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yeah it should


could also be just ($gettok($time,1,58) !isnum 9-22)


alias checkidle {
;Just start a timer to checkidle every once in awhile
;3600 equals 1 hour  23 equals 11pm and 8 equals 8 am
;The below code will activate durning the hours of 11 pm to 8 am if you are idle more than an hour
    if ($idle > 3600) && ($gettok($time,1,58) !isnum 9-22) {
      if (%sleeptime != on) { <do nickchange and amsg here> | set -e %sleeptime on }

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this should work ( again untested )



on *:connect: { .timercheckidle 0 300 checkidle }
alias checkidle {
;Just start a timer to checkidle every once in awhile
;3600 equals 1 hour  23 equals 11pm and 8 equals 8 am
;The below code will activate durning the hours of 11 pm to 8 am if you are idle more than an hour
     if ($idle > 3600) && ($gettok($time,1,58) !isnum 9-22) {
       if (%sleeptime != on) {  /nick jagie_away | amsg Idle mode active | set -e %sleeptime on }
menu channel {
   $iif(%sleeptime,$style(1),$style(2)) Idleaway: { if (%sleeptime) { unset %sleeptime | /nick jagie } }

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This bit starts a time that every 300 seconds (5 Mins) runs the checkidle alias

on *:connect: { .timercheckidle 0 300 checkidle }


The Checkidle Alias

alias checkidle {


If your idle time is more than 3600 seconds (1 hour) AND time is not between 9am and 10pm

if ($idle > 3600) && ($gettok($time,1,58) !isnum 9-22) {


if %sleeptime IS NOT on then change nickname to jagie_away and amsg "idle mode active" and set %sleeptime on

if (%sleeptime != on) {  /nick jagie_away | amsg Idle mode active | set -e %sleeptime on }






This put a menu in the channel menu that when clicked tells mirc you arer back unsets the %sleeptime and changes nick to jagie

menu channel {
   $iif(%sleeptime,$style(1),$style(2)) Idleaway: { if (%sleeptime) { unset %sleeptime | /nick jagie } }





I hope that helps

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Works great, one more code I could require to finish it off :)


Is their a way to get rid of all the Titlebar? Atm it has like [#chan, (server), Modes, Topic)


Can i not completely get rid of that. I have a script + dll, so if i do the alias /whatever "Word", it will change the whole titlebar to that word, and nothing else, but if you close mIRC and restart or hop channels it goes back to way it was.


Is their no way to completely rid the title bar, I dont like how long it is, and would rather have it so it only has a word or two.



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Erm, well, the titlebar, you know the top of the program, the bar at the top. the one after all the "file, view, tools", and it says like "mIRC blah blah blah", basically the bar where the minimize, restore, and close button is ^^ :D

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