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Alias Refresh Help


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K much like the refresh in lets say a access dialog


alias refresh { access $active List | did -r access.list 2 $gettok($1-,3,32) $gettok($1-,4,32) | did -r access.list 14 $gettok($1-,5,32) $gettok($1-,7-,32) | did -r access.list 15 $gettok($1-,6,32) | halt }


I want to refresh 4 edit boxes in my dialog numbers of each edit box is 2,3,4,5 can someone help.

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did -r just clears it you need to did -ra


i'm really not sure what you are doing with the $gettoks


but it would be something like


did -ra access.list 2 blah

did -ra access.list 3 another blah


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Ok i am tryin to fix it where ya can message 3 rooms at one time.


alias Tripple {
  dialog -m TRM TRM

dialog TRM {
  title "Tripple Room Message"
  size -1 -1 128 60
  option dbu
  button "Set Rooms", 1, 9 10 37 7
  edit "", 2, 4 18 50 10
  edit "", 3, 4 28 50 10
  edit "", 4, 4 38 50 10
  edit "", 5, 59 38 62 10
  button "Set Message", 6, 70 30 37 7
  box "", 7, 56 25 68 26
  box "", 8, 56 1 68 28
  box "", 9, 2 1 55 50
  button "&Ok/Cancel", 10, 38 52 37 7, ok cancel
  text "You may only message 3 ", 11, 57 11 65 8, nowrap center
  text "rooms at one time", 12, 57 20 64 8, nowrap center
  button "&Reset/All", 13, 69 5 37 7

on *:dialog:TRM:init:*: {
  did -ra $dname 2 %chan1
  did -ra $dname 3 %chan2
  did -ra $dname 4 %chan3
  did -ra $dname 5 %chanmsg

  dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version
  dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname
  dll $mdx SetFont $dname
  dll $mdx SetColor $dname
  dll mdx.dll SetBorderStyle 1,6,10  14 50 Georgia Bold
  dll mdx.dll SetColor $dname 1,6,10 text $rgb(%list1colour,%list2colour,%list3colour)
  dll $mdx SetFont $dname 1,6,10 40 Georgia Bold
  dll $mdx SetColor 1,6,10 text $rgb(0,80,0) 

on *:dialog:TRM:sclick:*:{
  if ($did = 1) { if ($did = 1) { $iif($did(2), set %chan1 $did(2)) | $iif($did(3), set %chan2 $did(3)) | $iif($did(4), set %chan3 $did(4)) | %snd.dat | .echo $active 0,4Rooms 0,12Added } }  
  if ($did = 6) { if ($did = 6) { $iif($did(5), set %chanmsg $did(5)) | .echo $active 0,4Message 0,12Added } }
  if ($did = 10) { if ($did = 10) {  /triplemsg } }
  if ($did = 13) { if ($did = 13) { .unset %chan1 | .unset %chan2 | .unset %chan3 | .unset %chanmsg | %snd.dat | .refresh | .echo $active 0,12Rooms & Message 0,4Deleted } }

alias refresh { ???????????? }

alias triplemsg { 
  if (!%var) { set %var %chan1,%chan2,%chan3 } 
  else { tokenize 44 %var | msg $* %chanmsg } 


This code was someone elses idea but Jethro edited it I am just trying to make it easier than to have to constantly edit the code. I wanted it to refresh when & click the Reset All button in my code above.


  if (!%var) { set %var %chan1,%chan2,%chan3 } 
  else { tokenize 44 %var | msg $* %chanmsg } 

Edited by CharmedOne
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alias refresh { did -r TRM 2,3,4,5 }


this would clear all the boxes


or you could just do it in the sclick


if ($did = 13) { .unset %chan1 %chan2 %chan3 %chanmsg | did -r TRM 2,3,4,5 | .echo $active 0,12Rooms & Message 0,4Deleted }



i took out %snd.dat as i'm not sure what that's there for but without a set or unset it's useless

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Guest Travis

Typo? Looks like my code when IM sleepy.


You have 2 identical comparisons. Feel free to delete this after you fix it or even if it was intentional.

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