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I am using Tewls connection it dosent have a code in connection to make the pm box open up & when someone pm's me it ends up on the screen is there a code avaliable for me to stick in the connection :pizza:


Here is what I am working with.


on *:start:{ .connect }
on *:socklisten:start:{
  .sockaccept localhost
  .sockclose $sockname
on *:sockread:localhost:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  var %ldata | sockread %ldata | tokenize 32 %ldata
  if ($1 == JOIN) {
    if ($chr(44) isin $2) {
      var %x = 1
      while (%x <= $numtok($2,44)) {
        var %c $gettok($2,%x,44)
        var %j $calc(%x * 500)
        .timerjoin $+ %j -m 1 %j MJOIN $remove(%c,$chr(37))
        inc %x
    else MJOIN $remove($2,$chr(37))
  elseif ($1 == AWAY) {
    var %x 1 | var %n = $chan(0)
    while (%x <= %n) {
      cline -l $color(gray) $chan(%x) $fline($chan(%x),$me,1,1)
      echo -ti2 $chan(%x) $chr(3) $+ 14 $+ $echogap1 $echogap1 $chr(2) $+ * $+ $chr(2) You are now away $2-
      inc %x
  elseif ($1 == BACK) {
    var %x 1 | var %n = $chan(0)
    while (%x <= %n) {
      cline -lr $chan(%x) $fline($chan(%x),$me,1,1)
      echo -ti2 $chan(%x) $chr(3) $+ 14 $+ $echogap1 $echogap1 $chr(2) $+ * $+ $chr(2) You are now back
      inc %x
  elseif ($1 == KICK) sockwrite -n buzzen $1-3 $iif($left($4-,1) == :,$right($4-,-1),$4-)
  elseif ($1 == PRIVMSG) {
    if ($me ison $2) sw $1-
    else sw $1 $comchan($2,1) $2-
  elseif ($1 == NOTICE) {
    if ($me ison $2) sw $1-
    else sw $1 $comchan($2,1) $2-
  else sw $1-
if ($4 == $me) && ($5 == :TIME) {
  var %t.nick = $right($gettok($1,1,33),-1), %rply =  $+ $Asctime(ddd) $Asctime(mmm) $Asctime(d) $Time(HH:nn:ss) GMT $+ $Asctime(zz) $Asctime(yyyy) ]
on *:sockopen:buzzen:{
  .sockwrite -n $sockname AUTHTYPE ircwx1
  .sockwrite -n $sockname LOGINH %email %password
  .sockwrite -n $sockname $iif(%clone == $true,NICK %cnick, USER $me $me $me $+(:,anon))
  .sockwrite -n $sockname CLIENTMODE cd1
  .timerkeep 0 30 checkcon
on *:sockread:buzzen:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  var %fdata
  sockread %fdata
  if (%fdata != $null) edata ↠%fdata
  %fdata = $regsubex(%fdata, /\[(?:style\x20.*?|/style)\]/gi,$null)
  tokenize 32 %fdata
  if ($1 == PING) .sw PONG $2-
  elseif ($1 == PONG) return
  elseif ($2 == 353) {
    if ($chr(44) isin $6) {
      var %a = 6
      var %b
      var %name
      while (%a <= $0) {
        %name = $remove($gettok($gettok($1-,%a,32),2,44),:)
        if (%b == $null) %b = %name
        else %b = %b %name
        if ($left($remove($gettok($gettok($1-,%a,32),1,44),:),1) == A) .hadd -m $md5($5) $remodes(%name) away
        inc %a
      sockwrite -n localhost :FlashIrcServer.1 353 $me = $5 : $+ %b
    else sockwrite -n localhost $1-
  elseif ($2 == 403) && ($chr(37) isin $4) sw CREATE $4
  elseif ($2 == NOTICE) && ($3 != AUTH) {
    if ($left($4,1) == :) sockwrite -n localhost $1-
    else {
      if ($left($5-,2) == :) && ($right($5-,1) == ) sockwrite -n localhost $1-3 $5-
      else { 
        var %f $gettok($5,1,32)
        if ($left(%f,7) == :TIME) sockwrite -n localhost $1-3 :TIME $+($right($5-,-7),)
        else sockwrite -n localhost $1-3 $5-
  elseif ($2 == PRIVMSG) {
    if ($Regex($5, :TIME)) || ($Regex($4, /^(:+(VERSION|TIME|FINGER|”DTäE)+)|(:DCC|:PING) $/)) {

