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Autojoin / Explain


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:oops: please please will someone explain to me what a "autojoin" actually is and how does it "work" as iv download a few off hawkee as iv looked in downloads in tg007 and cant find one. Iv put the autojoin in remote but im sorry fellas I havent a clue how it works and if I dont ask I will still be here till christmas :lolwave: trying to figure it out :D
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well without seeing what you are talking about i'm assuming it's an auto joiner for rooms on networks..


say you want to auto join #tg007 when you connect to koach

or %#!!~\bSoulFly\b~!! when you connect to buzzen. It will allow you to set which rooms you want to auto join on which servers.


But it could mean something different depending on the code. If you provide an example of what you are talking about I can be more certain with the answer.

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:oops: this is the one I was looking at what I got from hawkee which iv pasted into my mirc remote ... I hope im allowed to do this :o ... question time lol when I go to "AutoJoin Wizard" I get a drop down menu with "Active" then "Configure" then "Add This Channel" so what I did was I clicked on "Active" and it put a tick at the side of it :D ... then I clicked "Configure" and in "Channels" I put #tg007 and in "Specific Network" I put koach.com ... I then did the same again this time I added #chainconn to "Channels" and buzzen.net to "Specific Network" my next question is how does this work :oops: ... many thanks to the quick reply err0r :D


