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Everything posted by Tim34taft

  1. I will be a hardcore Desktop Computer user For life !!!! Those silly small tablets and phones dont interest me at all.
  2. R.I.P All MY Children & One Life To Live I will never watch ABC again. However Blair, Todd , & Star Manning with be coming to General Hospital So I guess I will watch that for a bit

  3. Sorry nevermind Warrior got it to allow more emotes but adjusting it lower instead of higher with 15) >= 1000 ) Thank you err0r and Warrior for all your help I now have the perfect Emote kicker and will be ready :D:D
  4. Sorry I'm back my chatters got pissy cause they cant post more emotes is there a way to adjust the amounts of emotes they can post i tried to adjust these numbers with no luck 35) >= 1000
  5. Thanks err0r I got it to work with your Code on *:TEXT:*:#:{ if ($nick !isop #) && ($calc($regex($1-,/[@\50\51\174\55&+~>#<}{$;*:^](|d|p|rb|)/g) * 35) >= 1000 ) { sockwrite -n sock.server access $1 add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($nick,1).Addr) 3 :Emote Flooding kick # $nick No emote flooding please! | access # add deny $address($nick,1) 1 -> $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was banned by $me on $date at $time(h:nn:ss tt) for Mass Emote Flooding } } on *:ACTION:*:#:{ if ($nick !isop #) && ($calc($regex($1-,/[@\50\51\174\55&+~>#<}{$;*:^](|d|p|rb|)/g) * 35) >= 1000 ) { sockwrite -n sock.server access $1 add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($nick,1).Addr) 3 :Emote Flooding kick # $nick No emote flooding please! | access # add deny $address($nick,1) 1 -> $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was banned by $me on $date at $time(h:nn:ss tt) for Mass Emote Flooding } } raw 822:*: { if ($nick !isop #) && ($calc($regex($1-,/[@\50\51\174\55&+~>#<}{$;*:^](|d|p|rb|)/g) * 35) >= 1000 ) { sockwrite -n sock.server access $1 add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($nick,1).Addr) 3 :Emote Flooding kick $comchan($nick,1) $nick No emote flooding please! | access # add deny $address($nick,1) 1 -> $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was banned by $me on $date at $time(h:nn:ss tt) for Mass Emote Flooding } } raw 821:*: { if ($nick !isop #) && ($calc($regex($1-,/[@\50\51\174\55&+~>#<}{$;*:^](|d|p|rb|)/g) * 35) >= 1000 ) { sockwrite -n sock.server access $1 add deny $+(*!*, $Ial($nick,1).Addr) 3 :Emote Flooding kick $comchan($nick,1) $nick No emote flooding please! | access # add deny $address($nick,1) 1 -> $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was banned by $me on $date at $time(h:nn:ss tt) for Mass Emote Flooding } }
  6. Hello everyone The following Emote Flood Kicker works on my script , I want it to Add DENY in access for 1 minute instead of just kicking flooder out on *:TEXT:*:#:{ if ($nick !isop #) && ($calc($regex($1-,/[@\50\51\174\55&+~>#<}{$;*:^](|d|p|rb|)/g) * 25) >= 1000 ) { sockwrite -n sock.server access # add deny $ial($nick).user 0 -> $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was banned by $me on $date at $time(h:nn:ss tt) for Mass Emote Flood. kick # $nick No emote flooding please! } } on *:ACTION:*:#:{ if ($nick !isop #) && ($calc($regex($1-,/[@\50\51\174\55&+~>#<}{$;*:^](|d|p|rb|)/g) * 25) >= 1000 ) { sockwrite -n sock.server access # add deny $ial($nick).user 0 -> $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was banned by $me on $date at $time(h:nn:ss tt) for Mass Emote Flood. kick # $nick No emote flooding please! } } raw 822:*: { if ($nick !isop #) && ($calc($regex($1-,/[@\50\51\174\55&+~>#<}{$;*:^](|d|p|rb|)/g) * 25) >= 1000 ) { sockwrite -n sock.server access $comchan($nick,1) add deny $ial($nick).user 0 -> $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was banned by $me on $date at $time(h:nn:ss tt) for Mass Emote Flood. kick $comchan($nick,1) $nick No emote flooding please! } } raw 821:*: { if ($nick !isop #) && ($calc($regex($1-,/[@\50\51\174\55&+~>#<}{$;*:^](|d|p|rb|)/g) * 25) >= 1000 ) { sockwrite -n sock.server access $comchan($nick,1) add deny $ial($nick).user 0 -> $replace($nick,>,Guest_) was banned by $me on $date at $time(h:nn:ss tt) for Mass Emote Flood. kick $comchan($nick,1) $nick No emote flooding please! } }
  7. Some men are just so beautiful inside and out *sigh*

  8. err0r thank you a million times your code does exactly what I want it to AMEN
  9. err0r thanks for your help I'm such a noob *sigh* I just want a simple code where my bot takes away an owners gold hammer if they go on "away" and when they "return" have my bot give them back their gold hammer. Hopefully without involving the access levels list Here is an example of what I would like : › You have been marked as being away. Ðyno™ has changed your modes to -q › You are no longer marked as being away. Ðyno™ has changed your modes to +q Thats all I want for Christmas
  10. Ok I got no host while away code working I just need it to for no OWNER while away please thanks #nohostaway on raw 822:*:{ if ($nick isop $comchan($me,1)) && ($nick !isowner $comchan($me,1)) { mode $comchan($me,1) -o $nick msg $comchan($me,1) S eTahoma;0 Sorry $nick .... no hammer allowed while you're away .auser snoop $nick } } raw 821:*: { if ($nick == $ulist($nick,snoop,1)) { msg $comchan($me,1) S eTahoma;0 Well now that you are back, here's your hammer .ruser snoop $nick mode $comchan($me,1) +o $nick } } on snoop:OP:#: { mode # -o $opnick | msg # S eTahoma;0 Sorry $nick .... no hammer while you're away } on ^*:PART:#: { if ($nick == $ulist($nick,snoop,1)) { .ruser snoop $nick } } on ^*:QUIT:#: { if ($nick == $ulist($nick,snoop,1)) { .ruser snoop $nick } } #nohostaway end
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