      if ($Regex($5, :TIME)) .signal -n CHECKING $Mid($Gettok($1, 1, 33), 2) $Mid($Sockname, 6) $4-
      else .signal -n CHECKING $Mid($Gettok($1, 1, 33), 2) $Mid($Sockname, 6) $3-

    if ($left($4,1) == :) {
      if ($left($4-,2) == :) && ($right($4-,1) == ) && ($4 != :ACTION) return
      else sockwrite -n localhost $1-
    else {
      if ($left($5-,2) == :) && ($right($5-,1) == ) && ($5 != :ACTION) return
      else sockwrite -n localhost $1 WHISPER $3-
  elseif ($2 == DATA) && ($4 == PID) set %pid $6

  elseif ($2 == DATA) { 
    var %n = $regsubex($1,:(.+)!.+@.+,\1)
    if ($6 == :WHISPACCEPTNEEDED) echo $color(notice) -a * Waiting for $buzz.decode(%n) to Accept Whisper.
    elseif ($6 == :WHISPACCEPTED) echo $color(notice) -a * $buzz.decode(%n) has Accepted Your Whisper.
    elseif ($6 == :WHISPDECLINED) echo $color(kick) -a * $buzz.decode(%n) has Declined Your Whisper.
    elseif ($6 == :WHISPWNDCLOSED) echo $color(kick) -a * $buzz.decode(%n) has Closed the Whisper Window.
  elseif ($2 == 329) return
  elseif ($2 == 352) { 
    if ($11- != anon) {
      if ($4 isin %scheck) { echo -a [4Script] - $8 is not webchat. 10 $11- }
    noop write data\check.txt $3 $6 | halt
  elseif ($2 = JOIN) {
    if ($chr(37) isin $3) sockwrite -n localhost $1-
    else sockwrite -n localhost $1 $2 $4-
  elseif ($2 = PROP) {
    if ($4 == OWNERKEY) echo -a 3 * $nick Changed $4 to $5-
    if ($4 == HOSTKEY) echo -a 3 * $nick Changed $4 to $5-
    if ($4 == TOPIC) echo -a 3 * $nick Changed $4 to : $6-
    if ($4 == ONJOIN) echo -a 3 * $nick Changed $4 to : $6-
  elseif ($Regex($2, 801|802|820)) {
    if ($2 == 801) echo -e $4 * Added $5-
    if ($2 == 802) echo -e $4 * Deleted $5-
    elseif ($2 == 820) echo -e $4 * Cleared $5
  elseif ($2 == 822) {
    if ($me ison $3) {
      if ($gettok($right($1,-1),1,33) != $me) echo $3 14 * $gettok($right($1,-1),1,33) Is Now Away $4-
      set %awaynick $gettok($right($1,-1),1,33)
      if (%awaycheck == on) { $awayfloodcheck }
      cline -l $color(gray) $3 $gettok($right($1,-1),1,33)
  elseif ($2 == 821) {
    if ($me ison $3) {
      if ($gettok($right($1,-1),1,33) != $me) echo $3 15 * $gettok($right($1,-1),1,33) Is Now Back
      set %awaynick $gettok($right($1,-1),1,33) 
      if (%awaycheck == on) { $awayfloodcheck }
      cline -lr $3 $gettok($right($1,-1),1,33)
  else sockwrite -n localhost $1-

if ($2 == Whisper) { sockwrite -n privmsg $1 $2- }

alias login {
  .unset %email
  .unset %password
alias connect {
  if (%email == $null) set %email $$input(Email:,e,Login) 
  if (%password == $null) set %password $md5($$input(Password:,p,Login))

