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Dcx Issues

Guest Travis

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no you didnt , however someone else gave me code and told me to get latest version , which i did have allready

then he said he had a beta version that fixed the issues but never gave me it

anyway i spent days trying diff stuff and gave up , took a couple of mins to use mdx and nicklist.dll to do what i wanted

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Unable to open dll error was fixed by downloading a new copy of dcx.dll. Must have been their AV software or something ...



Here is the nicklist code I was working on. I got to an issue with special characters in nicknames and stopped. I haven't touched this in over a year and honestly don't remember much about it. I'm just going to post the whole file in all it's messy, mid-testing glory.


/nlist $chan


This was written for an IRCwx <wo0t> server called Buzzen ...

alias nlist {
  var %nLt = $+(nlist.,$1)
  if ($dialog(%nLt)) dialog -x %nLt %nLt
  set %nlist. $+ $1 $iif(!$1,$active,$1)
  dialog $iif($dialog(%nLt),-v,-ma) %nLt %nLt

dialog nlist.* {
  title "NickList"
  size -1 -10 173 120
on *:dialog:nlist.*:init:*:{
  var %xLc = $dname, %nLc = $remove(%xLc,nlist.)
  dialog -t %xLc $hcd(%nLc)
  dcx Mark %xLc nlist_cb
  xdialog -b %xLc +c
  xdock -n $dialog(%xLc).hwnd +s $chan(%nLc).hwnd
  echo -a %nLc -- %xLc -( $dialog(%xLc).hwnd )-
  xdialog -c %xLc 1 listview 0 0 30 100 noheader notheme smallicon list singlesel tooltip
  nload %nLc

;xdid -a %xLc 1 2 $remove(%xLc,nlist.%#)
;xdialog -c %xLc 1

;xdock -p
on *:dialog:nlist.*:close:*:{
  if ($+(%,$dname)) unset $+(%,$dname)
alias nlist_cb {
;echo 12 @test dcx Mark $1-
  if ($2 == changing) inc -u2 %nl_change
  if ($2 == sclick) {
    echo 2 $remove($1,nlist.) :> $1-

  elseif ($2 == rclick) {
    echo 2 $remove($1,nlist.) :> $1-

  elseif ($2 == sizing) {
    if (%nl_change < 3) return
    xdialog -d $1 1
    xdialog -c $1 1 listview 0 $3 $4 $5 noheader notheme smallicon list singlesel tooltip
    nload $remove($1,nlist.)



alias nload {
;if (!$1) || (!$hget($1)) || ($hget(t. $+ $1)) return
  var %xtc = t. $+ $1
  if ($hget(%xtc)) hfree %xtc
  hmake %xtc 20
  if ($hfind($1,'*,1,w)) hadd %xtc $ifmatch $right($ifmatch,-1)
  if ($hfind($1,.*,0,w)) {
    var %tv = $ifmatch | while (%tv) {
     ;echo 3 $1 >. $hfind($1,.*,%tv,w)
      if ($hfind($1,.*,%tv,w)) hadd %xtc $ifmatch $right($ifmatch,-1)
      dec %tv
  if ($hfind($1,@*,%tv,w)) {
    %tv = $ifmatch | while (%tv) {
     ;echo 3 $1 >@ $hfind($1,@*,%tv,w)
      if ($hfind($1,@*,%tv,w)) hadd %xtc $ifmatch $right($ifmatch,-1)
      dec %tv
  if ($hfind($1,$chr(37) $+ *,%tv,w)) {
    %tv = $ifmatch | while (%tv) {
     ;echo 3 $1 >% $hfind($1,$chr(37) $+ *,%tv,w)
      if ($hfind($1,$chr(37) $+ *,%tv,w)) hadd %xtc $ifmatch $right($ifmatch,-1)
      dec %tv
  if ($hfind($1,+*,%tv,w)) {
    %tv = $ifmatch | while (%tv) {
     ;echo 3 $1 >V $hfind($1,+*,%tv,w)
      if ($hfind($1,+*,%tv,w)) hadd %xtc $ifmatch $right($ifmatch,-1)
      dec %tv
  %tv = $hget($1,0).item | while (%tv) {
    if (!$hget(%xtc,$hget($1,%tv).item)) hadd %xtc $hget($1,%tv).item $hget($1,%tv).item
    dec %tv
  %tv = $hget(%xtc,0).item | while (%tv) {
    if ($dialog(nlist. $+ $1)) {
      xdid -a nlist. $+ $1 1 1 0 +a 1 0 0 0 -1 $rgb(170,213,255) $bdc($hget(%xtc,%tv).data) $chr(9) + 0 $hget(%xtc,%tv).data $chr(9) + 0 $hget(%xtc,%tv).data


