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Buzzen Downtime


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I'll try to shed some light on it for everyone.


A new server was purchased to replace an aging one for the .com part of the site.


They were waiting for the ISP hosting all of buzzen's servers to complete a scheduled move before installing the new server and moving the .com site to it.


It seems during the move something happened. Whether it was directly related to the move is still unknown but the chat server and the .net server crashed.


At the time of this post there are now new servers for the .net and the chat and everything is being installed.


It really sux about the downtime ( something that unfortunately buzzen uses have had to deal with lately ) but once every thing is re-installed on the new servers things should be much more stable.


I know everyone hates down time and buzzen staff is no different. Jay has had several sleepless nights trying to fix the servers but in the end it was deemed better to just re-install everything on new servers. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon.


Please be patient as everything that can be done is being done. I know that isn't the answer most want to hear but that is what's going on.

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