socket connection isnt too hard to do.. more can be added to it later! Whats the main irc addy for Oasiz?


;;;;;;;; Oasiz IRCX Auth Tool ;;;;;;;;

;; VERSION   $1.02 $rev 24
;; AUTHOR    Rob Hildyard
;; DATE      16.07.10
;; SUPPORT   http://www.oasiz.net/forum/?showforum=83

;;;;;;; Status Window Shortcut ;;;;;;;

menu status {
  Oasiz Auth Tool: $oa_opdg(oa.at)

;;;;;; Send Auth Data To Server ;;;;;;

alias oa_opdg {
  if (!$dialog($1)) dialog -m $1 $1

;; Server list
alias oa_issv {
  ;; directory server
  if ($1 == return $true
  ;; groups server
  if ($1 == return $true
  ;; chat servers
  if ($1 == return $true
  if ($1 == return $true
  if ($1 == return $true
  ;; local server(s) (testing)
  if ($1 == return $true
  if ($1 == return $true
  return $false

;; Sanitize nickname
alias oa_sank {
  var %n = $remove($1,>,'Admin_,'Sysop_,'Guide_)
  return %n

;; Vefify email address
alias eval_email {
  var %reg ^[_\.0-9a-zA-Z]+@([0-9a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$
  return $regex($1,%reg)

ON ^*:LOGON:*: {
  %DOPASSPORT = $true
  %OASIZCONNX = $oa_issv($server)
  if (%OASIZCONNX) {

RAW *:*: {
  if (%OASIZCONNX) {
    if ($numeric == 451) {
      .RAW -q NICK $oa_sank($me)
      .RAW -q USER $gettok($emailaddr,1,64) * * : $+ $fullname
    if ($numeric == 910) || ($numeric == 912) {
      .RAW -q NICK $oa_sank($me)
      .RAW -q USER $gettok($emailaddr,1,64) * * : $+ $fullname
    if ($numeric == 800) && ($2 == 0) {
      .RAW -q AUTH $iif(%DOPASSPORT,OAServPassport,OAServ) I :OASSP000000X1A
    if ($1 == OAServPassport) || ($1 == OAServ) && ($2 == S) {
      if ($3 == OK) {
        if (%DOPASSPORT) {
          .RAW -q AUTH OAServPassport S : $+ %_oa.auth
        else {
          .RAW -q NICK $oa_sank($me)
      else {
        if ( $oa.nopp() ) {
          ;; We  are trying to connect with a passport that hasn't been updated/validated yet. D'oh!
          $oa.ppmg(You must select a valid (updated) passport before attempting to connect)
        else {
          ;; Yipee, we made it! Grab challenge response code
          set %_Yta true
          $oaGo( 2, $remove($3,OASSP000000) )
    if ($1 == OAServPassport) || ($1 == OAServ) && ($2 == *) {

on *:SOCKOPEN:x.i*:{
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /api?k= $+ %_oa.k $+ &e= $+ %_oa.e $+ &p= $+ %_oa.p $+ &a= $+ %_oa.a $+ &q= $+ %_oa.q HTTP/1.1 $+ $crlf $+ host: chat.oasiz.net $+ $crlf $+ Connection: close $str($crlf,2)

on *:SOCKREAD:x.i*:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  var %z | sockread %z
  while ($sockbr > 0) {
    tokenize 32 %z
    if ($regex($1-,/<challenge>(.*)</challenge>/)) { $_Ys($regml(1)) | return }
    if ($regex($1-,/<authcode>(.*)</authcode>/)) { $oa.ppsucc($regml(1)) | return }
    if ($regex($1-,/<error>(.*)</error>/)) { $oa.ppfail() | $oa.ppmg(Error: $regml(1)) | return }
  sockread %z

alias oaGo {
  if ( $1 == 1 ) {
    set %_oa.a authcode
  else {
    set %_oa.q $2
    set %_oa.a challenge
  sockopen x.i $+ $rand(000,999) chat.oasiz.net 80

