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  1. on *:sockopen:?#*:$sw $sockname $auth1 on *:sockread:?#*: { var %1, %s = $sockname, %ip = $sock(%s).ip | sockread %1 | $tk %1 | db %s $1- if ($1 = auth) { if (GKSSP isin $4) $sw %s $auth2(%ip $1-) if ($4 = :OK) $sw %s $auth3 $lf USER W T F : $+ 4·124· $+ $me $+ 12(4ø12)12 $lf nick $me $lf JOIN %s $hget(keys,%s))) } if ($2 = 910) { echo 4 -a * Authentication failed ... | sockclose %s } if ($left(%s,1) = f) { var %c = $gettok(%s,2-,46) if ($2 = 001) { echo 5 -a * Preforming lookup on %c ... | $sw %s finds %c } if ($2 = 613) { echo 5 -a * %c found, opening channel socket ... | sockopen %c $mid($4,2) $5 | sockclose %s } if ($2 = 702) { var %do $rand(A,Z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $upper($r(a,z)) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(a,z) $+ $rand(10,90) hadd -m keys %c %do sockwrite -n $sockname CREATE CP %c Welcome +l777 EN-US 1 %do 0 } halt } if ($2 = prop) hadd -m $4 %s $mid($5-,2) if ($1 = ping) { if ($me !ison %s) sockclose %s | else $sw %s PONG $2- } if ($2 == NICK) { sockwrite -n $sockname : $+ $me nick $2 | halt } if ($gettok(%1,2,32) == 004) { $swl $+(:,$me) NICK $gettok(%1,3,32) } if ($2 = prop) hadd -m $4 %s $mid($5-,2) if ($1 = ping) { if ($me !ison %s) sockclose %s | else $sw %s PONG $2- } if ($2 $5 = mode $me) && (!$hget(fp,%s)) { if ($4 = -q) && (%dqp) $sw %s mode $me +h $qk($3) $lf access $3 clear $lf mode $3 -q $xn($1) $lf prop $3 ownerkey $Lkey $lf access $3 clear if ($4 = +q) && (%qqp) && ($xn($1) != $me) $sw $3 prop $3 ownerkey $Lkey $lf prop $3 hostkey $Lkey $lf access $3 add owner $ial($me).addr 0 : $+ $tag | hadd -mu1 fp $3 1 } If ($2 == 818 && $5 == PUID && %vp) { unset %vp | run IEXPLORE.EXE http://members.msn.com/?mpp= $+ $remove($6,:) } if ($2 $4 = kick $me) $sw %s join $3 $qk($3) $lf access $3 clear $lf mode $3 -q $xn($1) : $+ $tag $lf prop $3 ownerkey $Lkey $lf prop $3 hostkey $Lkey $lf access $3 clear if ($pos($2,KNOCK)) echo %s Knock: $right($gettok($1,1,33),-1) - $right($5-,-1) if ($2 = join) { if ($xn($1) = $me) $sw %s who %s | if ($gettok($3,4,44)) $swl : $+ $xn($1) MODE %s $+(+,$replace($gettok($3,4,44),.,q,@,o,+,v)) $xn($1) } if ($2 = 353) { var %1, %2 | %2 = $regsub($6-,/([^:,\s]+,)/g,$null,%1) | $swl $1-5 %1 } if ($4 == :TIME) { /ctcpreply $wildtok($mid($1,2),*,1,33) TIME $asctime(dd/mm/yyyy) $+ , $time | .return } if ($4 == :PING) || ($4 == :VERSION) || ($4 == :DTäE ) || ($4 == :FINGER) { .return } elseif ($2 isin 001 002 004 802 803 804 805 820 405) { echo -a $remove($sockname,?#) | halt } if ($2 = privmsg) { if (!$remove($4-,:)) halt | if ($4 = :S) $swl $1-3 $+(:,$remove($6-,$chr(1))) | elseif ($4 = :ACTION) $swl $1-4 $remove($5-,$chr(1)) | else $swl $remove($1-,$chr(1)) | halt } if ($2 = whisper) { if ($5-6 = :ERR NOUSERWHISPER) halt | elseif ($5 = :S) $swl $1 privmsg $4 $remove($6-,$chr(3)) | else $swl $1 privmsg $4 $remove($5-,$chr(3)) } if ($2 = nick) && ($remove($3,:) = $me) halt if ($2 = quit) { $swl $1 part %s $3- | halt } if ($2 = 934) $sw %s join %s $qk(%s) if (%who) { if ($2 = 352) echo 5 %s * $+ $5 $+ @ $+ $6 $8- | if ($2 = 315) { echo 6 %s End $6- | echo %s } } $swl $1- } alias xn return $remove($gettok($1,1,33),:) on *:sockclose:?#*:var %s = $sockname, %1 = $sock(%s).ip | sockclose %s | sockopen %s %1 6667 on *:socklisten:init:{ sockaccept root | echo 5 -a * Localhost connected ... | sockclose init } on *:sockread:root: { var %1, %s = $sockname | sockread %1 | $tk %1 | db %s $1- if ($1 = QUIT) { sockwrite -n ?