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Everything posted by Dodge

  1. Dodge


    Sites looking good, It's a lot of work (y) (y) (y) are the soulfly corner bits going to go or stay
  2. Clipboard was loaded. ... .. .
  3. I'm getting worse at this.
  4. Merry Christmas (hug emots for all)
  5. whats the irc addy. stuff webchat Is there a connection for there. I have an older one. I'll try it but when I last left It was a dyeing server. Will my account still valid.
  6. Dodge


    Good One. Long time no see idle.
  7. Or another Idea. Use some sort of screen capture utility app to capture full screen. I use capture a screenshot. or alt + print screen and paste Into paint and save for active window only. and use dropbox instead of imageshack. Link to Dropbox. You could make a shared folder on dropbox and share together or use the public folder link and paste straight Into a room. Not exactly scripting, but I notice more and more ppl doing It this way. Much simpler and much faster. Only my personal opinion.
  8. Maybe try this. 2 scripts. First one to upload Images to imageshack. The one below. and capture a ss with this one off the link If you want to capture them yourself. Image uploader/downloader courtesy of hawkee site. ss one is this link to chainscriptz. If your not a member you will have to register to download It. ss link ;=========================== Cut with scissors here ===== /* Image uploader/downloader by Brando This script was made on mIRC version 6.34 (also tested on version 6.3), so im not completely sure it will work on other versions. mIRC version 6.34 can be downloaded at: [url="http://mirc.com/get.html"]http://mirc.com/get.html[/url] If the images aren't uploading and your geting the retry error message, try increasing the keep-alive header. For bugs PLEASE contact me on hawkee or swiftirc forums */ dialog -l is { title "Image uploader" size -1 -1 247 227 option dbu list 1, 2 13 243 50, size button "+", 2, 212 2 13 10 button "-", 3, 228 2 13 10 icon 5, 26 91 192 106 button "<", 4, 7 133 13 13, disable button ">", 6, 227 133 13 13, disable button "&Upload!", 7, 40 213 42 10 text "URL:", 8, 5 65 13 8 edit "", 9, 22 64 188 10, read autohs button "&Clpb", 10, 213 64 30 10 button "&Close", 11, 162 213 42 10, ok cancel button "&Uploaded Pics", 12, 101 213 42 10 text "", 13, 63 202 114 8, center text "No preview available", 14, 87 137 68 8, center text "Status:", 15, 5 79 20 8 text "Select files to upload", 16, 27 79 183 8, right text "Images to upload:", 17, 5 3 46 8 } dialog -l isv { title "Imageviewer" size -1 -1 264 238 option dbu icon 1, 27 99 209 122 button "<", 2, 5 151 15 16, disable button ">", 3, 244 151 15 16, disable list 4, 4 17 257 54, size button "&Delete", 5, 137 4 37 10 button "&Add image", 6, 179 4 37 10 button "&Close", 7, 221 4 37 10, ok cancel text "URL:", 8, 3 86 14 8 edit "", 9, 29 85 212 10, read autohs button "&Clpb", 10, 243 85 18 10 text "Location:", 11, 3 74 25 8 edit "", 12, 29 73 212 10, read autohs button "&Clpb", 13, 243 73 18 10 text "No preview available", 14, 51 152 161 15, center text "", 15, 75 226 110 8, center text "", 16, 4 5 65 8, left } menu * { Image uploader .Upload images: is .Download images: dialog -m isv isv } alias is { set %i.mode $iif($1,$1,-m) if (!