alias _Ys {
  var %f = AUTH $iif(%DOPASSPORT,OAServPassport,OAServ) S :OASSP000000 $+ $1
  if (%_Yta) { .RAW -q %f | unset %_Yta | return }
  ;; Sock stuff under here
  if (%oa.sck) dosock %oa.sck %f

alias update_pp_list {
  did -r oa.at 1
  var %x = 1
  var %s = $ini(pp.ini,0)
  if ( %s > 0 ) {
    while (%x <= %s) {
      if ( $ini(pp.ini,%x) == $readini(oa.ini, n, settings, pp) ) var %t = %x
      did -a oa.at 1 $ini(pp.ini,%x)
      inc %x
    if (%t) {
      did -c oa.at 1 %t
      writeini -n oa.ini settings pp $did(oa.at,1).seltext
    ;; Enable "delete/update" buttons
    did -e oa.at 365 | did -e oa.at 8
    ;; Enable "connect" button if it has been updated
    if ( ($readini(pp.ini,n,$did(oa.at,1).seltext,u) != 0) && (($did(oa.at,110).state == 1) || ($did(oa.at,130).state == 1)) ) {
      did -e oa.at 34
    else {
      did -b oa.at 34
  else {
    ;; Disable "delete/update/connect" buttons if no entries
    did -b oa.at 365 | did -b oa.at 8 | did -b oa.at 34
    $oa.ppmg(Click "Add" to start the magic..)

;; Last Updated
alias oa.dlup {
  did -r oa.at 45
  var %t = $readini(pp.ini,n,$did(oa.at,1).seltext,u)
  var %p = $iif(%t != 0, %t, N/A)
  did -a oa.at 45 %p

alias oa.upd {
  set %_oa.k $readini(pp.ini,n,$did(oa.at,1).seltext,k)
  set %_oa.e $readini(pp.ini,n,$did(oa.at,1).seltext,e)
  set %_oa.p $readini(pp.ini,n,$did(oa.at,1).seltext,p)

alias oa.ppsucc {
  if (!$dialog(oa.at)) { return }
  var %st = Authentication data successfully loaded
  ;; successful update. What do we do now?
  writeini -n pp.ini $did(oa.at,1).seltext a $1
  writeini -n pp.ini $did(oa.at,1).seltext u $asctime(dd/mm/yy h:nnTT)
  ;; Enable add/delete buttons
  did -e oa.at 346 | did -e oa.at 365
  ;; Enable connect button IF we have a server selected
  if ( ($did(oa.at,110).state == 1) || ($did(oa.at,130).state == 1) ) {
    did -e oa.at 34
  else {
    %st = %st $+ Please select which server(s) to join.

alias oa.ppfail {
  if (!$dialog(oa.at)) { return }
  ;; Enable "add/delete" buttons
  did -e oa.at 346 | did -e oa.at 365

alias oa.nopp {
  var %x = $readini(pp.ini,n,$readini(oa.ini, n, settings, pp),u)
  if ( (!%x) || (%x == 0) ) return $true
  return $false

alias oa.ppmg {
  if (!$dialog(oa.at)) { echo -s $1- | return }
  did -r oa.at 44
  did -a oa.at 44 $1-

alias oa.svr {
  var %c = 0
  if ( $did($dname,110).state == 1 ) %c = 3
  if ( $did($dname,130).state == 1 ) %c = %c + 5
  if ( %c == 3 ) %c = M
  if ( %c == 5 ) %c = G
  if ( %c == 8 ) %c = B
  writeini -n oa.ini settings s %c

alias Gs {
  if ($1 == G) return

alias Doserv {
  var %svr = $readini(oa.ini,n,settings,s)
  if (%svr != <img src='http://www.tg007.net/forum/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' /> {
    server $Gs(%svr)
  else {
    server $Gs(M)
    server -m $Gs(G)

dialog oa.at {
  title "Oasiz IRCX Auth Tool v1.02"
  size -1 -1 123 147
  option dbu

