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Everything posted by Silo

  1. Silo

    Access List

    Ahhh, much better. I was dreading echoing all the chanserv info into a list box. Looks good, ozzy
  2. Don't quote me on this, but I'm fairly certain you can't use popups.ini with dialog lists (unles you use nicklist.dll). I use mpopups.dll, though it seems that everyone else here mostly uses popups.dll. You'd have to use it on the click events on your list <id>. Tokenize the list ID then use something like: if ($devent == rclick) <name of popup alias here> A small snippet of my code as an example (Not the cleanest method I'm sure) On *:Dialog:side.bar:*click:4:{ if (!$did(4).sel) halt did -e $dname 3 tokenize 32 $did($did,4) if ($1 == rclick) { set %selnick $gettok($did(side.bar,4).seltext,-1,32) if (*(Owner)* iswm %selnick) { set %selnick $gettok($did(side.bar,4).seltext,-2,32) } if (*(Host)* iswm %selnick) { set %selnick $gettok($did(side.bar,4).seltext,-2,32) } if (*(Admin)* iswm %selnick) { set %selnick $gettok($did(side.bar,4).seltext,-2,32) } menunick } if ($1 == dclick) { user.query } else.... Also, for the actual init code of your nicklist, I'm not a fan of putting the docking code in the init itself. Your alias to dock the list could also result in the *dialog nicklist is already in use* I use an alias to dock my list and, as err0r suggested, call it when I join a channel e.g: alias -l dock.nicklist { $iif(!$dialog(side.bar),dialog -m side.bar side.bar,dialog -v side.bar side.bar) dll $rebar Dock $dialog(side.bar).HWND > right } and to actually dock it... On *:JOIN:*:{ refresh.screen if ($nick == $me) { dock.nicklist away.refresh } } Hope this helps somewhat PS - Warrior124 has that shared that ff alias with me before, and I highly recommend it.
  3. Silo


    Yeah, I'm not sure if it's just me, but after about an hour I got it work, in a very basic capacity. Now I got to thinking - how often do peeps change their ID3 info? Not sure if it's worth the bother but so far all the necessary fields changed.
  4. Silo


    Thank you, Squire Am downloading now *Resolved - feel free to close, mods *
  5. Hi gang, has anyone ever used the id3changer.dll before? I've just dowloaded it, but darn Vista won''t let me open the .hlp file So far I've used... id3.tag { return $shortfn($mircdir $+ Engine/dlls/ID3Changer.dll) } And I'm using this alias to actually effect the changes to the info (though I'm only using one tag to test at the moment). alias set.info { dll $id3.tag ID3v1GenreID %mp3.dir $+ %id3.mp3 $+ $chr(124) $+ $did($dname,7).text } %id3.mp3 is the .mp3 file I wish to edit (the file path is self explanatory) and the edit box <id> is 7 (der ) I'm not getting any errors, though it's not changing the file If anyone is familiar with this .dll and could some insight, I'd be most appreciative . Thanks in advance
  7. Silo


    Always love looking at your work. Amazing as per usual
  8. holy shit, dude! Your player looks awesome. Good job!
  9. Thanks for the feedback, guys . X - I have about five icon packs loaded at the moment, and may add more. I've been using that pack for a while now (Snowe icons),and I never get tired of looking at them lol. Thanks for the feedback, KD. I have a treeview dialog that I can enable to dock to the left hand side. It has a switchbar & notify list in it, though, I had issues with the right click menus I'll post a screenshot of the theme in action. It's quite boring, though I like it. That is the reason why I have expressed interest in getting other themes to add to my library
  10. Silo

    Dialog Maker

    Nah, don't give up. Dialogs are great and more flexibility than using standard popups. Once you manage the basics then you can get into making some nice GUIs using MDX or DCX dlls. If you need any help, I'm more than happy to lend assistance whenever you want. Feel free to PM me if you wish
  11. Well since everyone has been on a roll posting screenies of their awesome work, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and put a shot up of all (well, most) of my dialogs for all & sundry to see. Clicky Von Click They still need a fair bit of tweaking design wise to sort out alignment issues, icon clashes, and functionality etc. I'm trying to not clutter it up with too much. The control panel is pretty much the main dialog I would use to set controls etc. THe sound panel dialog is launched via the CP. All others open with F keys. Since some of you would know, I'm always putting my two cents in when it comes to other people's dialogs, so now's your chance to hit me where it hurts Heh, not really I love constructive criticism, and helps me get an idea about how other people think design wise.
  12. Silo