$hget(is)) hmake is 50 dialog $iif($dialog(is),-v,%i.mode) is is } alias -l i.loadimg { if ($did(is,1).sel) { did -v is 5 did -g is 5 $qt($did(is,1).seltext) did -h is 14 did -a is 13 $nopath($did(is,1).seltext) if ($hfind(is,$did(1).seltext).data) did -ra is 9 $v1 else did -r is 9 } else { :error if ($error) reseterror did -v is 14 did -h is 5 did -r is 13 } } alias -l i.chkbutton { if ($did(is,1).lines <= 1) did -b is 4,6 else { did $iif($did(is,1).sel == 1,-b,-e) is 4 did $iif($did(is,1).sel == $did(is,1).lines,-b,-e) is 6 } } alias -l i.id { :id var %x upload $+ $r(0,$str(9,12)) if ($sock(%x)) goto id return %x } alias -l iv.loadimg { if ($did(isv,4).sel) { var %x $did(isv,4,$v1) did -h isv 14 did -v isv 1 did -g isv 1 $qt($hget(is,%x)) did -ra isv 15 $nopath(%x) did -ra isv 12 $hget(is,%x) did -ra isv 9 %x } else { :error if ($error) reseterror did -vra isv 14 No preview available did -h isv 1 did -r isv 9,12,15 } } alias -l iv.chkbutton { if ($did(isv,4).lines <= 1) did -b isv 2,3 else { did $iif($did(isv,4).sel == 1,-b,-e) isv 2 did $iif($v1 == $did(isv,4).lines,-b,-e) isv 3 } } on *:exit:{ hsave is is.dat } on *:start:{ hmake is 50 hload is is.dat } on *:unload:{ echo -ag :( hfree is remove is.dat } on *:dialog:is:*:*:{ if ($devent == sclick) { if ($did == 2) && ($msfile(.bmp,Select file,Upload)) { if ($v1 == -1) noop $input(You've selected too many files.,ow,Error) else { var %x 1, %err $false while ($msfile(%x)) { if (!$regex($v1,/\.(?:jpe?g|png|bmp|ico|img|gif|swf|tiff?)$/i)) var %err $true else did -a $dname 1 $msfile(%x) inc %x } if (%err) noop $input(Some selected files were not supported image files.,oh,Error) if (!$did(1).lines) did -ra $dname 16 Select some files to upload. else did -ra $dname 16 Ready to upload ( $+ $did(1).lines $+ ) images. did -c $dname 1 1 i.chkbutton i.loadimg } } elseif ($did == 3) && ($did(1).sel) { did -d $dname 1 $v1 if ($did(1).lines) did -ra $dname 16 Ready to upload ( $+ $did(1).lines $+ ) images. else did -ra $dname 16 Select some files to upload. did -r $dname 9 i.loadimg } elseif ($did == 10) && ($did(9)) clipboard $v1 elseif ($did == 1) && ($did(1).sel) { i.chkbutton i.loadimg } elseif ($istok(4 6,$did,32)) { did -c $dname 1 $calc($did(1).sel $iif($did == 4,-,+) 1) i.loadimg i.chkbutton } elseif ($did == 7) && ($did(1).lines) { if ($sock(upload*,0)) { if ($input(Upload in progress. Abort upload in progress?,ynw,Upload in progress)) { sockclose upload* did -ra $dname 16 Ready to upload ( $+ $did(1).lines $+ ) images. } else return } var %x $did(1).lines, %y while (%x) { if ($hfind(is,$did(1,%x)).data) { dec %x continue } var %i $i.id sockopen %i load.imageshack.us 80 sockmark %i $did(1,%x) inc %y dec %x } if (%y) { did -ra $dname 16 Uploading images 0 of %y complete. if (%y < $did(1).lines) noop $input(Some of the chosen files have already been uploaded. Uploading %y images.,oi,Images already uploaded) } else { noop $input(All of the chosen files have already been uploaded.,o,Error) did -ra $dname 16 Select files to upload. i.loadimg i.chkbutton } } elseif ($did == 12) dialog $iif($dialog(isv),-v,%i.mode) isv isv } elseif ($devent == dclick) && ($did == 1) && ($did(1).seltext) run $v1 elseif ($devent == close) { unset %i.mode sockclose upload* } } on *:dialog:isv:*:*:{ if ($devent == init) { var %x 1 while ($hget(is,%x).item) { did -a $dname 4 $v1 inc %x } did -c $dname 4 1 did -a $dname 16 $hget(is,0).item images iv.loadimg iv.chkbutton } elseif ($devent == sclick) { if ($did == 5) && ($did(4).seltext) { hdel is $v1 did -d $dname 4 $did(4).sel did -ra $dname 16 $calc($gettok($did(16),1,32) - 1) images did -r $dname 9,12 iv.loadimg iv.chkbutton } elseif ($did == 6) { if ($sock(download)) { if ($input(Image download in progress. Abort download in progress?,ynw,Download in progress)) sockclose download else return } var %i $input(Input image url (must be direct link),ei,Image download), %len $len(%i) if (!%i) return if (!$regex(%i,/^(?:http:\/\/)?([^\/]+)(.+(jpe?g|png|bmp|ico|img|gif|swf|tiff?))