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  1. Guess I'll dig through Trinity Core source to see if i can find any information. o.0
  2. It's a private server and I've spoken with the server owner and he's okayd it. The wowguru bot doesn't actually log in the game, i checked it out yesterday. I will check the other link though. Thanks.
  3. Yes. They were not willing to release any information regarding the bots auth process. Possibly because it contains username and password information.
  4. I've been on a couple of IRC's that have an IRC bot that is connected to a world of warcraft server and is relaying the chat from the game to the irc and from the irc to the game, seems simple enough. However I can not seem to figure out the connect sequence needed to successfully open the socket. Do any of you know of an RFC related to wow, or any information? I've googled for hours on end and I can't find anything relevant. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. cool man glad i could help if you have any questions find me in chat on koach.com or reply here whichever is easiest for you
  6. Johnson, Hi I have a Chanserv control center script you can get it here http://www.tg007.net/dls/index.php?action=file&id=1192 Make sure to read the instructions on the download page it tells you how to install it it is for controlling access and anything else you can do with chanserv i do suggest reading about the ChanServ commands Here is the link to everything you need to know about ChanServ http://www.koach.com/anope/en_us/ChanServ.php I hope this helps
  7. shouldnt it be on *:JOIN:*:{ .ctcpreply $nick TIME Welcome $nick hello } ?
  8. very nice of you to share the dialog, but please submit it through the "submit download" on the main page
  9. i am trying to create submenus for a few menu items using dcx here is the code that i use to create the main popup menu alias chanpop { if ($xpopup(csm).ismenu) xpopup -d csm xpopup -c csm icy xpop -a csm 1 $chr(9) +s 1 0 Access xpop -a csm 2 $chr(9) +s 1 0 Owner xpop -a csm 3 $chr(9) +s 1 0 Op xpop -a csm 4 $chr(9) +s 1 0 Half Op xpop -a csm 5 $chr(9) +s 1 0 Voice xpopup -s csm +c $calc($mouse.dx + 55) $mouse.dy } i get the arrow at the edge of the popup indicating there is supposed to be a submenu but i cant figure out how to display the menu when i hover over the main menu item any input would be greatly appreciated Jeremy
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