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Everything posted by Warrior124

  1. Awesome work. Don't know if this ios possible, but can you add something to dowbnload videos as well? Maybe do video searches too?
  2. Looks awesome. Great work, err0r.
  3. Hey exphire. I remember you. I hope all goes well for you. I've never joined the service before, but I am mighty proud of anyone, and everyone who serves. I hope you know you've got my deepest respect. Be safe, and we'll see you back soon.
  4. I wish I could download 56.40 mbps.
  5. Happy Birthday to the following people celebrating their birthday, today. Hope you all have a great birthday. Especially you, Ozzy10 you old git. :birthday:
  6. Just now saw the second pic with the actual mirc.exe icon not showing. This article may help you find the solution for your problem.
  7. You could also just go to the folder where you have the exe, right click on it, and send it to desktop as a shortcut.
  8. I'll probably start work on some addons for this, lol. Thanks, err0r.
  9. No problem, lol. Glad to help. If you can, please let us know if it works. If it doesn't we'll try to come up with something.
  10. Try this... raw whisper:*:{ if (!$read($shortfn($nofile($mircexe) $+ \Lists\querylist.txt),w,* $+ $address($nick,1) $+ *)) { write $shortfn($nofile($mircexe) $+ \Lists\querylist.txt) $address($nick,1) $nick .echo $active 0[ 8New Query 0- 9 $nick 0] } else { if ($read($shortfn($nofile($mircexe) $+ \Lists\querylist.txt) ,s, $address($nick,1)) != $nick) { .echo $active 0[ 9Clone Detected. 4 $nick 8is 9 $ifmatch 0] write -l $+ $readn $shortfn($nofile($mircexe) $+ \Lists\querylist.txt) $address($nick,1) $nick } else { .echo $active 0[8Return Query 0- 9 $nick 0] } } } For one thing you had / in there when you needed \ instead. Plus, if you're using one of the newer mirc's you may need to use $shortfn($nofile($mircexe)) to point to your mirc's true directory.
  11. Glad to see you staying, then, lol. Pull up a chair, and have some
  12. Hey Chain. Hate to see you go, my friend. I wish you all the best, and hope to see you around.
  13. It looks awesome, err0r. I can't wait to try it out.
  14. Personally, I don't have a problem with people ripping my work. However, not everyone is like me, and I can certainly understand why anyone would want credit for their work. My first script was made after looking over, and testing coding from one of Sysop_Docs scripts. I always gave credit to him, because his script was the first one that got me to scripting, and I've been learning ever since. It is easy to think it is crazy to get mad over something as ripping others work, but sometimes we have to put ourselves in their shoes. Scripters don't get paid to do what they do. The only satisfaction many gets is if their work is recognized, and that needs to be respected.
  15. For one thing you had... ...which would probably cause problems. Try this...
  16. Actually you'll need to remove the dialog aoplist { bit, or you'll get an error. Thanks again, Travis.
  17. For one thing you were missing a few aliases from what I saw. You were missing the aliases for mdx.dll, views.mdx, and especially the one for $settings. I added the mdx.dll, and views.mdx aliases, but only you know what you want the $settings alias to do. So, I couldn't help you out with that one. Here is what I have so far... ;=============================================================================== ==== ;----[ Switch Bars ]----------------------------------------------------------------- ;=============================================================================== ==== menu * { - Switch Bar: dialog -m switchbar switchbar - } dialog switchbar { alias si { dialog -m switchbar switchbar } alias csi { dll $rebar UnDock left | dialog -x switchbar switchbar } alias ab { dialog -m aop aop } alias cab { dll $rebar UnDock left | dialog -x aop aop } alias switchbar.update { did -o switchbar 2 2 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),PornNick) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Porn Nick $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kick For Porn Style Nicks did -o switchbar 2 3 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),AsciiNick) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Ascii Nick $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kick For Nicks With Ascii did -o switchbar 2 4 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),BanProtection) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Ban Protection $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kick If Someone Adds Deny On You did -o switchbar 2 5 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),AccessAll) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Access All $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kick If Someone Adds *!