    dec %tv
    if (!%tv) hfree %xtc

on *:rawmode:#:{
  if (!$window(@rawmode)) window -e @rawmode
  echo @rawmode $1-
  if ($2 ison $chan ) {
    var %gt = $gettok($hget($chan,$2),1,32), %at = $gettok($hget($chan,$nick),2,32)
    echo $chan check $left(%gt,1) $+ $left($Nick($chan,$2).pnick,1) -0 $Nick($chan,$2).pnick
    echo 3 $chan hadd $chan $2 $left(%gt,1) $+ $left($Nick($chan,$2).pnick,1)) %at

on me:*:join:#:{
  if ($var(%fd.*,0)) halt
  who $chan

on me:*:part:#:/hfree $chan
on !*:part:#:/hdel $chan $nick

on !*:join:#:{
  hadd -m $chan $nick H $gettok($fulladdress,-1,33)

raw 352:*:{
  echo 3 @rawmode $1-
;hadd -m $4 $8 $9 $+($5,@,$6)
  hadd -m $2 $nick($2,$6).pnick $7 $+($3,@,$4)
;echo @test $8 : $remove($9,H) : $+($5,@,$6) $3
raw 315:*:/halt

raw 352:*:{
  if ($var(%fd.*,0)) || ($istok($readini(SoulFly\sf_nicks.ini,nicks,$3),$_dc($6),32)) halt
  writeini SoulFly\sf_nicks.ini nicks $3 $addtok($readini(SoulFly\sf_nicks.ini,nicks,$3),$_dc($6),32)

alias dcx {
  if ($isid) { return $dll(dll\dcx.dll,$1,$2-) }
  else { dll "dll\dcx.dll" $1 $2- }
alias udcx {
  if ($dcx(IsUnloadSafe)) { $iif($menu, .timer 1 0) dll -u dcx.dll }
  else { echo 4 -qmlbfti2 [DCX] Unable to Unload Dll. }
alias xdid {
  if ( $isid ) { return $dcx( _xdid, $1 $2 $prop $3- ) }
  dcx xdid $2 $3 $1 $4-
alias xdialog {
  if ( $isid ) { return $dcx( _xdialog, $1 $prop $2- ) }
  dcx xdialog $2 $1 $3-
alias xpop {
  if ( $isid ) { return $dcx( _xpop, $1 $prop $2- ) }
  dcx xpop $2 $1 $3-
alias xpopup {
  if ( $isid ) { return $dcx( _xpopup, $1 $prop $2- ) }
  dcx xpopup $2 $1 $3-
alias mpopup { dcx mpopup $1 $2 }
alias xdock {
  if ($isid) { return $dcx( _xdock, $1 $prop ) }
  dcx xdock $1-
alias xtray {
  if ($isid) { return $dcx(TrayIcon, $1 $prop $2-) }
  dcx TrayIcon $1-
alias tab {
  var %i = 1, %tab | while (%i <= $0) {
    if ($eval($+($,%i),2) != $null) { %tab = $instok(%tab,$eval($+($,%i),2),$calc($numtok(%tab,9) + 1),9) }
    inc %i
  return %tab
alias shell { return $scriptdirshell.dll }

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