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Everything posted by Dippy

  1. Lol I'm same area so this be happfull for me too
  2. ahhh ok cool thanks for clearing that up lol anyway good luck wish u well
  3. Anyone notice that a guest nick and may not be the real Johnson?
  4. Dippy


    !st start <mode>* Starts the trivia. <mode> can be left blank or team for a team game. !st stop* Trivia is stopped !stats Gives the stats of the user in CTCPREPLY (only visible for the nick that enters the command) !rank Shows the rank of the nick that enters the command !wins Shows the points of the nick that enters the command !hof Shows the hall of fame (points) !hof <number> Shows the hall of fame from rank <number> !hof me Shows the hall of fame from rank – 1 to rank + 1 of the nick that enters the command !hoffast <parm> Shows the hall of fame of fastest times. <parm> can be the same as with !hof !hofcpm <parm> Shows the hall of fame of character per minutes values. <parm> can be the same as with !hof !hofrow <parm> Shows the hall of fame of longest streaks. <parm> can be the same as with !hof !repeat Shows the last question that was asked (only when a question is active). !vowels Shows vowels in the answer !last Shows last character of the answer !version Shows version of trivia script !st resetscores* Resets all scores. Team game commands: !st start team* Starts a team game. !setteam <nr> <name>* Adds team number <nr> with name <name> !team <nr> or !join <nr> Makes nick member of team number <nr> (reply in CTCPREPLY) !teams Shows current teams !teams <nr> Shows members of team number <nr> !hof Shows teams standings * ) – only when permissions are set right
  5. Dippy


    I belive it st before any given command
  6. your welcome to use the decode altho I find some news ones just got to add them
  7. Thanks for that will work it out now I hope :)
  8. When did I start this topic add 3 days to that
  9. ok this is what I have so far alias ff { if (!%ff. [ $+ [ $1- ] ]) || (!$exists(%ff. [ $+ [ $1- ] ])) { if (!$longfn($findfile($nofile($mircexe),$1-,1))) set %ff. [ $+ [ $1- ] ] $shortfn($nofile($mircexe) $+ $1-) else set %ff. [ $+ [ $1- ] ] $shortfn($findfile($nofile($mircexe),$1-,1)) } return %ff. [ $+ [ $1- ] ] } alias ndll { return $ff(nicklist.dll) } alias mdx { return $ff(mdx.dll) } alias views { return $ff(views.mdx) } alias ico { return $ff($1) } on *:JOIN:#:{ if ($nick == $me) { set %getsize $dll($ndll,GetSize,$!window(* $+ $right(#,-2) $+ *,1)) if (!$dialog(nick. [ $+ [ # ] ])) { dialog -m nick. [ $+ [ # ] ] nick. [ $+ [ # ] ] } .timer.join -m 1 5 fugk } if (!$timer(ref)) { .timer.ref 1 1 fugk } } on *:PART:#:{ if (!$timer(ref)) { .timer.ref 1 1 fugk } } alias fugk { refresh $active | partsb } on *:RAWMODE:#:{ if (!$timer(ref)) { .timer.ref 1 1 fugk } } on *:KICK:#:{ if (!$timer(ref)) { .timer.ref 1 1 fugk } } dialog nick.* { title "" size 0 0 144 450 option dbu list 1, 0 2 135 257, size } on *:dialog:nick*:*:*:{ if ($devent == init) { %crap = $dll($ndll,Nicklist,$dname $!window(* $+ $right($dname,-7) $+ *,1)) dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetDialog $dname style sysmenu dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 ListView report single noheader> $views dll $mdx SetDialog $dname bgcolor $rgb(000,000,000) did -i $dname 1 1 setbkg color 1 $rgb(000,000,000) did -i $dname 1 1 settxt color $rgb(255,255,255) did -i $dname 1 1 settxt bgcolor $rgb(000,000,000) did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 150 