$|[^\x3D]{ $+ %len $+ }/i)) noop $input(Unsupported image file.,oh,Error) elseif ($hfind(is,http:// $+ $regml(1) $+ $regml(2))) noop $input(You've already downloaded this image.,oi,Error) else { did -h isv 1 did -vra isv 14 Downloading $qt(%i) sockopen download $regml(1) 80 sockmark download $regml(1) $regml(2) } } elseif ($did == 4) && ($did(4).seltext) { did -ra $dname 9 $v1 did -ra $dname 12 $hget(is,$v1) iv.loadimg iv.chkbutton } elseif ($istok(2 3,$did,32)) { did -c $dname 4 $calc($did(4).sel $iif($did == 2,-,+) 1) iv.loadimg iv.chkbutton } elseif ($did == 10) && ($did(9)) clipboard $v1 elseif ($did == 13) && ($did(12)) clipboard $v1 } elseif ($devent == dclick) && ($did == 4) && ($did(4).seltext) run $hget(is,$v1) } on *:sockopen:upload*:{ if ($sockerr) { .signal -n i.fail $sock($sockname).mark sockclose $sockname } else { var %i $md5($sockname), %img $sock($sockname).mark, %ext $regex(%img,/\.(\w+)$/), %ext $regml(1) bread $qt(%img) 0 $file($qt(%img)).size &img bset -t &cont 1 -- $+ %i $+ $crlf $+ Content-Disposition: form-data $+ $chr(59) name="fileupload" $+ $chr(59) filename=" $+ $nopath(%img) $+ " $+ $crlf $+ $& Content-Type: image/ $+ %ext $+ $str($crlf,2) bcopy &cont $calc($bvar(&cont,0) + 1) &img 1 -1 bset -t &cont $calc($bvar(&cont,0) + 1) $crlf $+ -- $+ %i $+ -- $+ $crlf sockwrite -n $sockname POST / HTTP/1.0 sockwrite -n $sockname Host: load.imageshack.us sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Keep-Alive sockwrite -n $sockname Keep-Alive: 1200 sockwrite -n $sockname Content-Type: multipart/form-data $+ $chr(59) boundary= $+ %i sockwrite $sockname Content-Length: $bvar(&cont,0) $+ $str($crlf,2) sockwrite $sockname &cont } } on *:sockread:upload*:{ if ($sockerr) { .signal -n i.fail $sock($sockname).mark sockclose $sockname return } var %x sockread %x if ($regex(%x,/<input type="text" onClick="track\('direct'\).+value="(.+)"\/>/i)) { did -ra is 9 $regml(1) tokenize 32 $did(is,16) var %i $3 + 1 if (%i == $5) did -ra is 16 Uploaded $5 images. else did -ra is 16 Uploading images %i of $5 complete. hadd -m is $regml(1) $sock($sockname).mark sockclose $sockname } } on *:sockclose:upload*:{ .signal i.fail $sock($sockname).mark } on *:signal:i.fail:{ if ($input(Upload failed on img $qt($1-) $+ . Click retry to upload the img again.,rh,Error)) { var %s $i.id sockopen %s load.imageshack.us 80 sockmark %s $1- } else { tokenize 32 $did(is,16) if ($calc($3 + 1) == $5) did -ra is 16 Upload complete. else did -ra is 16 Uploading images $calc($3 - 1) of $calc($5 - 1) complete. } } on *:sockopen:download:{ if ($sockerr) { noop $input(Unable to download image.,oh,Error) sockclose $sockname } else { tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark sockwrite -nt $sockname GET $2 HTTP/1.0 sockwrite $sockname Host: $1 $+ $str($crlf,2) } } on *:sockread:download:{ if ($sockerr) { noop $input(Error downloading image.,oh,Error) sockclose $sockname return } tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark if ($0 == 2) { var %x $true while (%x) { if (Content-Len isin %x) var %len $gettok(%x,2,32) sockread %x } sockmark $sockname $sock($sockname).mark $iif(%len,$v1,$false) return } var %fn $nopath($2) while ($sock($sockname).rq) { sockread &cont bwrite %fn -1 -1 &cont } if ($3) && ($file(%fn).size >= $3) { sockclose $sockname did -ac isv 4 http:// $+ $1 $+ $2 hadd -m is http:// $+ $1 $+ $2 $longfn(%fn) iv.loadimg iv.chkbutton } } on *:sockclose:download:{ tokenize 32 $sock($sockname).mark did -ac isv 4 http:// $+ $1 $+ $2 hadd -m is http:// $+ $1 $+ $2 $longfn($nopath($2)) iv.loadimg iv.chkbutton } ;================================ End =====
  9. Yeah thats a way. There are converters you can download and use on your pc. The online ones I have used In the past have worked fine. Youtube vids can be pretty big. An average 3 min song clip averages 30mb. mpeg layer 4 has better compression Is all. E.g. roxette joyride .flv = 27.9mb and .mp4 = 20.1mb Still, No Problem to big, was just an Idea. Cheers.
