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Buzzen Update


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Buzzen Chat network appears to be up and stable again after several days of chat disruption.


All servers have been replaced with new ones and each has been updated with the latest software. Due in part to a planned move by the hosting ISP, buzzen servers began showing problems. After trying unsuccessfully to repair all the problems, it was decided it would be in the best interest of buzzen and it's users to replace the aging hardware and software. The staff worked tirelessly for several days trying to get everything installed and in working condition.


At that time of this writing we were able to access buzzen chat and everything seemed to be working correctly once again. We were also told that some users may continue to experience a few minor problems while the DNS is updated.


From Buzzen:


To the users of buzzen chat service the Staff would like to apologize for the unplanned downtime and to let our users know that some very exciting changes and advancements are coming to the buzzen chat network very soon. There is also a plan to make up for the downtime to the BSR owners. Please know that we are very sorry for the unplanned downtime and we will continue to work hard for our users and try to keep things like that from happening again.

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