did -i $dname 1 1 iconsize 8 16 30 30 did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ icon\staff.ico did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ icon\owner.ico did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ icon\superowner.ico did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ icon\host.ico did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ icon\voice.ico did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ icon\helpop.ico did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ icon\voice.ico did -z $dname 1 } refresh # if (click isin $devent) { tokenize 32 $did($dname,$did,1) if ($1 == rclick) { sline $active $fline($active,$gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,6,32),1,1) | %null = $dll($ndll,Popup,$!window(* $+ $right($dname,-6) $+ *,1)) } if ($1 == sclick) { sline $right($dname,-5) $calc($did($dname,1).sel - 1) } if ($1 == dclick) { sline $right($dname,-5) $calc($did($dname,1).sel - 1) | query $nick($right($dname,-5),$calc($did($dname,1).sel - 1)) } } } alias nick.refresh { .timer -m 1 4 refresh $1 } alias -l refresh { if (!$dialog(nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])) return did -r nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 var %l 1 while (%l <= $nick($1,0)) { did -a nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 0 + $nickicon($nick($1,%l),$1) $buzz.decode($replace($nick($1,%l),>,Guest_)) inc %l } } alias nickicon { if ($Line($active, $Nick($active, $1), 1).color == 15) { return 4 | halt } elseif (^ isin $1) return 1 elseif ($1 isowner $active) return 2 elseif ($1 isop $active) { if ($Nick($active, $1, ')) return 3 else return 4 } elseif (m isin $active($active(1)).mode) && ($1 !isvoice $active(1)) return 5 elseif ($1 ishop $active) return 6 else return 7 } alias showoptype { if ($1 == $me) return (Me) $+ elseif (*^* iswm $1) && ($1 isop $active) return (Staff) $+ elseif ($1 isowner $active) return (Owner) $+ elseif ($1 isop $active) { if ($Nick($active, $1, ')) { return (SuperOwner) $+ } else return (Host) $+ ) } elseif ($1 ishop $active) return (HelPop) $+ else return $+ } menu nicklist* { mouse:if ($hget(history. $+ $active,0)) click 2 $ifmatch sclick: { var %i = 1 | while ($hget(button. $+ $active,%i)) { tokenize 59 $ifmatch | if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,$1,$2,$3,$4)) { hadd -m history. $+ $active 0 %i | click 1 %i | break } | inc %i } } uclick:if ($hget(history. $+ $active,0)) click 3 $ifmatch } alias Buzz.decode { var %r, %l 1 %r = $replacecs($1-,ï‚,B,ï‚ ,-,ï€>,-,,-,ï€,-,ï…,E,ïƒ,C,ï,A,ï’,R,ï‹,K,ï¹,y,ﺘ,i,ﺉ,s,דּ,t,טּ,u,ﻉ,e,ï«,k,ï†,F,ï µ,u,ï§,g,Χ,X,,>,,$chr(37),,8,ï¤,d,ï­,m,ï¨,h,ï»›,s,ï‡,G,ï,M,ï¬,l,ï³,s,ïŸ,_,ï”,T,ï²,r,ï¡ ,a,ï®,n,ï£,c,ï¥,e,ïŽ,N,ï¡,a,ï´,t,ï©,i,ï¯,o,ï®,n,ï¦,f,ï·,w,ïœ,\,ï¼,|,ï€,@,ï,P,ï„,D,,',ï€ , ,,$chr(40),,$chr(41),,*,,:,ï›,[,ï,],ï°,p,,.) %r = $replacecs(%r,ا,I,ή,n,ņ,n,Ω,n,»·,y,Ñ€,p,Ð ,P,Å™,r,Ñ…,x,Ä®,I,Ä»,L,Ф,o,Ĉ,C,Å,o,Å©,u,Å„, n,Ä¢,G,Å•,r,Å›,s,Ä·,k,Å–,R,×–,i,ε,e,ק,r,Ñ›,h,м,m,ØŒ,·,Ä«,i,‘,‘,’,’,Û±,',Ä“,e,¢,¢,ï“,S,•,•,ï,O,ï‰,I,Ά,A,ÑŠ,b,ŠÏ,T,Φ,o,Ђ,b,Ñ,r,Ð,E,д,A,Ð š,K,ÄŽ,D,и,n,θ,o,Ðœ,M,Ї,I,Т,T,Є,e,Ǻ,A,ö,ö,ä,ä,–,–,·,·,Ö,Ö,Ãœ,Ü,Ë,Ë,Ñ •,s,Ä…,a,Ä­,i,й,n,в,b,о,o,ш,w,Äž,G,Ä‘,d,з,e,Ŧ,T,α,a,ÄŸ,g,ú,ú,Å”,R,Ä„,A,ć ,c,Ä,Ð,Κ,K,Ñž,y,µ,µ,Ã,Í,‹,‹,¦,¦,Õ,Õ,Ù,Ù,À,À,Î ,N,Ò“,f,ΰ,u,Ä¿,L,Å,o,Ï‚ ,c,Ä‹,c,ħ,h,į,i,ŧ,t,Ζ,Z,Þ,Þ,þ,þ,ç,ç,á,á,¾,¾,ž,ž,Ç,Ç, $+ 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  10. now that a cool nick list having a drop menu just one thing when every one going to release this stuff or is it just for you ?