  10. Very nice err0r. I havn't seen anything like this around. I"ve been looking and trying to make one, since when you first mentioned it. Since It can dl .flv it would be a pity If It didn't dl as .mp4 also.
  11. Soz. I blew out the thread. My latest creation.
  12. Carlos Fusion's old bot. I forget the name of It. Think he made it for fusionchat.gdl. I like It and have been plodding away changing it for years. If I update it to 6.35 It will decode properly.
  13. Ever heard of Debie does Iowa? Neither had I till I found It In a skip. This Is like Dodge does Dialup on crutchs. This Is meant to be Australian adsl 2
  14. Xchat::hook_print( "Connected", sub { Xchat::command [ "QUOTE AUTHTYPE ircwx1", "QUOTE USER username username username :connection_tag", "QUOTE LOGINH username\@email_server md5password", ]; return Xchat::EAT_NONE; }); ;its perl, and you load it like any other perl script inside xchat ;you must have the "\" in front of the @ or it won't work
  15. ;This will allow webchat without emot's or scroll with the mousewheel on 3 servers. ;Koachs, Buzzen and Sparkpea. I've made these as 3 seperate scripts. ;You must have the nHTMLn_2.95.dll In your mIRC main folder for this to work. ;Actually I don't see any reason these 3 scripts couldn't be Incorporated Into 1. I'll update that later. ;Remember Roomnames change. This was good at Aussie Date/time. June 7th 2009 3.48pm ;first Script Koachs www.koach.com ;--------------------==========--------------------==========-------------------- alias hd { window -p @HelpDesk var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@HelpDesk).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.koach.com/index.php?id=webchat&chan=%23HelpDesk&nick=CustomWindows&pass=0&emot=1&ts=0&fs=m) } alias roomlist { window -p @Roomlist var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@Roomlist).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://koach.com/index.php?id=chat) } alias kwshp { window -p @koachsWkshp var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@koachswkshp).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.koach.com/index.php?id=webchat&chan=%23KoachsWorkShop&nick=CustomWindows&pass=0&emot=1&ts=0&fs=m) } alias forum { window -p @Forum var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@Forum).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://koach.com/mb/YaBB.pl) } alias google { window -p @Google var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@Google).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.google.com/webhp) } menu channel,status,menubar { - -•CustomWindowsKoach•- .HelpDesk:/hd .Roomlist:/roomlist .KoachsWorkshop:/kwshp .MessageBoards:/forum .Google:/google - } ;--------------------==========--------------------==========-------------------- ;Second Script Bzn www.buzzen.com Don't do what I did and go to hd and ask to look at the desk. ;It will only get you banned. alias hd { window -p @HelpDesk var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@HelpDesk).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.buzzen.net/chatui.aspx?rm=%25%23HelpDesk) } alias general { window -p @General var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@general).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.buzzen.com) } alias dodges { window -p @Dodges var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@Dodges).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.buzzen.net/chatui.aspx?rm=%25%23!%7e%7eFree%5cbBeer%5cband%5cbBongers%7e%7e!) | echo 4,15•WoOt.Hope That's Good. 12,15•Enjoy2,15• } alias sf { window -p @Soulfly var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@soulfly).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.buzzen.net/chatui.aspx?rm=%25%23_SoulFly_) | echo 4,15•WoOt.Hope That's Good. 12,15•Enjoy2,15• } alias google { window -p @Google var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@Google).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.google.com/webhp) } alias ms { window -p @Moschino var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@moschino).