  if (%debug == on) .window -k0 @sockread
  .var %localport = $rport
  .socklisten start %localport
  .timer -m 1 200 .server %localport
  .timer 1 1 sockopen buzzen irc.buzzen.net 6667 
alias sw {
  if ($sock(buzzen).status == active) {
    .sockwrite -n buzzen $1-
    .edata → $1-
alias remodes return $remove($remove($remove($remove($1-,'),.),@),%)
alias rport { var %port $rand(2000,6000) | while (!$portfree(%port)) { %port = $rand(2000,6000) } | return %port }
alias edata {
  if (%debug == on) {
    if ($window(@sockread) == $null) .window -k0 @sockread
    .echo @sockread $+(,$1,) $2-
alias sread {
  if ($1 == on) {
    if ($window(@sockread) == $null) .window -k0 @sockread
    .set %debug on
  elseif ($1 == off) {
    .set %debug off
    .window -c @sockread
  else .echo -a ERROR: Invalid parameter. /sread [on|off]
alias checkcon {
  if (!$sock(buzzen)) {
    .timerkeep off
alias mjoin { sw join $+($chr(37),$1) }

dialog access.list {
  title ""
  size -1 -1 227 187
  option dbu
  box "", 1, 1 1 184 137
  list 2, 3 6 180 130, size vsbar disable
  box "", 3, 185 1 41 137
  button "Add", 4, 187 6 37 12, disable
  button "Delete", 5, 187 19 37 12, disable
  button "Clear Denies", 6, 187 32 37 12, disable
  button "Clear Grants", 7, 187 45 37 12, disable
  button "Clear Voice", 8, 187 58 37 12, disable
  button "Clear Hosts", 9, 187 71 37 12, disable
  button "Clear Owners", 10, 187 84 37 12, disable
  button "Clear All", 11, 187 97 37 12, disable
  box "", 12, 1 136 225 50
  edit "", 13, 3 141 221 43, read multi vsbar disable
  button "Refresh", 16, 187 111 37 12, disable
  button "Close", 17, 187 124 37 12, ok 
  list 14, 238 4 70 107, size hide
  list 15, 311 4 70 107, size hide
alias refresh { access $active List | did -r access.list 2 $gettok($1-,3,32) $gettok($1-,4,32) | did -r access.list 14 $gettok($1-,5,32) $gettok($1-,7-,32) | did -r access.list 15 $gettok($1-,6,32) | halt }
raw 804:*: { did -a access.list 2 $gettok($1-,3,32) $gettok($1-,4,32) | did -a access.list 14 $gettok($1-,5,32) $gettok($1-,7-,32) | did -a access.list 15 $gettok($1-,6,32) | halt }
raw 803:*: { halt }
raw 805:*: { halt }
on *:dialog:access.list:init:*: {
  if ($me !isop $active) { did -a access.list 13 Access listing was denied (No access) | did -a access.list 2 Access listing was denied (No access) | dialog -t $dname $active (No access) }
  else { access $active List | dialog -t $dname $active (Access List) | did -e $dname 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,16 }
on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:2: { 
  if ($did($did).sel == $null) halt
  did -c access.list 14,15 $did($did).sel 
  did -ra $dname 13 Type: $gettok($did(2).seltext,1,32)) $+ $crlf $+ Access Mask: $buzz.decode($gettok($did(2).seltext,2,32)) $+ $crlf $+ 
  if ($gettok($did(14).seltext,2-,32) != $null) { did -a $dname 13 Reason: $buzz.decode($gettok($did(14).seltext,2-,32)) $+ $crlf $+ } 
  if ($gettok($did(14).seltext,2-,32) == $null) { did -a $dname 13 Reason: None Added $+ $crlf $+ }
  if ($gettok($did(14).seltext,1,32) != 0) { did -a $dname 13 Time Remaining: $gettok($did(14).seltext,1,32) Minutes $+ $crlf $+ Placed By: $buzz.decode($ial(* $+ $did(15).seltext,1).nick) *!* $+ $did(15).seltext }
  if ($gettok($did(14).seltext,1,32) == 0) { did -a $dname 13 Time: No Time Limit $+ $crlf $+ Placed By: $buzz.decode($ial(* $+ $did(15).seltext,1).nick) *!* $+ $did(15).seltext $+ $crlf $+ }
on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:4: { .dialog -mh addaccess addaccess }
on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:5: {
  if ($did(2).seltext == $null) halt
  if ($input(Are you sure you want to delete entry? ,y)) {
    access $active delete $did(2).seltext | refresh
on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:6: { 
  if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear denies for $active ,y)) {
    access $active clear deny | refresh 
on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:7: { 
  if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear grants for $active ,y)) {
    access $active clear grant | refresh
on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:8: { 
  if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear voice for $active ,y)) {
    access $active clear voice | refresh
on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:9: { 
  if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear hosts for $active ,y)) {
    access $active clear host | refresh
on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:10: { 
  if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear owners for $active ,y)) {
    access $active clear owner | refresh
on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:11: { 
  if ($input(Are you sure you want to clear all access for $active ,y)) {
    access $active clear | refresh
on *:dialog:access.list:sclick:16: { refresh }

