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Everything posted by Fanfare

  1. For Buzzen user mode prefix, only two worth taking notice of are '^ and '
  2. Instead of using: Why didn't you use: if (!$nick($chan,$mnick,')) { You could've saved yourself a closing bracket. The ! tells mirc to negate.
  3. That is when $prefix identifier comes into play. To me, scripting is like a fine wine, it gets finer over time. Did you ever forget your multiplication tables?
  4. Another way of checking superowner is: if ($left($nick(#,$nick).pnick,1) == ') { You do the same for various prefixes, which can be checked using //echo $prefix to find out. d33j4y's example is equally efficient and shorter and does the same thing.
  5. But I've seen people able to bold text inside the code tag though...I wonder how they do it.
  6. Is it possible to bold text within the code tag?
  7. Takaharu, I completely agree with you that the ultimate editon is merely of "extra useless addons" for home and small business consumers. I guess I'm one of the I-want-it-all individuals that can't resist the temptation of it.
  8. I think it's part of the business practice. Looks like a good bargain there. They are E editions, and from what I read they don't include the Internet Explorer. Regardless, I like the ultimate edition better though.
  9. Trying to detect a script connection is fruitless, because you can mimic the webchat reply...and the possibility to conceal yourself from being a script is endless.
  10. I don't know him very well, but I'll say this: Even x-fusion is gone for good, his "legacy" lives on.
  11. That means Central Intelligence Agency for the United States government. It's sort of like MI6 (SIS) in the UK.
  12. Or better yet, make your own access list if you know how and don't release it. lol
  13. Right on, chain....I almost forgot we all have different tastes in things.
  14. Yes, I agree. I've always been a big fan of clean scripts with designs being easy on the eyes. Compared to scripts with fancy schmancy buttons and stuff, it's going to make one's head hurt big time. Simplicity doesn't mean a script should be "noobish" by design, but it can also be sophisticated in functioning.
  15. 3mb or above is not too shabby for a DSL connection. It all depends upon what you do online routinely, though.
  16. Learning English grammar equals to that of Rome was not built in a day. Believe it or not, even English teachers or professors make mistakes grammar-wise.
  17. Precisely, there are no good or bad browsers. It's one that you feel most comfortable adapting to.
  18. Every browser has its goods and bads, including firefox. No matter what browser you choose, it's your own responsibility to keep yourself safe from harm's way online.
  19. Even though I have IE8 installed, most of the time it's in retired mode. I use firefox 3.5 during my online hours.
  20. The windows update should have prompted you to download the latest IE. Unless you declined it, I don't see the reason not to.
  21. Wow, how time flies...we're one year older now, so is the "New Year's resolution."
  22. Thanks for the picture. They are most adorable. Actually they look like newborn doggies, except furless.
  23. You don't need a dialog for this sort of operation. A simple on text with if-then-else statement will suffice: on @*:TEXT:!login & &:?: { if ($2 === UsernameHere) && ($3 === PasswordHere) { mode #ChannelNameHere +o $nick } else { msg $nick Invalid login. Username and password are case sensitive. } } Put this script in bot's remote. Change UsernameHere, PasswordHere and #ChannelNameHere to your actual ones. After that you simply whisper your bot for an access to log in. Usage: !login UsernameHere PasswordHere
  24. I'm still a little hazy about what Rashed wants...but I'm sure he could use something like this: on *:RAWMODE:#:if (Q isincs $1 && $address = YourID@BuzzenPassport) { do something }
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