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Screenshot Uploader Help :)


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on *:sockopen:upload*:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    .signal -n i.fail $sock($sockname).mark
    sockclose $sockname
  else {
    var %i $md5($sockname), %img $sock($sockname).mark, %ext $regex(%img,/\.(\w+)$/), %ext $regml(1)
    bread $qt(%img) 0 $file($qt(%img)).size &img
    bset -t &cont 1 -- $+ %i $+ $crlf $+ Content-Disposition: form-data $+ $chr(59) name="fileupload" $+ $chr(59) filename=" $+ $nopath(%img) $+ " $+ $crlf $+ $& 
      Content-Type: image/ $+ %ext $+ $str($crlf,2)
    bcopy &cont $calc($bvar(&cont,0) + 1) &img 1 -1
    bset -t &cont $calc($bvar(&cont,0) + 1) $crlf $+ -- $+ %i $+ -- $+ $crlf
    sockwrite -n $sockname POST / HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite -n $sockname Host: load.imageshack.us
    sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Keep-Alive
    sockwrite -n $sockname Keep-Alive: 1200
    sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: multipart/form-data $+ $chr(59) boundary= $+ %i
    sockwrite $sockname Content-Length: $bvar(&cont,0) $+ $str($crlf,2)
    sockwrite $sockname &cont
on *:sockread:upload*:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    .signal -n i.fail $sock($sockname).mark
    sockclose $sockname
  var %x
  sockread %x
  if ($regex(%x,/<input type="text" onClick="track\('direct'\).+value="(.+)"\/>/i)) {
    did -ra is 9 $regml(1)
    tokenize 32 $did(is,16)
    var %i $3 + 1
    if (%i == $5) did -ra is 16 Uploaded $5 images.
    else did -ra is 16 Uploading images %i of $5 complete.
    hadd -m is $regml(1) $sock($sockname).mark
    sockclose $sockname
on *:sockclose:upload*:{ .signal i.fail $sock($sockname).mark }
on *:signal:i.fail:{
  if ($input(Upload failed on img $qt($1-) $+ . Click retry to upload the img again.,rh,Error)) {
    var %s $i.id
    sockopen %s load.imageshack.us 80
    sockmark %s $1-
  else {
    tokenize 32 $did(is,16)
    if ($calc($3 + 1) == $5) did -ra is 16 Upload complete.
    else did -ra is 16 Uploading images $calc($3 - 1) of $calc($5 - 1) complete.
on *:sockopen:download:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    noop $input(Unable to download image.,oh,Error)
    sockclose $sockname
  else {
    tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
    sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $2 HTTP/1.0
    sockwrite $sockname Host: $1 $+ $str($crlf,2)
on *:sockread:download:{
  if ($sockerr) {
    noop $input(Error downloading image.,oh,Error)
    sockclose $sockname
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  if ($0 == 2) {
    var %x $true
    while (%x) {
      if (Content-Len isin %x) var %len $gettok(%x,2,32)
      sockread %x
    sockmark $sockname $sock($sockname).mark $iif(%len,$v1,$false)
  var %fn $nopath($2)
  while ($sock($sockname).rq) {
    sockread &cont
    bwrite %fn -1 -1 &cont
  if ($3) && ($file(%fn).size >= $3) {
    sockclose $sockname
    did -ac isv 4 http:// $+ $1 $+ $2
    hadd -m is http:// $+ $1 $+ $2 $longfn(%fn)
on *:sockclose:download:{ 
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  did -ac isv 4 http:// $+ $1 $+ $2
  hadd -m is http:// $+ $1 $+ $2 $longfn($nopath($2)) 


This is the upload bit I think! from what dodge gave us! :)

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Woohooo i got it working lol


obviously not all my own work


alias takess {
  noop $dll(c:\Program Files\mIRC\mirc ss.dll, takess, 100 %file)
alias ss {
  msg # setting filename
  set %file c:\screenshots\desktop $+ $rand(1,10000) $+ .jpg
  msg # taking screenshot
  msg # trying to upload
  share %file

alias /share {
  if $1 = $null {
    %sharing_file = $$msfile($$msfile(C:\))
  if $1 {
    %sharing_file = $1-
  %tempsockname = imageshack_drone $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9)
  echo 7 Opening initial connection...
  sockopen %tempsockname www.imageshack.us 80
  sockmark %tempsockname filename= $+ %sharing_file
; unset %sharing_file
  unset %tempsockname

on 1:sockopen:imageshack_drone*:{

  bset -t &postdata 1 -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploadtype" $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) on $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fileupload"; filename=" $+ $nopath($gettok($mid($sock($sockname).mark,11),1,59)) $+ " $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Type: image/jpeg $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bread " $+ $gettok($mid($sock($sockname).mark,10),1,59) $+ " 0 $file($gettok($mid($sock($sockname).mark,10),1,59)).size &file_contents
  bcopy &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) &file_contents 1 -1
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) $crlf $+ -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="url" $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) paste image url here $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="email" $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) 13145728 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="refer" $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) http://imageshack.us/ $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="brand" $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="optsize" $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) 320x320 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) -----------------------------18762165517410--

  sockwrite -nt $sockname POST / HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: imageshack.us
  sockwrite -nt $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ko; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Frefox/3.0.5
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.8,ko-kr;q=0.5,ko;q=0.3
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Accept-Charset: EUC-KR,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Keep-Alive: 1200
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Connection: keep-alive
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Referer: http://imageshack.us/?no_multi=1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------18762165517410
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Content-Length: $bvar(&postdata,0) $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  echo 7 Sending file package...
  sockwrite $sockname &postdata

on 1:sockread:imageshack_drone*:{
  sockread -f %lol
  if $mid(%lol,1,9) = location: {
    %lol = $mid(%lol,11)
    msg $active Uploaded to imageshack: http:// $+ $gettok(%lol,2,$asc(/)) $+ / $+ $gettok($gettok(%lol,2-,$asc(?)),3-,$asc(=))
    unset %lol