dialog addaccess {
  title "Add Entry"
  size -1 -1 153 72
  option dbu
  box "", 1, 1 0 151 71
  combo 2, 36 6 79 10, drop
  text "Type:", 3, 21 7 15 8
  edit "", 4, 36 18 114 11
  text "Reason:", 5, 15 19 21 8
  edit "", 6, 36 30 114 11, autohs
  text "Access Mask:", 7, 3 31 33 8
  edit "0", 8, 36 42 114 11, autohs
  text "Time Limit:", 9, 10 43 26 8
  button "Close", 11, 100 54 35 12, cancel
  button "Add", 12, 60 54 35 12, ok
on *:dialog:addaccess:init:*: {
  did -a $dname 2 Deny
  did -a $dname 2 Grant
  did -a $dname 2 Voice
  did -a $dname 2 Host
  did -a $dname 2 Owner
  did -c $dname 2 1
on *:dialog:addaccess:sclick:12: { 
  if ($did(6).text == $null) halt
  if {$did(6).text != $null) { access $active add $did(2).text $did(6).text $did(8).text : $+ $did(4).text | did -r addaccess 4,6,8 | refresh }

on ^*:KICK:*:{ 
  if ($nick == $me) {
    join $chan

alias xchanlist {
  %a, %b, %c, %d, %l
  %a = $lines(channels\chanz.txt)
  %b = $1
  %a = $calc(%a - %b)
  %d = $read(channels\chanz.txt,%a)
  if (%d == $null) return 
  else return $calc(%b + 1) $+ . %d

on *:JOIN:*: {
  if ($nick == $me) { 
    .set %passportnick. [ $+ [ $ispassport ] ] $me
    .set %passportrole. [ $+ [ $ispassport ] ] $me $+ = $+ $read($cookiedat,$ispassport)
    .set %chan $chr(35) $+ $remove(#,$chr(37) $+ $chr(35))
    .set %last $read(channels\chanz.txt, w, * $+ %chan $+ *)
    if (%chan != %last) /write channels\chanz.txt %chan 
/timer 1 9 ctcp ping 

alias rnd {
  var %1 = 5, %2
  while (%1) {
    %2 = %2 $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(0,9) $+ $r(A,Z) $+ $r(0,9) 
    dec %1
  return %2 

alias channel.list { 
  var %c $$1 , %p $2 | unset %channel.list* 
  set %channel.list.total 0 | set %channel.list.ticks $ticks | set %channel.list.users 0

  if ($sock(channel.list)) sockclose $ifmatch
  if (!$window(@channel.list)) window -lkf -t25,29 @channel.list verdana 10
  channel.list.buf 1 | titlebar @channel.list - $channel.list.flip(%c) $iif(%p,- Page: %p)

  sockopen channel.list www.buzzen.net 80
  sockmark channel.list %c %p

alias channel.list.flip return $gettok($channel.list.cat(2),$findtok($channel.list.cat(1),$$1,44),44)