  11. yeh they have superop owner host and helpop it been there since v2 :) Just alot of people don't use it Shame really
  12. Because buzzen have helpop
  13. ok Fix that scoll bar by removing the one on Dailog Thanks (Y) Just got to work on Icons get them right so Staff shows with butter fly and make the icon bigger lol But Thanks :)
  14. ok That worked well but the Scoll Bar no longer works
  15. Oh I give up on it lol Seems too much trouble one min it works next it don't then some else works and that other that worked before stop working lol No in my Life have I come across something that such a pain in the ass lol
  16. So How About This alias ndll { return $shortfn($mircdirdlls\nicklist.dll) } alias mdx { return $shortfn($mircdirdlls\mdx.dll) } alias views { return $shortfn($mircdirdlls\views.mdx) } alias ico { return $+($mircdirIcon\,$1) } on *:JOIN:#:{ if ($nick == $me) { set %getsize $dll($ndll,GetSize,$!window(* $+ $right(#,-2) $+ *,1)) if (!$dialog(nick. [ $+ [ # ] ])) { dialog -m nick. [ $+ [ # ] ] nick. [ $+ [ # ] ] } .timer.join -m 1 5 fugk } if (!$timer(ref)) { .timer.ref 1 1 fugk } } on *:PART:#:{ if (!$timer(ref)) { .timer.ref 1 1 fugk } } alias fugk { refresh $active | partsb } on *:RAWMODE:#:{ if (!$timer(ref)) { .timer.ref 1 1 fugk } } on *:KICK:#:{ if (!$timer(ref)) { .timer.ref 1 1 fugk } } dialog nick.* { title "" size 0 0 112 329 option dbu list 1, 0 0 114 329, size vsbar } on *:dialog:nick*:*:*:{ if ($devent == init) { %crap = $dll($ndll,Nicklist,$dname $!window(* $+ $right($dname,-7) $+ *,1)) dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetDialog $dname style sysmenu dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 ListView report single noheader> $views dll $mdx SetDialog $dname bgcolor $rgb(000,000,000) did -i $dname 1 1 setbkg color 1 $rgb(000,000,000) did -i $dname 1 1 settxt color $rgb(255,255,255) did -i $dname 1 1 settxt bgcolor $rgb(000,000,000) did -i $dname 1 1 headerdims 150 did -i $dname 1 1 iconsize 8 16 23 23 did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $ico(staff.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $ico(owner.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $ico(host.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $ico(novoice.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $ico(voice.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $ico(ignore.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $ico(helpop.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $ico(cup.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ $ico(voiced.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ iconmsn.ico refresh # } if (click isin $devent) { tokenize 32 $did($dname,$did,1) if ($1 == rclick) { sline $active $fline($active,$replace($hget(decoder,$gettok($did($dname,1).seltext,6,32)),Guest_,>),1,1) | %null = $dll($ndll,Popup,$!window(* $+ $right($dname,-6) $+ *,1)) } if ($1 == sclick) { sline $right($dname,-5) $calc($did($dname,1).sel - 1) } if ($1 == dclick) { sline $right($dname,-5) $calc($did($dname,1).sel - 1) | query $nick($right($dname,-5),$calc($did($dname,1).sel - 1)) } } } alias nick.refresh { .timer -m 1 4 refresh $1 } alias -l refresh { if (!$dialog(nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ])) return did -r nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 var %l 1 while (%l <= $nick($1,0)) { did -a nick. [ $+ [ $1 ] ] 1 0 + $nickicon($nick($1,%l),$1) $buzz.decode($replace($nick($1,%l),>,Guest_)) inc %l } } alias -l nickicon { var %l 1 | while (%l <= 9) { if ($ignore($mask($address($1,5),%l))) { return 6 } | inc %l } if (' isin $1) return 1 if ($1 isowner $2) return 2 if ($1 isop $2) && ($1 !isowner $2) return 3 if ($1 !isvoice $2) && (m isincs $chan($2).mode) return 4 return 5 } menu * { mouse:if ($hget(history. $+ $active,0)) click 2 $ifmatch sclick: { var %i = 1 | while ($hget(button. $+ $active,%i)) { tokenize 59 $ifmatch | if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,$1,$2,$3,$4)) { hadd -m history. $+ $active 0 %i | click 1 %i | break } | inc %i } } uclick:if ($hget(history. $+ $active,0)) click 3 $ifmatch } The only thing is Getting right click to read from popup.ini
  17. Thanks that worked just need to play with icon a bit My Other Question is How Would I make it that it picks up popup.ini? I throught maybe something like this menu * { mouse:if ($hget(history. $+ $active,0)) click 2 $ifmatch sclick: { var %i = 1 | while ($hget(button. $+ $active,%i)) { tokenize 59 $ifmatch | if ($inrect($mouse.x,$mouse.y,$1,$2,$3,$4)) { hadd -m history. $+ $active 0 %i | click 1 %i | break } | inc %i } } uclick:if ($hget(history. $+ $active,0)) click 3 $ifmatch } But don't seems to work lol
  18. ok Thanks :) for that Error :) But still unable to grab list It Popups and docks but Blank
  19. Tried to do my own nicklist This what I have so far on *:Start:/dialog -m nicklist nicklist dialog Nicklist { title "nicklist" size -1 -1 112 256 option dbu list 1, 1 0 106 255, size vsbar } on *:Dialog:nicklist:init:*: { dll dll\rebar.dll Dock $dialog(nicklist).hwnd > right dll dll\mdx.dll Set MircVersion $version dll dll\mdx.dll MarkDialog $dname dll dll\mdx.dll SetFront $dname dll dll\mdx.dll SetFront $dname 1 14 50 verdana dll dll\mdx.dll SetColor $dname dll dll\mdx.dll SetColor $dname 1 text $rgb (0,0,139) dll dll\mdx.dll SetControlMDX $dname 1 ListView noheader smallicon hottrack single > dll\views.mdx did -i $dname 1 1 iconsize normal small did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ icon\owner.ico did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ icon\host.ico did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ icon\spec.ico did -i $dname 1 1 seticon normal 0, $+ icon\voice.ico did -i $dname 1 1 settxt color $rgb(0,0,139) nickinlist alias nickinlist{ did -r nicklist 1 var %n 1 while (%n <= $nick($active,0)) { did -a nicklist 1 0 + $nicklisticon($nick($active,%n)) $nick($active,%n) inc %n } } alias nicklisticon { if(%1 isowner $active) return 1 elseif ($1 isop $active) return 2 elseif (*+*m* iswm $chan($active).mode) && ($1 !isvoice $active) return 4 elseif (*+*m* !iswm $chan($active).mode) && ($1 isvoice $active) return 3 elseif (*+*m* iswm $chan($active).mode) && ($1 isvoice $active) return 3 elseif (*+*m* !iswm $chan($active).mode) && ($1 !isvoice $active) return 3 } But I'm unable to get the list going any idea ?