#* QUIT : $+ $2- } if ($1 = join) && ($2) { var %c = $cf($2-) | if ($sock(%c)) $sw %c join %c $qk(%c) | else { sockopen f#nds. $+ %c irc.irc7.com 6667 | echo 5 -a * Creating finds socket for %c ... } } if ($istok(privmsg notice,$1,32)) && ($me !ison $2) { var %1 = $chan(0) | while (%1) { var %c = $chan(%1) | if ($2 ison %c) { $sw %c $1-2 : $+ $mid($3-,2) | halt } | dec %1 } } elseif ($sock($2)) $sw $2 $1- } on *:sockopen:finds.*:var %s = $sockname, %c = $gettok(%s,2-,46) | $sw %s $+(NICK $me,$lf,$_GuestAuth,$lf) | $sw %s FINDS %c on *:join:#:{ var %1 = $nick, %2 = $address, %3 = gkp.txt, %4 = $addtok($read(%3,s,%2),%1,32) | write -s $+ %2 %3 %2 %4 | if ($numtok(%4,32) > 1) echo 5 # * $nick was: $remtok(%4,%1,32) } raw 367:*:{ if (* $+ # $+ * iswm $ial($me)) { access $2 delete deny # } access # add deny $ial($nick).addr 0 : fag. | kick # $nick (add/deny/who?.) } menu status,channel { Connect:connect Disconnect: sockclose * | disconnect - Options .Show who $o1(%who):$o2(%who) %who .- .Prop on +q $o1(%qqp):$o2(%qqp) %qqp .Deowner prot $o1(%dqp):$o2(%dqp) %dqp .Revenge kick $o1(%rvk):$o2(%rvk) %rvk .- .Debug $o1(%debug):$o2(%debug) %debug } alias connect { sockclose * if (!%default) { inc %who | inc %qqp | inc %dqp | inc %rvk | inc %default } while (!%ticket) && (!%profile ) { set %ticket $?="Ticket:" | set %profile $?="Profile:" } socklisten init $ky | server $sock(init).port } alias pr return $str($ky,5) alias tk return tokenize 32 alias sw return sockwrite -n alias ky return $r(1111,9999) alias tag return $me alias hk return $hget(hostkey,$1) alias qk return $hget(ownerkey,$1) alias o2 return $iif($1,unset,inc) alias swl return sockwrite -n root alias swf return sockwrite -n finds alias o1 return ( $+ $iif($1,on,off) $+ ) alias xn return $remove($gettok($1,1,33),:) alias clone { $sw ?#* quit | $sw root : $+ $me NICK $1 } alias resock if (#) { echo 5 -a * reconnecting # ... | $sw # quit } alias db { if (%debug) { if (!$window(@debug)) window @debug | echo @debug $1 : $2- } } alias cf return $chr(37) $+ $chr(35) $+ $remove($replace($1-,$chr(32),\b,$chr(44),\c),$chr(37),$chr(35)) alias auth1 return IRCVERS IRC0 $lf AUTH GateKeeperPassport I $+(:GKSSP\0\0\0,$chr(3),\0\0\0,$chr(1),\0\0\0,$lf) alias auth2 { $tk $1 var %x, %re = GKSSP\\0.*\\0\\0.*\\0\\0(.*), %y = $regsub($4-,%re,,%x) return AUTH GateKeeperPassport S $+(:GKSSP\0\0\0,$chr(2),\0\0\0,$chr(3),\0\0\0,$a1($regml(1) $+ $1)) } alias auth3 { $tk %ticket %profile return AUTH GateKeeperPassport S $+(:,$base($len($1),10,16,8),$1,$base($len($2),10,16,8),$2) } alias a1 { if (*:GKSSP* iswm $1-) { var %x, %re = .*:GKSSP\\0.*\\0\\0.*\\0\\0(.*), %y = $regsub($1-,%re,,%x) | $tk $regml(1) } bset &h1 1 101 100 112 123 125 101 124 119 120 114 100 115 101 125 125 117 $str(54 $+ $chr(32),48) $a7($1-) bset &h2 1 15 14 26 17 23 15 22 29 18 24 14 25 15 23 23 31 $str(92 $+ $chr(32),48) $a4($md5(&h1,1)) return $regsubex($regsubex($md5(&h2,1),/([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/g,$a6(\1)),/([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/g,$chr($base(\1,16,10))) } alias a4 return $regsubex($1,/([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/g,$base(\1,16,10) $+ $chr(32)) alias a6 return $replacex($1,5C,5C5C,00,5C30,0A,5C6E,0D,5C72,2C,5C63,09,5C74,20,5C62) alias a7 return $replacex($regsubex($1,/(.{1})/g,$asc(\1) $+ $chr(32)),92 48, 0, 92 116, 9, 92 110, 10, 92 114, 13, 92 98, 32, 92 99, 44, 92 92, 92) on *:join:#:{ var %1 = $nick, %2 = $address, %3 = gkp.txt, %4 = $addtok($read(%3,s,%2),%1,32) | write -s $+ %2 %3 %2 %4 | if ($numtok(%4,32) > 1) echo 5 # * $nick Era: $remtok(%4,%1,32) } m1rc coding irc7.com rules... har har har
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