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.buzzen.net/chatui.aspx?rm=%25%23Moschino) | echo 4,15•WoOt.Hope That's Good. 12,15•Enjoy2,15• } alias irc { window -p @IRC var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@IRC).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.buzzen.net/chatui.aspx?rm=%25%23IRCommunity) | echo 4,15•WoOt.Hope That's Good. 12,15•Enjoy2,15• } alias df { window -p @DF var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@DF).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.buzzen.net/chatui.aspx?rm=%25%23%7e*%7e%5cbDragons%5cbFolly%5cb%7e*%7e) | echo 4,15•WoOt.Hope That's Good. 12,15•Enjoy2,15• } menu channel,status,menubar { - -•Custom WindowsBZN•- .HelpDesk:/hd .General:/general .Dodges:/dodges .Soulfly :/sf .Google:/google .Moschino:/ms .IRCommunity:/irc .Dragons:/df - } ;--------------------==========--------------------==========-------------------- ;Third Server Sparkpea ;www.sparkpea.com alias hd { window -p @HelpDesk var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@helpDesk).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.sparkpea.net/chatroom.php?rhx=252348656c704465736b) } alias homepage { window -p @HomePage var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@homepage).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.sparkpea.net) } alias mshs { window -p @MSHS var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@mshs).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.sparkpea.net/chatroom.php?rhx=2523212121212121214D53485321212121212121) } alias forums { window -p @Forums var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@Forums).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.sparkpea.net/forum.php) } alias google { window -p @Google var %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,attach,$window(@Google).hwnd) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,margins,-2) %x = $dll(nHTMLn_2.95.dll,navigate,http://www.google.com/webhp) } menu channel,status,menubar { - -•CustomWindowsSPCN•- .HelpDesk:/hd .HomePage:/homepage .MSHS:/mshs .Forums:/forums .Google:/google - } ;--------------------==========---------End-----------==========--------------------
  16. Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeedneeeeey <-------- thats how the aussies say It. Sydney, Australia. I only moved a couple of suburbs. I got evicted for throwing a computer over the balcony. Some ppl seem to get a bit touchy when you do that. You are the same Liam that has the scripting site aren't you? and that gave me the >> Spas Und Hilfe << Script aren't you ?
  17. That took me like 2 months. Then I got a new isp and they hooked me up in 5mins. I spent a lot of time messing round since then lol, and still can't seem to get ontop of things. Theres always something else to do. Hope your move went smoothly. mine took about 6 hours. I've got the bill for 3 men and a truck here somewhere. I was the third man so I really should get a refund. Still I'm here and made it In one piece. the only thing that got broken In the move was a vid card In this computer. I'm still wondering how that happened as It was in tight. Fired up the computer and no monitor. Still I pulled it out and the one on the mb seems to go well. I even had to bump the resolution down things were so small. MSN should have accomodated for that In xp.
  18. Ahh Liam. Yes you know me. I was a bit hasty to post the last post. Chains room on koachs. I"ve been moving house and offline for a while. Man your memory must be worse than mine lol. Hope we can use this thread as our personal Im.
  19. If you don't know the Dodge nic then probably not.
  20. Good Result. Man It looks like a hovercraft, watch it dosn't take off. a lapacraft, you could probably cross the english channel on that lol. Hope to catch up with you sometime Liam It must be about 4 months. See ya soon Mate.
  21. I"d like to try that out.
  22. That would be quite a connection. I'd look foward to seeing that.
  23. I think you could put them Into Image Ready which Is a part of Adobe Photoshop It will open the .gif frame by frame, select all frames, Resize and Save as .gif again or whatever format you'd like.
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