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Everything posted by Notorious

  1. /sockopen: insufficient parameters (line 30, base_Buzzen.mrc) This is what i get in fracture script after a while and it wont open anymore while (%i) { .sockopen buzzen. $+ %i $BuzzenIP | sockmark buzzen. $+ %i connecting | .timerbuzzen $+ %i 1 10 sockcheck buzzen. $+ %i | dec %i } } Thats line 30 where it gets a error any help would be appreciated ty
  2. Thanks error it works fine, much appreciated
  3. Having problems getting profiles in another script ive changed to chat.buzzen.com but then it doesnt work at all all i get is a blank window , any suggestions? alias profile { var %i $3 if (!%pid) { if (!%i) { PID $$2 } | inc %i | if (%i < 5) .timer 1 1 profile $$1 $$2 %i | return } sockclose prof sockopen prof buzzen.com 80 } on *:sockopen:prof*:{ if ($sockerr) { sockclose $sockname | halt } sockwrite -n $sockname GET /chat/redirect.php?mid= $+ %pid HTTP/1.1 sockwrite -n $sockname HOST: www.buzzen.com sockwrite -n $sockname $str($crlf,2) unset %pid } on *:sockread:prof*: { if ($sockerr > 0) return var %r | sockread %r if (Location: isin %r) { webpage Profile chat.buzzen.com $+ $mid(%r,11-) | sockclose prof } }
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