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Everything posted by Molson™

  1. I had something missing but now it Q's anyone who joins who is on the Aop list but says they are on global even when they are on local.
  2. Both don't, actucally. I get * /if: invalid format .
  3. ($hget(AopAccounts,$gettok($ial($nick,1).addr,1,64),GlobalQ)) ($hget(AopAccounts,$gettok($ial($nick,1).addr,1,64),$chan)) What is wrong with these? I add them like .hadd -m AopAccounts $gettok($ial($$1,1).addr,1,64) $chan %x and for global .hadd -m AopAccounts $gettok($ial($$1,1).addr,1,64) GlobalQ %x
  4. I know one thing, they won't do it for free.
  5. The software they are using, was available for download awhile back but I don't know about anymore.
  6. With the rate your going, you'll have a full script.
  7. The new buzzen doesn't require you to update your passport if you using a script.
  8. Happy Birthday.. didn't even know he was still around.
  9. I was told today they would be back up but they are still down.
  10. Travis, you've been known to take hiss fits over the years. Probably why it's so hard to believe you.
  11. Not as big as Halo 3. Until the new Metal Gear Solid comes out for the PS3, XBOX 360 will be the better choice.
  12. Still no big name games for PS3.
  13. If you were already registered on buzzen.com, then that's probably why it's saying your email is already in use.
  14. Or use what they suggested above.
  15. If this is Oasiz chat, they have a mode called gagged which allows you to put the person on ignore and they can't tell if they are or not.
  16. How come Koach and Michelle are so low on the list and have no icons?
  17. Probably best to ask on Dabba's site.One another note, if you don't have pings blocked, you'll get disconnect if someone does, kind of weak I know.
  18. Don't you just love it how some topics go off topic so fast lol
  19. Well I wasn't defending them. I just know how far along they came, from the old xmsn days until now. I've been there since the start, I like how they are going somewhere beside using the msn ocx, that died when msn closed.
  20. Yeah there has been a lot of "whinners" but there also been people who are happy with the new service. You can't please everyone.
  21. It's mostly dutch people on that site.
  22. /who is disabled on Buzzen. Only /whois works.
  23. Molson™


    Work thanks, fus.
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