alias -l ajwiz.rem remini $ajwiz.ini $1-
alias -l ajwiz.write writeini $ajwiz.ini $1-
alias -l ajwiz.i return $ini($ajwiz.ini,$1,$2)
alias -l ajwiz.ini return $qt($scriptdirajwiz.ini)
alias -l ajwiz.selnet return $did(ajwiz,3,$did(ajwiz,3).sel)
alias ajwiz dialog - $+ $iif($dialog(ajwiz),a,m ajwiz) ajwiz
alias -l ajwiz.selchan return $did(ajwiz,2,$did(ajwiz,2).sel)
alias -l ajwiz.selcmd return $did(ajwiz,12,$did(ajwiz,12).sel)
alias -l ajwiz.read if ($isfile($ajwiz.ini)) { return $readini($ajwiz.ini,$1,$2) }
alias -l ajwiz.load.channels {
  var %i = $ajwiz.i(channels,0), %a = did -a ajwiz 2
  did -r ajwiz 2
  did -b ajwiz 7
  while (%i) {
    %a $ajwiz.i(channels,%i)
    dec %i
  did -b ajwiz 3,8,9,10,12,14,15,16
  did -r ajwiz 3,12
alias -l ajwiz.select.network {
  var %net = $did(ajwiz,3,$did(ajwiz,3).sel)
  if (%net) {
    did -e ajwiz 8,10
    ajwiz.write $ajwiz.selchan $+ Nets %net $did(ajwiz,3,$did(ajwiz,3).sel).cstate
alias -l ajwiz.select.command {
  var %cmd = $ajwiz.selcmd
  if (%cmd) {
    did -e ajwiz 14,15
    ajwiz.write $ajwiz.selchan $+ Cmds $replace(%cmd,$chr(32),½,",µ) $did(ajwiz,12,$did(ajwiz,12).sel).cstate
alias -l ajwiz.add.channel {
  var %i = $iif($1,$1,$input(Enter the name of a channel that you would like to add to the AutoJoin list. $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ (ie: #Blah),eio,Create New Entry)), %c
  if (%i) {
    %c = $remove($iif($left(%i,1) == $chr(35),%i,$chr(35) $+ %i),$chr(32))
    ajwiz.write Channels %c 1
    ajwiz.write %c $+ Nets All 1
    if ($dialog(ajwiz)) { ajwiz.load.channels }
alias -l ajwiz.del.channel {
  if ($input(Are you sure that you want to remove this channel?,wy,Confirm Delete Channel)) {
    var %c = $ajwiz.selchan, %r = ajwiz.rem
    %r Channels %c
    %r %c $+ Nets
    %r %c $+ Cmds
alias -l ajwiz.add.network {
  if ($input(Please enter a network mask to autojoin $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ (ie: *.dal.net or *.chatscape.net) $+ $crlf $+ $crlf $+ Try not to specify too many parameters unless you are sure of the entire network name.,ioe,Add New Network Mask)) {
    ajwiz.write $ajwiz.selchan $+ Nets $remove($v1,$chr(32)) 1
alias -l ajwiz.del.network {
  ajwiz.rem $ajwiz.selchan $+ Nets $ajwiz.selnet
  if ($did(ajwiz,3).lines == 0) { did -b ajwiz 8 }
alias -l ajwiz.clear.networks {
  if ($input(Are you sure that you want to completely uncheck all of the networks?,wy,Confirm Network Clear)) {
    var %c = $ajwiz.selchan, %i = 1, %m = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Nets,0), %a = did -l ajwiz 3, %aj
    while (%i <= %m) {
      %aj = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Nets,%i)
      %a %i
      ajwiz.write %c $+ Nets %aj 0
      inc %i
    did -b ajwiz 8,10
alias -l ajwiz.load.networks {
  var %c = $ajwiz.selchan, %i = 1, %m = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Nets,0), %a = did -a ajwiz 3, %k = did -s ajwiz 3, %aj
  did -r ajwiz 3
  if (%m) { did -e ajwiz 8 }
  while (%i <= %m) {
    %aj = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Nets,%i)
    %a %aj
    if ($ajwiz.read(%c $+ Nets,%aj)) { %k %i }
    inc %i
  did -e ajwiz 3,9
  did -b ajwiz 10
alias -l ajwiz.load.commands {
  var %c = $ajwiz.selchan, %i = 1, %m = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Cmds,0), %a = did -a ajwiz 12, %k = did -s ajwiz 12, %aj
  did -r ajwiz 12
  if (%m) { did -e ajwiz 15 }
  while (%i <= %m) {
    %aj = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Cmds,%i)
    %a $replace(%aj,½,$chr(32),µ,")
    if ($ajwiz.read(%c $+ Cmds,%aj)) { %k %i }
    inc %i
  did -e ajwiz 12,16
  did -b ajwiz 14
alias -l ajwiz.add.command {
  if ($input(Enter a command you want to do once you've joined this channel:,ioe,Add New Command)) {
    ajwiz.write $ajwiz.selchan $+ Cmds $replace($v1,$chr(32),½,",µ) 1
alias -l ajwiz.del.command {
  ajwiz.rem $ajwiz.selchan $+ Cmds $replace($ajwiz.selcmd,$chr(32),½,",µ)
  if ($did(ajwiz,12).lines == 0) { did -b ajwiz 15 }
alias -l ajwiz.clear.commands {
  if ($input(Are you sure that you want to completely uncheck all of the commands?,wy,Confirm Commands Clear)) {
    var %c = $ajwiz.selchan, %i = 1, %m = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Cmds,0), %a = did -l ajwiz 12, %aj
    while (%i <= %m) {
      %aj = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Cmds,%i)
      %a %i
      ajwiz.write %c $+ Cmds $replace(%aj,$chr(32),½,",µ) 0
      inc %i
    did -b ajwiz 14,15
alias -l connected.check.channels {
  var %c = $ajwiz.i(channels,0), %i = 1
  while (%i <= %c) {
    connected.check.nets $ajwiz.i(channels,%i)
    inc %i
alias -l connected.check.nets {
  var %c = $1, %m = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Nets,0), %i = 1, %h
  while (%i <= %m) {
    %h = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Nets,%i)
    if ($ajwiz.read(%c $+ Nets,%h)) {
      if ((%h iswm $server) || (%h == All)) { join %c }
    inc %i
alias -l joined.channel.check.perform {
  var %c = $1, %m = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Cmds,0), %i = 1, %h
  while (%i <= %m) {
    %h = $ajwiz.i(%c $+ Cmds,%i)
    if ($ajwiz.read(%c $+ Cmds,%h)) {
    inc %i