alias channel.list.cat {
  if ($$1 == 1) return UN,GN,RM,CP,PR,IN,NE,SP,CC,LS,ET,RL,RP
  elseif ($$1 == 2) return Unlisted,General,Romance,Computing,Peers,Interests,News & Events,Sports & Politics,City Chats,Lifestyles,Entertainment,Religion,RolePlay

alias channel.list.menu1 {
  if ($1 isin begin end) return
  if ($gettok($channel.list.cat(2),$1,44)) { var %i $ifmatch | return $+($iif($regex($window(@channel.list).title,%i),$style(3)) %i,:,channel.list $gettok($channel.list.cat(1),$1,44)) }

alias channel.list.menu2 {
  if ($1 <= $gettok(%channel.list.num,1,32)) return $1 :channel.list $gettok(%channel.list.num,2,32) $1

alias channel.list.buf {
  if ($1 == 1) {
    clear @channel.list
    aline @channel.list $chr(160)
    aline @channel.list Room $chr(9) Users $chr(9) Topic
    aline @channel.list $chr(160)
  if ($1 == 2) {
    aline @channel.list $chr(160)
    aline @channel.list - Synched in: $+(,$calc(($ticks - %channel.list.ticks) / 1000),s) $chr(160) Channels: $+(,%channel.list.total,) $chr(160) Users: $+(,%channel.list.users,)

on 1:sockopen:channel.list:{
  tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
  var %str $+(/roomslist.aspx?,$iif($2,$+(pg=,$2,&)),cat=,$1)
  sockwrite -n $sockname POST %str HTTP/1.4
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.buzzen.net
  sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Length: $len(%str) $+ $str($crlf,2) $+ %str
  sockwrite -n $Sockname $crlf

on 1:sockread:channel.list:{
  var %r | sockread %r 
  if ($regex(%r,Title2".Pages:)) && ($regsubex(%r,/^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$/g,)) && ($numtok($gettok($v1,2-,32),32) > 1) {
    tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark
    set %channel.list.num $v1 $1
  if ($regex(%r,chatui.+rmlist)) {
    tokenize 1 $regsubex(%r,/^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$/g,$chr(1)) | inc %channel.list.total

    var %u $iif(!$regex(%r,</a></td><td></td>),$4,$3)
    %channel.list.users = %channel.list.users + %u

    aline @channel.list $+($chr(37),$chr(35),$replace($2,$chr(32),\b)) $chr(9) $chr(160) %u $chr(9) $iif(!$regex(%r,</a></td><td></td>),$3)
  if ($regex(%r,</HTML>)) { sockclose $sockname | channel.list.buf 2 }

on *:close:@channel.list:unset %channel.list*

  var %Nick = $1, %Chan = $2, %CTCP = $Remove($4, $Chr(1), $Chr(58))

  echo -a 3 * %Nick checked your %CTCP

  if (%CTCP == PING);%Sw :PING $+(Noob, )

  elseif (%CTCP == TIME) NOTICE %Nick $Str($Chr(2), 2)  $+ $Asctime(ddd) $Asctime(mmm) $Asctime(d) $Time(HH:nn:ss) GMT $+ $Asctime(zz) $Asctime(yyyy)
  elseif (%CTCP == VERSION) && ($2 == %verskick) { /access %blah add deny $address($nick,1) | /kick %blah $nick flower Off :@ }
  elseif (%CTCP == FINGER) NOTICE I've Got a Finger For You

elseif ($2 == 315) { 
  if ($2 isin %scheck) { set -u20 %scheck $remtok(%scheck,$2,44) }
elseif ($2 == 329) return
elseif ($2 == 352) { 
  if ($11- != anon) {
    if ($4 isin %scheck) { echo -a [4Script] - $8 is not webchat. 10 $11- }
  noop write data\check.txt $3 $6 | halt

;;;Check from Moschino

menu @channel.list {
  dclick:join $gettok($sline(@channel.list,1),1,9)