    Notify List

    I get what you mean With mine, I have it so that if my list is empty, then the only option the right click menu will offer you would be to add a user to the list. On the other hand, you could also just use a File Edit View etc menu at the top of the dialog.
  13. It's looking good. I'd add a checkbox next to the channels for the option to autojoin (*something I can't seem to pull off ). Are they the icons you plan to use? Keep us posted
  14. Silo

    Notify List

    I'm just glad things are starting to become active around here again. Seemed mIRC scripting was going the way of the dianosaurs, at least that is how it seemed to me.
  15. Silo

    Notify List

    I'd lose the add/remove buttons up top since your right click menu already has the options. And instead of the popup on part/on join option, since the dialog is quite large, I'd just use a: $input(%nick just logged on to the server,iok10,Notify) type of thing. Lastly ( know you just made it), why not add the options to send a memo or query to the user. Looks great. Glad to see you showing stuff off again
  16. That one that guy did for vSix server or whatever it's called looked great, though I just don't don't see the point. Unless you're actually capturing the RAWS and hiding the actual /list window (Though I believe you can only minimize it) and then display the RAW info in a custom dialog list, then it could be neat and you could add a whole bunch of neat features in to it. PS - Can you actually hide the /list window?
  17. The concept is nice, and this was something I have tried to do on & off every now & then. I've come to the conclusion that /list is fine. Unless one wants to impliment options like X suggested (the ability to add to auto join being one), I don't really see the point. Though, meh, that could be coz I'm too lame to pull it off
  18. I just had a thought, will you give it multiple nickname support?
  19. Thank you, Hixxy. I'm at work, so when I get home I'll try it out. Hopefully i will work okay. Problem will no doubt rest between the keyboard and the chair
  20. I know what you mean Either way, I'd fix up those buttons
  21. Silo

    Mdx Button

    Hi Hixxy, glad to see you're still alive and well Thank you for clarifying the whole $dname within a custom alias for me. I often use it without any problems at all, though when somebody like Travis, with far more experience than myself (and whose work I admire), gives that sort of advice I tend to take it on board. Hope all is well in the world of Hixxy
  22. Looks good. A few suggestions if I may. The list of all the servers/networks would be better contained in a dropdown combo box. YOU could lose the list box and place the combo box at the top of the first tab and have add/remove/edit buttons to the right of it, and still keep all your edit boxes beneath it. This way it will clean it up, and remove the cluttered buttons from being down the bottom and just keep an aply/close button there instead. If you do decide to keep the list box - lose the box from around it and do the same with the tab. Boxes are used to group controls On the auto join tab, there probably isn't any real reason to have the check box named the same. A simple enable would do, and I'd personally lose the question mark after it (unless it somehow links to a help menu) One last thing re. the autojoin tab. Maybe you could use a right click popup for the add/remove/clear functions instead of buttons? Apart from that I think it looks great and shows real promise. Good job
  23. Silo


    I guess you like... horses :| Can we see a screenie of it in a channel (unless it is, though do the horse make it hard to read the text?).
  24. Silo

    Mdx Button

    Hmmm, check this out. I decided to make an MDX button on my custom nicklist (Yup, X-Fusion - I have one, too!) using the MDX toolbar feature, that has my nick on it. Soooo, the idea is that as well as my nick, the icon wil also change with various levels - Op, Hop, Voice etc. Pretty basic stuff. This is what I found interesting on my test button (i'm using two icons for the experiment one red the other green). The idea is that on each event change, the button will still display my nickname, and reflect the appropriate icon suit what status I'm on. When clicking the update button, it performs as it should, however, it then actualy creates a new button on every click there after. I bet I'm doing something really, really stupid. Maybe with how I'm calling on the icon to change. Any ideas? alias m { dialog -m ico.test ico.test } dialog ico.test { title "New Project" size -1 -1 72 128 option dbu list 1, 2 3 66 10, size button "Update", 2, 30 112 37 12 } on *:dialog:ico.test:init:*:{ createmdx dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 1 ToolBar list wrap nodivider > $bar dll $mdx SetBorderStyle $dname 1 noborder did -i $dname 1 1 bmpsize 18 18 did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon medium $icon(famfam/user_red.ico) did -i $dname 1 1 setimage icon medium $icon(famfam/user_green.ico) did -a $dname 1 1 $me } alias update { did -o ico.test 1 2 1 did -a $dname 1 1 $me } On *:Dialog:ico.test:sclick:2:{ update }
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