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Profile Reader


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:oops: ... dont like asking this .... but has anyone got a working profile reader code for spcn where if someone hasnt got a profile or even and age in ther profile it will kick them ... harsh I knows .. as always thank you for any replies on this one :D
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i happen to know of a chat that has this feature as msn did, but slightly different format.

here some mirc raws from /debug


-> irc.phreik.net PROP err0r profile

<- :irc.phreik.net 818 Stealthâ„¢ err0r PROFILE 35 1 United States



can script output of that to display or do whatever kick wise etc. eg.

** err0r's ASL :: 35 Male United States


as for spcn... i cant help.

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:oops: just remembered Hiz had a spcn profile scanner ... but its not on his site :( so im going to have a look around in here :P if I know err0r it will be here somewhere :D



found it thank you :D

Edited by JOhnson
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I haven't tested to see if it works but Hiz scanner is here http://www.tg007.net/dls/index.php?action=file&id=1002


:oops: no it doesnt work anymore ... it just comes into the room as everything is "Unknown" and its very slow I though it wasnt working at all then I looked at my screen it appeared but like I sed it was all "Unknown" :( well thanks for the reply and the link err0r :D

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it appears that ppl are able to generate custom profiles. This will make a profile scanner pretty ineffective.. I need to know how many different ways they can edit the age in the profile. If you are able to change the actual html around it then it's going to be nearly impossible to check with no mistakes.


anyways here is a quick thing i did.. though if they can change there profiles it won't be of much help i'm afraid.


menu channel {
  Profile Scanner
  .$iif($istok(%Prof.scan,$chan,44),$style(1)) Scan $chan : $iif($istok(%Prof.scan,$chan,44),set %Prof.scan $remtok(%Prof.scan,$chan,1,44),set %Prof.scan $addtok(%Prof.scan,$chan,44))
on !*:JOIN:#:{ 
  if ((!$istok(%Prof.scan,$chan,44)) || (%Profileflood > 2) || ($left($nick,1) == ^) || ($left($nick,1) == >)) { halt }
  inc -u2 %Profileflood | set %prof.ck. [ $+ [ $nick ] ] $chan | .prop $nick PUID
raw 818:*: { if (%prof.ck. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]) {  bprofa $2 $4 %prof.ck. [ $+ [ $2 ] ]  | unset %prof.ck. [ $+ [ $2 ] ] } | halt }
alias bprofa { var %profsock $+(bprofa,$+($rand(1,99999),$rand(A,Z),$rand(a,z))) | sockopen %profsock www.sparkpea.net 80 | sockmark %profsock $1 $2 $3 }
on *:sockopen:bprofa*: { 
  if ($sockerr) { sockclose $sockname | halt }
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /profile.php?epuid= $+ $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,2,32) HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8)
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.sparkpea.net
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf
on *:sockread:bprofa*: {
  if ($sockerr > 0) return | var %bprofa | sockread %bprofa 
  if ($regex(%bprofa,/<b>Nickname :</b>(.*)<br>/)) { echo $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32) $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) Nickname: $regml(1)) }
  if ($regex(%bprofa,/<b>Age :</b>(.*)<br>/)) { echo $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,3,32) $gettok($sock($sockname).mark,1,32) Age: $regml(1) | sockclose $sockname }

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it appears that ppl are able to generate custom profiles. This will make a profile scanner pretty ineffective.. I need to know how many different ways they can edit the age in the profile. If you are able to change the actual html around it then it's going to be nearly impossible to check with no mistakes.


:oops: after I looked at the profile scanner ... I must agree with you err0r so what I did and it will only work with a vincula connection is an "Old Script Kicker" that Rylan did ages ago ... as it works as a profile reader now :lolwave: but like you say if people dont put anything it there profilles there is nothing you can do about it :D well as always err0r thank you for your reply and your help on this one fella ... thank you :D

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