  text "API Information:", 42, 6 4 40 8, left
  link "click here", 812, 47 4 60 8

  list 1,5 15 112 45

  text "Last Updated:", 10, 6 60 40 8, left
  text "N/A", 45, 45 60 75 8, left

  button "Add", 346, 5 70 36 11,
  button "Delete", 365, 43 70 36 11,
  button "Update", 8, 82 70 36 11,

  text "Server:", 100, 6 87 35 8, left
  check "Main", 110, 27 87 23 8,
  check "Groups", 130, 50 87 26 8,
  button "Connect", 34, 82 85 36 11,

  box "Status", 4, 6 98 112 33, read multi left
  edit -, 44, 11 107 102 19, read multi left
  text "Copyright © 2010", 9, 24 134 46 8, left
  link "oasiz.net", 12, 70 134 30 8


on *:dialog:oa.at:init:*:{
  ;; Disable "delete/update/connect" buttons if no entries
  if ( $ini(pp.ini,0) == 0 ) { did -b $dname 365 | did -b $dname 8 | did -b $dname 34 }
  ;; Server check boxes
  if ( $readini(oa.ini,n,settings,s) == M ) { did -c $dname 110 }
  if ( $readini(oa.ini,n,settings,s) == G ) { did -c $dname 130 }
  if ( $readini(oa.ini,n,settings,s) == B ) { did -c $dname 110 | did -c $dname 130 }

on *:dialog:oa.at:sclick:1:{
  ;; Selecting passport in list
  var %a = $did($dname,1).seltext
  if (%a) {
    writeini -n oa.ini settings pp $did($dname,1).seltext

;;; Add new passport
on *:dialog:oa.at:sclick:346:{
  var %e = $$?="Step 1 of 3: Enter email address:", %p = $$?*="Step 2 of 3: Enter password:", %k = $$?="Step 3 of 3: Enter API Key:"
  ;; Validate data
  if ( !$eval_email(%e) ) { $oa.ppmg( Input error: Invalid email address ) | return }
  if ( $readini(pp.ini,n,%e,e) ) { $oa.ppmg( Input error: This passport already exists ) | return }
  if ( $len(%k) != 36 ) { $oa.ppmg( Input error: Incorrect API key ) | return }
  ;; Looks like we made it. Let's get it updated..
  writeini -n pp.ini %e e %e
  writeini -n pp.ini %e p $md5(%p)
  writeini -n pp.ini %e k %k
  writeini -n pp.ini %e u 0
  $oa.ppmg( Passport added. Updating/verifying data.. )
  writeini -n oa.ini settings pp %e

;;; Delete passport
on *:dialog:oa.at:sclick:365:{
  if ($?!="Are you sure you want to remove this passport?" == $true) {
    remini pp.ini $did($dname,1).seltext
    ;; Lets select the first on the list (if exists)
    if ( $ini(pp.ini,0) > 0 ) { writeini -n oa.ini settings pp $ini(pp.ini,1) }

alias oa.updv {
  ;; Disable "add/delete/connect" buttons whilst we update
  did -b oa.at 346 | did -b oa.at 365 | did -b oa.at 8 | did -b oa.at 34

;;; Update passport
on *:dialog:oa.at:sclick:8:{

;;; Server choice (main)
on *:dialog:oa.at:sclick:110:{

;;; Server choice (groups)
on *:dialog:oa.at:sclick:130:{

;;; connect button
on *:dialog:oa.at:sclick:34:{
  set %_oa.auth $readini(pp.ini,n,$did(oa.at,1).seltext,a)
  $oa.ppmg( Connecting. Please wait... )
  dialog -x oa.at

;; URLs
on *:dialog:oa.at:sclick:12:{ url -an http://www.oasiz.net }
on *:dialog:oa.at:sclick:812:{ url -an http://chat.oasiz.net/chat_api_key }
Edited by Warrior124
Added in code
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Started working on it this weekend actually... although Ill only probably be able to get the base part of the connection done and release it here on Techgear most likely as a snippet..


I knew this other guy who made an attempt at it as well and the conn kept dc'ing.
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