dialog ajwiz {
  title "mIRC AutoJoin Wizard"
  size -1 -1 198 210
  option dbu
  box "Channels", 1, 3 3 78 183
  list 2, 7 11 69 153, size hsbar vsbar
  button "Add...", 6, 7 166 27 15
  button "Delete", 7, 48 166 27 15
  box "Specific Networks", 4, 84 3 111 94
  list 3, 88 13 102 60, size hsbar vsbar check
  button "Add Mask", 9, 89 78 27 15
  button "Delete", 10, 121 78 27 15
  box "", 5, 156 77 1 15
  button "Clear All", 8, 164 78 27 15
  box "Commands To Perform On Join", 11, 84 100 111 86
  list 12, 88 111 102 54, size hsbar vsbar check
  box "", 13, 156 166 1 15
  button "Delete", 14, 121 167 27 15
  button "Clear All", 15, 164 167 27 15
  button "New...", 16, 89 167 27 15
  button "Close", 17, 154 190 42 15, ok
  check "Enable The AutoJoin Wizard", 18, 3 192 75 12
ON *:DIALOG:ajwiz:*:*: {
  var %d = $dname, %e = $devent, %i = $did
  if (%e == init) {
    if ($group(#ajwiz).status == on) { did -c %d 18 }
  if (%e == sclick) {
    if ((%i == 2) && ($did(2).sel)) { ajwiz.load.networks | ajwiz.load.commands | did -e %d 7 }
    if ((%i == 3) && ($did(3).sel)) { ajwiz.select.network }
    if (%i == 6) { ajwiz.add.channel }
    if (%i == 7) { ajwiz.del.channel }
    if (%i == 9) { ajwiz.add.network }
    if (%i == 8) { ajwiz.clear.networks }
    if (%i == 10) { ajwiz.del.network }
    if ((%i == 12) && ($did(12).sel)) { ajwiz.select.command }
    if (%i == 14) { ajwiz.del.command }
    if (%i == 15) { ajwiz.clear.commands }
    if (%i == 16) { ajwiz.add.command }
    if (%i == 18) { $iif($did(18).state,.enable,.disable) #ajwiz }

menu menubar,status,channel {
  AutoJoin Wizard
  .$style($iif($group(#ajwiz).status == on,1)) Active:$iif($group(#ajwiz).status == on,.disable,.enable) #ajwiz
  .$iif(#,Add This Channel):ajwiz.add.channel # | return $input(# added to the autojoin list successfully!,io,Channel Added)
#ajwiz off
ON *:CONNECT:connected.check.channels
ON *:JOIN:#:if ($nick == $me) { joined.channel.check.perform # }
#ajwiz end



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i am not able to go thru all the code as i am at work but you can do a really basic auto join


on *:CONNECT: {
if ($server == irc.koach.com) {
join #tg007
join #test
} elseif ($server == buzzen) {
join %#!!~\bSoulFly\b~!! 


this might needs tweaked coz as i said to err0r the other day i aint used mirc much for years and have lost most of the knowledge lol


but thats basically how it works


i dont know buzzen address hence $server == buzzen lol

Edited by Haggis
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on *:CONNECT: {
  if ($network == koach.com) { .raw -q join -n #tg007,#test }
   elseif ($network == buzzen) { .raw -q join %#!!~\bSoulFly\b~!! }

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:lmaojump: nais tuke =thank you Haggis and [::X-System::] for both your codes (untested as yet) I still need to know how it works ? ... ok fellas im more in koach.com & #tg007 than anywhere else these days and the way I connect to koach.com via mirc ... is I go to File / Resent Server / koach.com ... then I have #tg007 in my Favorites and that is how I join the room :D
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if you are just on Koach you could have


i think this is correct


alias koach { server -m irc.koach.com }

- when you do /koach on taskbar it will connect

alias autojoinkoach {
join #test
join #tg007

** when you do /autojoinkoach it will join these rooms



or have


on *:CONNECT: {
if ($server == irc.koach.com) {

Edited by Haggis
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if you are just on Koach you could have


i think this is correct


alias koach { server -m irc.koach.com }

- when you do /koach on taskbar it will connect

alias autojoinkoach {
join #test
join #tg007

** when you do /autojoinkoach it will join these rooms



or have


on *:CONNECT: {
if ($server == irc.koach.com) {

$server will not be irc.koach.com, Koach's servers are irc[1-4].koach.com, however, best and most reliable way for an autojoiner is $network, and you don't really need 2 lines of /join since mIRC allows you to /join #chan,#chan2,#chan3 ;)

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$server will not be irc.koach.com, Koach's servers are irc[1-4].koach.com, however, best and most reliable way for an autojoiner is $network, and you don't really need 2 lines of /join since mIRC allows you to /join #chan,#chan2,#chan3 ;)



cool i never knew that


as i say not used mirc in a scripting sense for years lol


Thanks X-System

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