  • Join Channel:join $$gettok($sline(@channel.list,1),1,9)
  • Category Select
  • $iif(%channel.list.num,Select Page)
  . $submenu($channel.list.menu2($1))
  • Channel Link
  .• Echo Link In Status:echo -st * Link: http://www.buzzen.net/chatui.aspx?rm=%25%23 $+ $replace($right($gettok($sline(@channel.list,1),1,9),-2),\b,+)
  .• Copy Link:clipboard http://www.buzzen.net/chatui.aspx?rm=%25%23 $+ $replace($right($gettok($sline(@channel.list,1),1,9),-2),\b,+)
  .• Run in Webchat:run iexplore http://www.buzzen.net/chatui.aspx?rm=%25%23 $+ $replace($right($gettok($sline(@channel.list,1),1,9),-2),\b,+)

;;;edited to work for Buzzen.net

alias joind { set %room $$?="Enter Normal Room Name" | join $chr(37) $+ $chr(35) $+ $replace(%room,$chr(32),\b) }

alias Buzz.decode {
  var %r, %l 1
  %r = $replacecs($1-,ï‚,B,ï‚ ,-,ï€>,-,,-,ï€,-,ï…,E,ïƒ,C,ï,A,ï’,R,ï‹,K,ï¹,y,ﺘ,i,ﺉ,s,דּ,t,טּ,u,ﻉ,e,ï«,k,ï†,F,ï
,a,ï®,n,ï£,c,ï¥,e,ïŽ,N,ï¡,a,ï´,t,ï©,i,ï¯,o,ï®,n,ï¦,f,ï·,w,ïœ,\,ï¼,|,ï€,@,ï,P,ï„,D,,',, ,,$chr(40),,$chr(41),,*,,:,ï›,[,ï,],ï°,p,,.)
  %r = $replacecs(%r,ا,I,ή,n,ņ,n,Ω,n,»·,y,Ñ€,p,Р,P,Å™,r,Ñ…,x,Ä®,I,Ä»,L,Ф,o,Ĉ,C,Å,o,Å©,u,Å„,
,c,Ä‹,c,ħ,h,į,i,ŧ,t,Ζ,Z,Þ,Þ,þ,þ,ç,ç,á,á,¾,¾,ž,ž,Ç,Ç, $+ $chr(173),-,Ã,Á,…,…,¨,¨,ý,ý,ˉ,¯,â€,”,Û,Û,ì,ì,Ï,p,έ,e,г,r,à,à,È,È,¼,¼,ĵ,j,ã
,ß,¤,¤,×,×,ô,ô,Å ,Š,ø,ø,›,›,â,â,î,î,€,€,Å¡,š,ï,ï,ÿ,ÿ,Ń,N,©,©,®,®,Ã
  %r = $replacecs(%r,Ƥ,P,χ,X,Ň,N,Û°,·,Ä´,J,І,I,Σ,E,ι,i,Å,O,δ,o,×¥,y,ν,v,×¢,y,מ,n,Ž,Ž,Å‘,
o,ÄŒ,C,Ä—,e,₤,L,ÅŒ,O,ά,a,Ä ,G,Ω,O,Ð,H,ể,e,ẵ,a,Ж,K,á»,e,ế,e,á»—,o,Å«
Ÿ,u,Ñ’,h,¹,¹,Ỳ,Y,λ,a,С,C,Ð $+ $chr(173),E,Å°,U,Ī,I,Ä,c,Ä”,E,Åœ,S,Ị,I,Ä,g,Å€,l,Ñ—,i,Ù­,*,ʼn,n,Ħ,H,Д,A,Îœ,M,Ñ‘
,e,Ц,U,Ñ,e,“,“,Ñ„,o,у,y,Ñ,c,к,k,Ã…,Å,â„ž,R,ï “,I,ɳ,n,Ê—,c,â–«,·,Ñ“,r,ệ,
  %r = $replacecs(%r,²,²,л,n,Ñ‹,bl,б,6,ש,w,―,-,Ϊ,I,ï ,`,Å­,u,ổ,o,Ǿ,Ø,ẫ,a,ầ,a,ï±,q,Ẃ,W,Ĥ,H,á»,o,−,-,ïž,^,ล,a,Äœ,G,ﺯ,j,Ù‰,s,Ѓ,r,ứ,u,â—,·,Ï,u,,0,,7,,",Ó©,O,Ç,i,Ç‘,O,Æ ,O,,2,Ò¯,y,ï¶,v,Ð,A,≤,<,≥,>,ẩ,a,ïˆ,H,Ù¤,e,ﺂ,i,ÐŒ,K,Ū,U,,;,ă,a,ĸ,k,Ć,C,Ĭ,I,ň,n,Ĩ,I,Ι,I,Î
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  return %r

;;;Buzz.decode out of Moschino Connection.