  20. With Error on that Need Help Email Me At [email protected] I'll Set You Up : 0)
  21. first off I did't say it was mine I said I got a nicklist Second the paths are right 3rd if anyone ripping code it be ur connection Travis
  22. Ok This Really Bugging me Like a spot that wont go away The Nicklist Works but I'm unable to get icon here a screenshot As you Can see there a icon error in the Preferences Dailog and no icon in the nick I'm getting no error in Status and I'm unable to see where the problem is as far as I can see there should be no problems and yes the Icons are in the right place and folder Please Help Thanks alias rebar { dll $shortfn($scriptdir\dll\rebar.dll) $$1- } alias mdxdll return $shortfn($scriptdir\dll\mdx.dll) alias bars return $shortfn($scriptdir\dll\bars.mdx) alias _dialog return $shortfn($scriptdir\dll\dialog.mdx) alias _views return $shortfn($scriptdir\dll\views.mdx) alias _mdx dll $shortfn($scriptdir\dll\mdx.dll) $1- alias _mdxinit dll $shortfn($scriptdir\dll\mdx.dll) SetMircVersion $version | dll $shortfn($scriptdir\dll\mdx.dll) MarkDialog $dname alias nicklust { dll $+(",$scriptdir\dll\nicklust.dll,") $1- } alias renklikutu { return $+(",$scriptdir\dll\colorcombo.dll,") } menu channel,status,nicklist,menubar { - NickList Preferences .Preferences General:nicklist .- .Unload :/unload -rs $shortfn($script) } alias nicklist { if ($dialog(nicklist)) { dialog -x nicklist } | dialog -ma nicklist nicklist | echo -a 0,1Warning Dialog: 12Now Menu of NickList 1Preferences General 12is Opened. } dialog nicklist { title " Preferences " size -1 -1 188 185 option dbu icon $scriptdir\icon\simge.ico box "",19, 4 -1 180 34 text "", 12, 4 3 180 30 list 13, 150 9 28 32, size disable text " Preferences ", 14, 8 4 90 10 text "You can only select colored nicklist or nicklist with icon only.", 15, 9 16 140 16 box "", 322, 4 33 180 130 text "Own Nick :", 329, 9 44 29 8, center combo 330, 44 43 50 44, size drop text "Op (@) :", 323, 9 58 29 8, center combo 324, 44 57 50 50, size drop text "Halfop (+h) :", 333, 9 72 33 8, center combo 334, 44 71 50 20, size drop text "Voice (+v) :", 325, 9 86 29 8, center combo 326, 44 85 50 50, size drop text "Users :", 327, 9 100 29 8, center combo 328, 44 99 50 50, size drop text "Ignore :", 331, 9 114 29 8, center combo 332, 44 113 50 50, size drop check "Use Colour NickList", 353, 25 145 65 10, flat check "Use Icons NickList", 354, 115 145 62 10, flat box "", 335, 100 38 2 120 text "Owner channel :", 340, 108 44 40 8 text "Super Op :", 347, 108 58 40 8 text "Operator (@) :", 336, 108 72 40 8 text "Halfop (+h) :", 339, 108 86 40 8 text "Voice (+v) :", 337, 108 100 40 8 text "Users :", 338, 108 114 40 8 combo 346, 155 43 24 70, size combo 348, 155 57 24 70, size combo 342, 155 71 24 70, size combo 345, 155 85 24 70, size combo 343, 155 99 24 70, size combo 344, 155 113 24 70, size button "OK", 10, 140 168 40 13, ok button "Colours Settings", 112, 134 128 45 15 } on *:dialog:nicklist:init:0:{ _mdxinit renk _mdx SetControlMDX $dname 342,343,344,345,346,348 ComboBoxEx drop > $_views _mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 10,112 staticedge did -i $dname 342,343,344,345,346,348 1 iconsize small var %x = 1 while (%x <= 40) { did -i $dname 342,343,344,345,346,348 1 seticon 0 $+($calc(%x -1),$chr(44),nicklist\icon\list.icl) did -a $dname 342,343,344,345,346,348 %x inc %x 1 _mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 12,14,15 _mdx SetControlMDX $dname 13 toolbar flat list nodivider arrows > $bars did -i $dname 13 1 bmpsize 35 35 _mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 13 _mdx SetColor $dname 13 background $rgb(255,255,255) did -i $dname 13 1 setimage +nhd 0 icon large nicklist\icon\simge.ico did -i $dname 13 1 bwidth 200 200 did -a $dname 13 1 a mdx SetColor $dname 12,14,15 background $rgb(255,255,255) mdx SetColor $dname 12,14,15 textbg $rgb(255,255,255) mdx SetColor $dname 14 text $rgb(255,0,0) mdx SetColor $dname 14 text $rgb(0,0,255) mdx SetFont $dname 14 17 800 Tahoma mdx SetFont $dname 15 13 600 Tahoma } did -c $dname 342 $calc(%op.ico + 2) did -c $dname 343 $calc(%voice.ico + 2) did -c $dname 344 $calc(%normal.ico + 2) did -c $dname 345 $calc(%halfop.ico + 2) did -c $dname 346 $calc(%sahip.ico + 2) did -c $dname 348 $calc(%sop.ico + 2) ;--- Nicklist colours renk did -c $dname 324 $calc(%rengli.324 + 2) did -c $dname 326 $calc(%rengli.326 + 2) did -c $dname 328 $calc(%rengli.328 + 2) did -c $dname 330 $calc(%rengli.330 + 2) did -c $dname 332 $calc(%rengli.332 + 2) did -c $dname 334 $calc(%rengli.334 + 2) if (%nkreng.aktiv) { did -c $dname 353 | did -b $dname 342,336,343,337,344,338,345,339,346,347,348,340,112 } if (%icon.nl) { did -c $dname 354 | did -b $dname 324,326,328,330,332,323,325,327,329,331,333,334 } } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:112:rgb2 | echo -a 0,1Warning Dialog: 12Now Menu of 1Colours Preferences 12is Opened, 4Menu of NickList 1Preferences General 4is Closed. } on *:dialog:nicklist:sclick:*:{ if ($did == 354) { if ($did(354).state == 1) { set %icon.nl on .disable #renkli .unset %nkreng.aktiv did -u $dname 353 did -b $dname 324,326,328,330,332,323,325,327,329,331,333,334 did -e $dname 342,336,343,337,344,338,345,339,346,347,348,340,112 nick.rengsiz } else { unset %icon.nl did -e $dname 324,326,328,330,332,323,325,327,329,331,333,334 } } if ($did == 353) { if ($did(353).state == 1) { .enable #renkli | set %nkreng.aktiv on | nick.rengle did -u $dname 354 .unset %icon.nl did -e $dname 324,326,328,330,332,323,325,327,329,331,333,334 did -b $dname 342,336,343,337,344,338,345,339,346,347,348,340,112 } else { unset %nkreng.aktiv .disable #renkli nick.rengsiz did -e $dname 342,336,343,337,344,338,345,339,346,347,348,340,112 } } if ($did isnum 324-334) { set %rengli. $+ $did $calc($did($dname,$did).sel - 2) | nick.rengle } if ($did == 342) { set %op.ico $calc($did(342).sel - 2) } if ($did == 343) { set %voice.ico $calc($did(343).sel - 2) } if ($did == 344) { set %normal.ico $calc($did(344).sel - 2) } if ($did == 345) { set %halfop.ico $calc($did(345).sel - 2) } if ($did == 346) { set %sahip.ico $calc($did(346).sel - 2) } if ($did == 348) { set %sop.ico $calc($did(348).sel - 2) } } alias -l renk { var %x = dll $renklikutu COMBO $dname | %x 324 | %x 326 | %x 328 | %x 330 | %x 332 | %x 334 } #renkli off on *:nick:{ var %rbg = $comchan($newnick,0) var %rbg2 = 1 while (%rbg < %rbg2) { if ($nick = $me) && $comchan($newnick,%rbg2) { cline %rengli.330 $comchan($newnick,%rbg2) $newnick | nick.rengle } elseif ($newnick isop $comchan($newnick,%rbg2)) { cline %rengli.324 $comchan($newnick,%rbg2) $newnick | nick.rengle } elseif ($newnick isvo $comchan($newnick,%rbg2)) { cline %rengli.326 $comchan($newnick,%rbg2) $newnick | nick.rengle } elseif ($newnick ishelp $comchan($newnick,%rbg2)) { cline %rengli.334 $comchan($newnick,%rbg2) $newnick | nick.rengle } elseif ($address($newnick,5) isignore) { cline %rengli.332 $comchan($newnick,%rbg2) $newnick | nick.rengle } elseif $comchan($newnick,%rbg2) { cline %rengli.22 $comchan($newnick,%rbg2) $newnick | nick.rengle } else { break } inc %rbg2 } } on *:op:#:{ if ($opnick != $me) { cline %rengli.324 $chan $opnick | nick.rengle } } on *:deop:#:{ if ($opnick != $me) { cline %rengli.328 $chan $opnick | nick.rengle } } on *:voice:#:{ if ($vnick != $me) { cline %rengli.326 $chan $vnick } | nick.rengle } on *:devoice:#:{ if ($vnick != $me) { cline %rengli.328 $chan $vnick | nick.rengle } } on *:help:#:{ if ($hnick != $me) { cline %rengli.334 $chan $hnick | nick.rengle } } on *:dehelp:#:{ if ($hnick != $me) { cline %rengli.334 $chan $hnick | nick.rengle } } on *:join:#:{ set %rbg.c $chan if $nick = $me { .enable #renklenen | nick.rengle } else { cline %rengli.328 $chan $nick | nick.rengle } } #renkli end #renklenen off raw 366:*:{ var %tot = $nick(%rbg.c,0) var %cont = 1 while (%cont <= %tot) { if ($nick(%rbg.c,%cont) = $me) { cline %rengli.330 %rbg.c $me } elseif ($nick(%rbg.c,%cont) isop %rbg.c) { cline %rengli.324 %rbg.c $nick(%rbg.c,%cont) } elseif ($nick(%rbg.c,%cont) isvo %rbg.c) { cline %rengli.326 %rbg.c $nick(%rbg.c,%cont) } elseif ($nick(%rbg.c,%cont) ishelp %rbg.c) { cline %rengli.334 %rbg.c $nick(%rbg.c,%cont) } else { cline %rengli.328 %rbg.c $nick(%rbg.c,%cont) } inc %cont } .disable #renklenen | unset %rbg.c } #renkleken end alias nick.rengle { var %rbg = $chan(0) %rbg2 = 1 while %rbg2 <= %rbg { var %rbg3 = $nick($chan(%rbg2),0) var %rbg6 = $chan(%rbg2) var %rbg4 = 1 while %rbg4 <= %rbg3 { if $1 = -r { cline $color(listbox text) %rgb6 $nick(%rbg6,%rbg4) } else { if $nick(%rbg6,%rbg4) = $me { cline %rengli.330 %rbg6 $nick(%rbg6,%rbg4) } elseif $nick(%rbg6,%rbg4) isop %rbg6 { cline %rengli.324 %rbg6 $nick(%rbg6,%rbg4) } elseif $nick(%rbg6,%rbg4) isvo %rbg6 { cline %rengli.326 %rbg6 $nick(%rbg6,%rbg4) } elseif $nick(%rbg6,%rbg4) ishelp %rbg6 { cline %rengli.334 %rbg6 $nick(%rbg6,%rbg4) } elseif $address($nick(%rbg6,%rbg4),5) isignore { cline %rengli.332 %rbg6 $nick(%rbg6,%rbg4) } elseif $nick(%rbg6,%rbg4) isreg %rbg6 { cline %rengli.328 %rbg6 $nick(%rbg6,%rbg4) } } inc %rbg4 } inc %rbg2 } } alias nick.rengsiz { set -u0 %i 1 while (%i <= $chan(0)) { set -u0 %j 1 while (%j <= $nick($chan(%i),0)) { if ($nick($chan(%i),%j) ison $chan(%i)) { cline 01 $chan(%i) $nick($chan(%i),%j)) } inc %j } inc %i } } on 1:load:{ echo -a 0,4« Preferences » 11,12 Preferences mIRC Loaded. echo -a 0,4« Preferences » 11,12 /Nicklist use to open. } on 1:unload:{ echo -a 0,4« Preferences » 11,12 Preferences mIRC Unloaded. } on *:join:#:{ if ($nick == $me) && (%icon.nl != $null) { who # | nlust.chan $chan } } alias nlust.chan { if ($nick == $me) { nicklust Mark $window(#).hwnd nLUST_CallBack rowselect tooltips balloontips hideempty hottrack dlgframe clientedge nicklust AddIcon # > %op.ico $+ ,nicklist\icon\list.icl nicklust AddIcon # > %voice.ico $+ ,nicklist\icon\list.icl nicklust AddIcon # > %normal.ico $+ ,nicklist\icon\list.icl nicklust AddIcon # > %halfop.ico $+ ,nicklist\icon\list.icl nicklust AddIcon # > %op.ico $+ ,nicklist\icon\list.icl nicklust AddIcon # > %sop.ico $+ ,nicklist\icon\list.icl nicklust AddIcon # > %sahip.ico $+ ,nicklist\icon\list.icl nicklust SetGroupText # 1 > User's nicklust AddGroup # 10 + 2 > Voice's (+v) nicklust AddGroup # 11 @ 1 > Op's (@) nicklust AddGroup # 12 % 4 > Halfop's (+h) nicklust AddGroup # 13 - 5 > Op's (@) nicklust AddGroup # 14 & 6 > Sop's nicklust AddGroup # 15 . 7 > Owner nicklust SetGroupView # 1 normal nicklust SetGroupView # 10 normal nicklust SetGroupView # 11 normal nicklust SetGroupView # 12 normal nicklust SetGroupView # 13 normal nicklust SetGroupView # 14 normal nicklust SetGroupView # 15 normal nicklust SetGroupIcon # 1 3 nicklust SetGroupPos # 15 start nicklust SetGroupPos # 14 end nicklust SetGroupPos # 13 end nicklust SetGroupPos # 11 end nicklust SetGroupPos # 12 end nicklust SetGroupPos # 10 end nicklust SetGroupPos # 1 end nicklust SetHotCursor # > nicklist\icon\red.cur nicklust SetHeaderFontStyle # bold theme_nlist # } } alias nlust_callback { if ($1 = tooltip) { var %extra if ($3 == $me) %extra = (Your name) nicklust SetTipTitle $2 1 > Info on $3 %extra return Status: $nlist_pnick($remove($nick($2,$3).pnick,$3)) $+ $crlf $+ Idle: $duration($nick($2,$nick($2,$3)).idle) $+ $crlf $+ Notify: $iif($notify($3),Yes,No) $+ $crlf $+ Adrress: $iif($address($3,1),$ifmatch,Unknown) $+ $crlf $+ Channel: $_comchans($3,32)) } } alias nlist_pnick { if ($1 = @) { return Kanal Operatörü } elseif ($1 = .) { return Owner channel } elseif ($1 = &) { return Super Op (Sop) } elseif ($1 = +) { return Voice } elseif ($1 = %) { return Halfop } elseif ($1 = -) { return Operator } elseif ($1 = $null) { return Users } } alias _isnotifylist { if ($notify($1)) return $2 return $3 } alias _comchans { var %tokk = $iif($2,$ifmatch,$chr(32)), %iii = 1, %chh while (%iii <= $comchan($1,0)) { %chh = $addtok(%chh,$comchan($1,%iii),%tokk) | inc %iii } return $sorttok(%chh,%tokk) } if (($1 == nickAdding) && ($notify($3))) return 11 if ($1 == nickadded) { if ($3 == $me) return 2 $rgb(255,0,255) > $me $crlf $+ This is you } alias theme_nlist { nicklust SetColor $1 bkg %rgbcode nicklust SetColor $1 text %rgbcode2 nicklust SetColor $1 hottext %rgbcode9 nicklust SetColor $1 tipbkg %rgbcode10 nicklust SetColor $1 tiptext %rgbcode11 nicklust SetColor $chan divider %rgbcode3 nicklust SetHeaderColor $chan 1 %rgbcode4 nicklust SetHeaderColor $chan 10 %rgbcode5 nicklust SetHeaderColor $chan 11 %rgbcode6 nicklust SetHeaderColor $chan 12 %rgbcode7 nicklust SetHeaderColor $chan 15 %rgbcode8 nicklust SetHeaderColor $chan 14 %rgbcode12 } ON *:JOIN:#:{ if ($nick == $me) { haltdef } } alias Rgb2 { dialog -m rgb2 rgb2 | acinca2 | dialog -x nicklist nicklist } dialog rgb2 { title " Colours Settings - (Icon's Nicklist) " size -1 -1 410 490 option pixels icon $scriptdir/icon/renk.ico, 0 box "", 32, 5 -4 360 77 box "&Colour Box", 1, 30 75 310 143 edit "", 2, 45 95 31 20, disable list 3, 100 96 155 20, size list 4, 265 91 63 83, size edit "", 5, 45 120 31 20, disable list 6, 100 120 155 20, size edit "", 7, 45 145 31 20, disable list 8, 100 145 155 20, size text "Hex Code:", 9, 47 174 62 16 edit "", 10, 45 190 100 19 text "Rgb Code:", 11, 178 175 55 16 edit "", 12, 175 190 103 19 button "Background ", 13, 15 245 110 25, ok button "Nick text", 15, 130 245 110 25, ok button "Group text line", 16, 245 245 110 25, ok button "User Grup's text", 17, 245 314 110 25, ok button "Voice Grup's text", 18, 130 315 110 25, ok button "Sop Grup's text", 33, 130 280 110 25, ok button "Op Grup's text", 19, 245 280 110 25, ok button "Halfop Grup's text", 20, 15 315 110 25, ok button "Owner channel text", 21, 15 280 110 25, ok button "Hot text", 22, 15 350 110 25, ok button "Ýnfo background", 23, 130 350 110 25, ok button "Ýnfo text", 24, 245 350 110 25, ok button "Nicklist Preferences", 25, 6 399 120 30, ok box "&Colours Settings", 14, 4 222 358 165 text "", 26, 5 2 360 68 list 27, 305 14 53 40, disable text " Colours Settings - (Icon's Nicklist) ", 28, 5 7 255 20 text " To change the settings of colour, first select the colours from box of colour, then press the position which you want to change.", 29, 5 27 285 40 button "Close", 30, 263 396 100 30, ok } on *:dialog:rgb2:init:*:{ mdxini mdx SetMircVersion $version mdx MarkDialog $dname mdx SetColor $dname 4 background %rgbcode mdx SetColor $dname 2 background $rgb(255,0,0) mdx SetColor $dname 5 background $rgb(0,255,0) mdx SetColor $dname 7 background $rgb(0,0,255) mdx SetFont $dname 2,5,7,9,10,11,12 +a 12 600 Arial mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 2,5,7,10,12 staticedge mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 13,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,33 staticedge mdx SetControlMDX $dname 3,6,8 TrackBar autoticks > $bars mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 3,6,8 windowedge did -i $dname 3,6,8 1 params 0 0 255 * * * * 12 did -i $dname 3,6,8 1 tickfreq 1 mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 26,28,29 mdx SetControlMDX $dname 27 toolbar flat list nodivider arrows > $bars did -i $dname 27 1 bmpsize 35 35 mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 27 mdx SetColor $dname 27 background $rgb(255,255,255) did -i $dname 27 1 setimage +nhd 0 icon large nicklist\icon\renk.ico did -i $dname 27 1 bwidth 250 250 did -a $dname 27 1 a mdx SetColor $dname 26,28,29 background $rgb(255,255,255) mdx SetColor $dname 26,28,29 textbg $rgb(255,255,255) mdx SetColor $dname 28 text $rgb(255,0,0) mdx SetColor $dname 1,14 text $rgb(0,0,255) mdx SetFont $dname 28,30 17 800 Tahoma mdx SetFont $dname 1,14,25,29 13 600 Tahoma } on *:dialog:rgb2:sclick:3,6,8:{ mdx SetColor $dname 4 background $rgb($gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32),$gettok($did(6).seltext,1,32),$gettok($did(8).seltext,1,32)) did -ra $dname 12 $gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(6).