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Wow Wow Wow, That is brilliant, Exactly what I was looking for. One final tiny last thing. You know how it has

  set %file c:\screenshots\desktop $+ $rand(1,10000) $+ .jpg


Well that saves the file as desktop(randomnumber).jpg, Is their a way you could have it so it would be like Desktop1, Desktop2, Desktop3, Desktop4, Desktop5, Desktop6. So then the last one taken would be the highest number, it would ordered in the folder. Basically, the number wouldnt be random, it would just keep increasing.


But thanks for this, this is Incredible! :D

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Just add this line above that one:

if (!%ssnum) { set %ssnum 0 }
inc %ssnum

Then that makes the new line:

set %file c:\screenshots\desktop $+ %ssnum $+ .jpg


Or, if you prefer to have more redundancy:

if (!%ssnum) { set %ssnum $findfile(c:\screenshots\,*.jpg,0) }
inc %ssnum

Though this may slow down the code somewhat if the %ssnum variable doesn't exist.

Edited by takaharu_
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Jagie if you want it with the @imageshack window use this


alias takess {
  noop $dll(c:\Program Files\mIRC\mirc ss.dll, takess, 100 %file)
alias ss {

  msg # setting filename
  if (!%ssnum) { set %ssnum 0 }
  inc %ssnum
  set %file c:\screenshots\desktop $+ %ssnum $+ .jpg
  msg # taking screenshot
  msg # trying to upload
  share %file

alias /share {
  if $1 = $null {
    %sharing_file = $$msfile($$msfile(C:\))
  if $1 {
    %sharing_file = $1-
  %tempsockname = imageshack_drone $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9) $+ $rand(0,9)
  echo 7 Opening initial connection...
  sockopen %tempsockname www.imageshack.us 80
  sockmark %tempsockname filename= $+ %sharing_file
; unset %sharing_file
  unset %tempsockname

on 1:sockopen:imageshack_drone*:{

  bset -t &postdata 1 -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="uploadtype" $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) on $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="fileupload"; filename=" $+ $nopath($gettok($mid($sock($sockname).mark,11),1,59)) $+ " $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Type: image/jpeg $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bread " $+ $gettok($mid($sock($sockname).mark,10),1,59) $+ " 0 $file($gettok($mid($sock($sockname).mark,10),1,59)).size &file_contents
  bcopy &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) &file_contents 1 -1
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) $crlf $+ -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="url" $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) paste image url here $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="email" $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) 13145728 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="refer" $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) http://imageshack.us/ $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="brand" $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) -----------------------------18762165517410 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) Content-Disposition: form-data; name="optsize" $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) 320x320 $+ $crlf
  bset -t &postdata $calc($bvar(&postdata,0) + 1) -----------------------------18762165517410--

  sockwrite -nt $sockname POST / HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Host: imageshack.us
  sockwrite -nt $sockname User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; ko; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Frefox/3.0.5
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.8,ko-kr;q=0.5,ko;q=0.3
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Accept-Charset: EUC-KR,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Keep-Alive: 1200
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Connection: keep-alive
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Referer: http://imageshack.us/?no_multi=1
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------18762165517410
  sockwrite -nt $sockname Content-Length: $bvar(&postdata,0) $+ $crlf $+ $crlf

  echo 7 Sending file package...
  sockwrite $sockname &postdata

on 1:sockread:imageshack_drone*:{
  sockread -f %lol
  if $mid(%lol,1,9) = location: {
    %lol = $mid(%lol,11)
    msg $active Uploaded to imageshack: http:// $+ $gettok(%lol,2,$asc(/)) $+ / $+ $gettok($gettok(%lol,2-,$asc(?)),3-,$asc(=))
    window -z @imageshack
    aline @imageshack http:// $+ $gettok(%lol,2,$asc(/)) $+ / $+ $gettok($gettok(%lol,2-,$asc(?)),3-,$asc(=))
    unset %lol



the first time u do it it will move to imageshack window everytime after that will write to it but keep channel active


i am not sure how to move back to channel window

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I managed to do a different way ^^ But thanks again


on 1:sockread:imageshack_drone*:{
  sockread -f %lol
  if $mid(%lol,1,9) = location: {
    %lol = $mid(%lol,11)
   /set %link http:// $+ $gettok(%lol,2,$asc(/)) $+ / $+ $gettok($gettok(%lol,2-,$asc(?)),3-,$asc(=))
    /echo -a Uploaded to %link
/write screenshots %link
    unset %lol


Then created an alias

/screen /window -e @Screenshots | /filter -fw screenshots.txt @screenshots


So that will list all the screenshots from the text file I do.


Thank you all for all the hard work you put it in this, I am so grateful of all your help! This is why I love TG :D


Thank you once again <3

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