Menu Status {
  • Buzzen Connection
  .• View Room List :{ channel.list GN }
  .• Join A Room
  ..• Join IRC Name :{ join $$?"Enter IRC Room Name" }
  ..• Join Normal Name:{ joind }
  .Join Rooms:
  .Last 20 Channel's
  ..$iif($xchanlist(0) == $null, No channels have been joined):.halt
  ..$iif($xchanlist(0) != $null, $xchanlist(0)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(0),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(1) != $null, $xchanlist(1)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(1),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(2) != $null, $xchanlist(2)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(2),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(3) != $null, $xchanlist(3)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(3),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(4) != $null, $xchanlist(4)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(4),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(5) != $null, $xchanlist(5)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(5),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(6) != $null, $xchanlist(6)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(6),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(7) != $null, $xchanlist(7)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(7),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(8) != $null, $xchanlist(8)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(8),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(9) != $null, $xchanlist(9)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(9),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(10) != $null, $xchanlist(10)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(10),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(11) != $null, $xchanlist(11)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(11),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(12) != $null, $xchanlist(12)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(12),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(13) != $null, $xchanlist(13)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(13),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(14) != $null, $xchanlist(14)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(14),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(15) != $null, $xchanlist(15)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(15),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(16) != $null, $xchanlist(16)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(16),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(17) != $null, $xchanlist(17)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(17),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(18) != $null, $xchanlist(18)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(18),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(19) != $null, $xchanlist(19)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(19),2,32)
  .Select Roomname:{
    var %join, %l 
    %join = $$?="Please select room name" 
    if (%join == $null) halt
    if ($cr != $left(%join,2)) %join = $mr(%join)
    if ($chr(32) isin %join) %join = $replace(%join,$chr(32),\b)
    find_channel %join
  .Edit roomlist:.run channels\chanz.txt
  .$iif($xchanlist(0) != $null, Clear Roomlist)
  ..Now:.remove channels\chanz.txt | .echo -a 4Channel History Cleared1.

Menu Channel {
  • Hop •:{ hop }
  • Join A Room
  .• Join IRC Name :{ join $$?"Enter IRC Room Name" }
  .• Join Normal Name:{ joind }
  Join Rooms:
  .Last 20 Channel's
  ..$iif($xchanlist(0) == $null, No channels have been joined):.halt
  ..$iif($xchanlist(0) != $null, $xchanlist(0)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(0),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(1) != $null, $xchanlist(1)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(1),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(2) != $null, $xchanlist(2)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(2),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(3) != $null, $xchanlist(3)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(3),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(4) != $null, $xchanlist(4)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(4),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(5) != $null, $xchanlist(5)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(5),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(6) != $null, $xchanlist(6)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(6),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(7) != $null, $xchanlist(7)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(7),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(8) != $null, $xchanlist(8)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(8),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(9) != $null, $xchanlist(9)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(9),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(10) != $null, $xchanlist(10)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(10),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(11) != $null, $xchanlist(11)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(11),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(12) != $null, $xchanlist(12)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(12),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(13) != $null, $xchanlist(13)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(13),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(14) != $null, $xchanlist(14)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(14),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(15) != $null, $xchanlist(15)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(15),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(16) != $null, $xchanlist(16)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(16),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(17) != $null, $xchanlist(17)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(17),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(18) != $null, $xchanlist(18)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(18),2,32)
  ..$iif($xchanlist(19) != $null, $xchanlist(19)):.join $gettok($xchanlist(19),2,32)
  .Select Roomname:{
    var %join, %l 
    %join = $$?="Please select room name" 
    if (%join == $null) halt
    if ($cr != $left(%join,2)) %join = $mr(%join)
    if ($chr(32) isin %join) %join = $replace(%join,$chr(32),\b)
    find_channel %join
  .Edit roomlist:.run channels\chanz.txt
  .$iif($xchanlist(0) != $null, Clear Roomlist)
  ..Now:.remove channels\chanz.txt | .echo -a 1Channel History Cleared4.