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(8).seltext,1,32) did -ra $dname 10 $base($gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32),10,16,2) $+ $base($gettok($did(6).seltext,1,32),10,16,2) $+ $base($gettok($did(8).seltext,1,32),10,16,2) } alias mdx_fullpath { return $+(",$scriptdir\dll\mdx.dll,") } alias mdx { dll $mdx_fullpath $1- } alias mdxini { dll $mdx_fullpath SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx_fullpath MarkDialog $dname } on *:dialog:rgb2:sclick:13:{ set %rgbcode $rgb( $gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(6).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(8).seltext,1,32) ) alias theme_nlist | /hop $active # } on *:dialog:rgb2:sclick:15:{ set %rgbcode2 $rgb( $gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(6).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(8).seltext,1,32) ) alias theme_nlist | /hop $active # } on *:dialog:rgb2:sclick:16:{ set %rgbcode3 $rgb( $gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(6).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(8).seltext,1,32) ) alias theme_nlist | /hop $active # } on *:dialog:rgb2:sclick:17:{ set %rgbcode4 $rgb( $gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(6).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(8).seltext,1,32) ) alias theme_nlist | /hop $active # } on *:dialog:rgb2:sclick:18:{ set %rgbcode5 $rgb( $gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(6).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(8).seltext,1,32) ) alias theme_nlist | /hop $active # } on *:dialog:rgb2:sclick:19:{ set %rgbcode6 $rgb( $gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(6).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(8).seltext,1,32) ) alias theme_nlist | /hop $active # } on *:dialog:rgb2:sclick:20:{ set %rgbcode7 $rgb( $gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(6).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(8).seltext,1,32) ) alias theme_nlist | /hop $active # } on *:dialog:rgb2:sclick:21:{ set %rgbcode8 $rgb( $gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(6).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(8).seltext,1,32) ) alias theme_nlist | /hop $active # } on *:dialog:rgb2:sclick:22:{ set %rgbcode9 $rgb( $gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(6).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(8).seltext,1,32) ) alias theme_nlist | /hop $active # } on *:dialog:rgb2:sclick:23:{ set %rgbcode10 $rgb( $gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(6).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(8).seltext,1,32) ) alias theme_nlist | /hop $active # } on *:dialog:rgb2:sclick:24:{ set %rgbcode11 $rgb( $gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(6).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(8).seltext,1,32) ) alias theme_nlist | /hop $active # } on *:dialog:rgb2:sclick:33:{ set %rgbcode12 $rgb( $gettok($did(3).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(6).seltext,1,32) $+ , $+ $gettok($did(8).seltext,1,32) ) alias theme_nlist | /hop $active # } on *:dialog:rgb2:sclick:25:/dialog -m nicklist nicklist | dialog -x rgb2 rgb2 | echo -a 0,1Warning Dialog: 12Now Menu of NickList 1Preferences General 12is Opened, 4Menu of 1Colours Preferences 12is Closed. alias acinca2 { var %i = 10 while (%i < 264) { dialog -s rgb2 %i $calc(%i - 110) 370 440 inc %i } dialog -v rgb2 }
  23. I see it for Koach network will there be one for Buzzen ?
  24. you on a router? try restart router see if that helps
  25. try this http://www.eset.com/onlinescan/ if it don't work go to helpdesk for better help
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