  • Clear Access
  .• Clear All :{ access # clear | access # add owner $+(*!*, $Ial($me).addr) 0 :Buzzen Connection Owner Access }
  .• Clear Owner :{ access # clear owner | access # add owner $+(*!*, $Ial($me).addr) 0 :Buzzen Connection Owner Access }
  .• Clear Host :{ access # clear host }
  .• Clear Help Op: { access # clear host }
  .• Clear Voice:{ access # clear voice }
  .• Clear Deny:{ access # clear deny }

Menu Nicklist {
  • Buzzen Nick Options
  .• Nick Info
  ..• Echo $buzz.decode($$1) Gate :{ echo -a $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) }
  ..• Echo $buzz.decode($$1) Nick :{ echo -a $buzz.decode($$1) }
  ..• Find $buzz.decode($$1) Profile :{ clipboard $buzz.decode($$1) | /echo -a 3 * Please Paste (Ctrl+V) Into Search Field | run http://www.buzzen.com/members/find.php }
  .• Hammer Options For $buzz.decode($$1)
  ..• +q $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # +q $$1 }
  ..• -q $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # -q $$1 }
  ..• +o $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # +o $$1 }
  ..• -o $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # -o $$1 }
  ..• +h $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # +h $$1 }
  ..• -h $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # -h $$1 }
  ..• +v $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # +v $$1 }
  ..• -v $buzz.decode($$1) :{ mode # -v $$1 }
  .• Kick's
  ..• Kick $buzz.decode($$1) No Message :{ kick # $$1 }
  ..• Kick $buzz.decode($$1) With Message :{ kick # $$1 $$?"Message Here" }
  .• Ban's
  ..• 5 Min Ban $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 5 :5Min Timeout | kick # $$1 5 Min Time Out }
  ..• 15 Min Ban $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 15 :15Min Timeout | kick # $$1 15 Min Time Out }
  ..• 30 Min Ban $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 30 :30Min Timeout | kick # $$1 30 Min Time Out }
  ..• 1 Hour Ban $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 60 :60Min Timeout | kick # $$1 1hr Time Out }
  ..• 24 Hour Ban $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 1440 :24Hr Timeout | kick # $$1 24hr Time Out }
  .• Access Adder
  ..• Add Owner $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add owner $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 0 :Buzzen Connection Owner Access }
  ..• Add Host $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add host $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 0 :Buzzen Connection Host Access }
  ..• Add Voice $buzz.decode($$1) :{ access # add voice $+(*!*, $Ial($$1).addr) 0 :Buzzen Connection Voice Access }
  .• Clear Access
  ..• Clear All :{ access # clear all | access # add owner $+(*!*, $Ial($me).addr) 0 :Buzzen Connection Owner Access }
  ..• Clear Owner :{ access # clear owner | access # add owner $+(*!*, $Ial($me).addr) 0 :Buzzen Connection Owner Access }
  ..• Clear Host :{ access # clear host }
  ..• Clear Help Op:{ access # clear host }
  ..• Clear Voice:{ access # clear voice }
  ..• Clear Deny:{ access # clear deny }

Edited by CharmedOne
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Once you receive the whisper you will need to open up a query window for that nick. then in the input ? for that you will have to send your responses back as WHISPER instead of msg.


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This will open the query


raw whisper:*:{
  .query $nick
  .echo -mbflirt $nick $+($nick,11: $3-)


Code for input

on *:input:?: {
    if ($left($1-,1) != /) && ($comchan($active,0) > 0) {
      .whisper $comchan($active,1) $active $1-
      .echo -mbflirt $active $+($me,: $1-)

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