*@*$* To Access did -o switchbar 2 6 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),TextFlood) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Text Flood $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kick For Text Floods did -o switchbar 2 7 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),AwayFlood) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Away Flood $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kick For Away Floods did -o switchbar 2 8 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),NoColours) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ No Colours $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kick For Mirc Colours did -o switchbar 2 9 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),AutoVoice) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Auto Voice $+ $chr(9) $+ + Give People Voice On Entry did -o switchbar 2 10 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),AutoHost) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Auto Host $+ $chr(9) $+ + Give People Host On Entry did -o switchbar 2 11 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),SafeHost) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Safe Host $+ $chr(9) $+ + Hosts Cant Kick Or Dehost Other Hosts Or Host Others did -o switchbar 2 12 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),NoAwayHost) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ No Away Host $+ $chr(9) $+ + Takes Host Of People Who Go Away did -o switchbar 2 13 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),LoadsHosts) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Loads Hosts $+ $chr(9) $+ + DeHost If Theres Lots Of Hosts did -o switchbar 2 14 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),LimitOwners) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Limit Owners $+ $chr(9) $+ + Limit The Amount Of Owners There Are did -o switchbar 2 15 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),LimitHosts) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Limit Hosts $+ $chr(9) $+ + Limit The Amount Of Hosts There Are did -o switchbar 2 16 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),NoGuestOps) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ No Guest Ops $+ $chr(9) $+ + Guests Cant Become Hosts did -o switchbar 2 17 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),ModeLock) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Mode Lock $+ $chr(9) $+ + If A Host Changes Modes It Resets To Desired Modes did -o switchbar 2 18 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),TopicLock) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Topic Lock $+ $chr(9) $+ + If A Host Changes Topic It Resets And Kicks did -o switchbar 2 18 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),NoRgk) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ No Rgk $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kicks Random Gatekeepers did -o switchbar 2 19 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),JoinFlood) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Join Flood $+ $chr(9) $+ + Changes Roomlimit To Stop Guest Floods did -o switchbar 2 20 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),RoomSpam) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Room Spam $+ $chr(9) $+ + Stops People Posting Room Links did -o switchbar 2 21 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),CapsKick) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Caps Kick $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kicks For Excessive Caps did -o switchbar 2 22 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),AutoRevolve) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Auto Revolve $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kicks For Excessive Entering And Leaving did -o switchbar 2 23 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),AutoVoice) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ Auto Voice $+ $chr(9) $+ + Auto Voices Those Who Enter Room did -o switchbar 2 24 0 + $iif($readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$did(switchbar,4),whisprkick) == $true,1 On,2 Off) $+ $chr(9) $+ whispr kick $+ $chr(9) $+ + Kicks Those Who Whisper You } alias sb { dialog -m switchbar switchbar } alias csb { dll $rebar UnDock left | dialog -x switchbar switchbar } alias rebar { return rebar.dll } alias mdx { return mdx.dll } alias mdx.view { return views.mdx } alias aop.refresh { did -i aop 4 1 page wb tokenize 32 $did(aop,4,1) var %branch = $3- if ($1 == slclick) { if ($3 == 2) { if ($ini($settings(aop.txt),$calc($4 - 1)) == Halt) { did -r aop 5 did -i $dname 5 1 headerdims 272:1 did -i $dname 5 1 headertext + 0 Channels For Global Ops To Be Halted On dialog -t aop aop : Aop Halt var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),Halt,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + 0 $ini($settings(aop.txt),Halt,%x) inc %x } } elseif ($4) { did -r aop 5 var %room = $ini($settings(aop.txt),$calc($4 - 1)) dialog -t aop aop : Aop %room var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $iif($gettok($readini($settings(aop.txt),%room,$ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x)),1,32) == owner,1,2) $+ $chr(9) $+ $gettok($readini($settings(aop.txt),%room,$ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x)),2-,32) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x) inc %x } did -i aop 5 1 headerdims 22:1 100:2 150:3 } } if ($3 == 3) { if ($4 == 2) { dialog -t aop aop : Banlist Normal did -r aop 5 did -i aop 5 1 headerdims 70:1 100:2 102:3 did -i aop 5 1 headertext + 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Reason var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $gettok($readini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,$ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x)),1,32) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x) $+ $chr(9) $+ $gettok($readini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,$ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x)),2-,32) inc %x } } if ($4 == 3) { dialog -t aop aop : Banlist Halt did -r aop 5 did -i aop 5 1 headerdims 272:1 did -i aop 5 1 headertext + 0 Channels For Banlists To Be Halted On var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(banlist.txt),halt,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $ini($settings(banlist.txt),halt,%x) inc %x } } } if ($3 == 4) { did -r aop 5 did -i aop 5 1 headerdims 100:1 170:2 did -i aop 5 1 headertext + 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $readini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,$ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,%x)) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,%x) inc %x } } } did -r aop 4 did -a aop 4 $+(+,$iif($gettok(%branch,1,32) == 2,e),b) Aop did -i aop 4 1 cb root last 1 var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),0)) { did -a aop 4 $ini($settings(aop.txt),%x) inc %x } did -i aop 4 1 cb root end did -a aop 4 $+(+,$iif($gettok(%branch,1,32) == 3,e),b) Banlist did -i aop 4 1 cb root last 1 did -a aop 4 Normal did -a aop 4 Halt did -i aop 4 1 cb root end did -i aop 4 1 cb root %branch } dialog switchbar { title "Protections" size 0 0 246 752 option pixels box "Protections", 1, 4 8 237 187 list 2, 8 21 228 169, size text "Channel", 3, 6 207 50 16 combo 4, 59 202 181 69, drop box "Channels Not Using Default Set-Up", 5, 4 262 238 231 list 6, 7 277 230 213, size combo 7, 3 495 239 82, size drop button "Turn On", 8, 7 230 57 25 button "Turn Off", 9, 87 231 65 25 button "Add", 10, 4 520 75 25 button "Remove", 11, 166 520 75 25 icon 77, 0 0 244 800, pictures\sidebar.jpg, 0, noborder icon 12, 22 549 187 194, pictures\face.jpg, 0, noborder button "Done", 13, 168 231 60 25 } on *:dialog:switchbar:init:0: { dll $rebar Dock $dialog($dname).hwnd > left dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetBorderStyle 8,9,10,11 staticedge var %x = 4, %y = blah while (%x <= $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),0)) { did -a $dname 4 $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) if ($ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) != Default) did -a $dname 6 $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) if ($active == $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x)) { var %y = %x } inc %x } did -c $dname 4 $iif(%y != blah,%y,1) dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 2 listview report showsel rowselect nosortheader > $mdx.view did -i $dname 2 1 headerdims 40:1 90:2 300:3 did -i $dname 2 1 headertext + 0 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ + 0 Option/Prots $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Description did -i $dname 2 1 seticon normal $icon(true.ico) did -i $dname 2 1 seticon normal $icon(false.ico) var %x = 4 while (%x <= $chan(0)) { did -a $dname 7 $chan(%x) inc %x } switchbar.update } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:4: { switchbar.update } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:2: { var %type = $$remove($gettok($gettok($did(2,4).seltext,2,8),5-,32),$chr(32)) if (%type == TopicLock) || (%type == ModeLock) { did -e $dname 7 } else did -b $dname 7 } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:7: { var %type = $$remove($gettok($gettok($did(2,4).seltext,2,8),5-,32),$chr(32)) if (%type == TopicLock) { writeini $settings(chanoptions.txt) $$did(4) LockedTopic $$input(What Topic Do You Want To Keep,e,Topic Lock,$readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$$did(4),LockedTopic)) } if (%type == ModeLock) { writeini $settings(chanoptions.txt) $$did(4) LockedModes $$input(What Modes Do You Want To Keep,e,Topic Lock,$readini($settings(chanoptions.txt),$$did(4),LockedModes)) } } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:8: { writeini $settings(chanoptions.txt) $$did(4) $$remove($gettok($gettok($did(2,8).seltext,2,8),5-,32),$chr(32)) $true switchbar.update } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:10: { writeini $settings(chanoptions.txt) $$did(4) $$remove($gettok($gettok($did(2,8).seltext,2,8),5-,32),$chr(32)) $false switchbar.update } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:11: { remini $settings(chanoptions.txt) $$did(6).seltext did -r $dname 4,6 var %x = 4, %y = blah while (%x <= $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),0)) { did -a $dname 4 $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) if ($ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) != Default) did -a $dname 6 $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) if ($active == $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x)) { var %y = %x } inc %x } } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:10: { writeini $settings(chanoptions.txt) $$did(7) Default $false did -r $dname 4,6 var %x = 4, %y = blah while (%x <= $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),0)) { did -a $dname 4 $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) if ($ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) != Default) did -a $dname 6 $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x) if ($active == $ini($settings(chanoptions.txt),%x)) { var %y = %x } inc %x } } on *:dialog:switchbar:sclick:13: { if ($nick == $me) { dialog -x switchbar switchbar dialog -m switch switch } } AOP Sidebar Code CODE :/dialog -m aop aop } dialog aop { dialog aop { title "AOPbar" size 0 0 188 752 option pixels icon 77, 0 0 188 800, pictures\sidebar1.jpg, 0, noborder icon 1, 2 40 184 204, pictures\face.jpg, 0 text "Users AOP List Options", 3, 40 257 112 16 list 4, 3 279 182 130, size list 5, 2 463 183 130, size button "Remove", 6, 2 426 57 25 button "Refresh", 7, 63 426 57 25 button "Done", 8, 125 426 57 25 } on *:dialog:aop:init:0: { dll $rebar Dock $dialog($dname).hwnd > left dll $mdx SetMircVersion $version dll $mdx MarkDialog $dname dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 4 Treeview showsel hasbuttons linesatroot > $mdx.view dll $mdx SetBorderStyle 6,7,8 staticedge did -a $dname 4 +b Aop did -i $dname 4 1 cb root last 1 var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),0)) { did -a $dname 4 $ini($settings(aop.txt),%x) inc %x } did -i $dname 4 1 cb root end did -a $dname 4 +b Banlist did -i $dname 4 1 cb root last 1 did -a $dname 4 Normal did -a $dname 4 Halt did -i $dname 4 1 cb root end dll $mdx SetControlMDX $dname 5 listview report showsel rowselect nosortheader > $mdx.view did -i $dname 5 1 headerdims 22:1 100:2 150:3 did -i $dname 5 1 headertext + 0 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport did -i $dname 5 1 seticon normal $icon(owner.ico) did -i $dname 5 1 seticon normal $icon(host.ico) } on *:dialog:aop:sclick:4: { tokenize 32 $did(4,1) var %branch = $4- if ($1 == slclick) { if ($4 == 2) { if ($ini($settings(aop.txt),$calc($5 - 1)) == Halt) { did -r aop 5 did -i $dname 5 1 headerdims 272:1 did -i $dname 5 1 headertext + 0 Channels For Global Ops To Be Halted On dialog -t aop aop : Aop Halt var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),Halt,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + 0 $ini($settings(aop.txt),Halt,%x) inc %x } } elseif ($5) { did -r aop 5 did -i $dname 5 1 headerdims 22:1 100:2 150:3 did -i $dname 5 1 headertext + 0 $chr(32) $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport var %room = $ini($settings(aop.txt),$calc($5 - 1)) dialog -t aop aop : Aop %room var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $iif($gettok($readini($settings(aop.txt),%room,$ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x)),1,32) == owner,1,2) $+ $chr(9) $+ $gettok($readini($settings(aop.txt),%room,$ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x)),2-,32) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(aop.txt),%room,%x) inc %x } } } if ($4 == 3) { if ($5 == 2) { dialog -t aop aop : Banlist Normal did -r $dname 5 did -i $dname 5 1 headerdims 70:1 100:2 102:3 did -i $dname 5 1 headertext + 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 Reason var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $gettok($readini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,$ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x)),1,32) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x) $+ $chr(9) $+ $gettok($readini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,$ini($settings(banlist.txt),normal,%x)),2-,32) inc %x } } if ($5 == 3) { dialog -t aop aop : Banlist Halt did -r $dname 5 did -i $dname 5 1 headerdims 272:1 did -i $dname 5 1 headertext + 0 Channels For Banlists To Be Halted On var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(banlist.txt),halt,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $ini($settings(banlist.txt),halt,%x) inc %x } } } if ($4 == 4) { did -r $dname 5 did -i $dname 5 1 headerdims 100:1 170:2 did -i $dname 5 1 headertext + 0 Name $+ $chr(9) $+ 0 BuzzenPassport var %x = 1 while (%x <= $ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,0)) { did -a aop 5 0 + $readini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,$ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,%x)) $+ $chr(9) $+ $ini($settings(pornlist.txt),porn,%x) inc %x } } } did -i aop 4 1 cb root %branch } on *:dialog:aoplist:sclick:5: { if ($dialog($dname).title == AOPlist : Aop Halt) { remini $settings(aop.txt) halt $$gettok($did($dname,2).seltext,6,32) aoplist.refresh halt } if ($dialog($dname).title == AOPlist : Banlist Halt) { remini $settings(banlist.txt) halt $$gettok($did($dname,2).seltext,6,32) aoplist.refresh halt } if ($dialog($dname).title == AOPlist : Banlist Normal) { remini $settings(banlist.txt) normal $$gettok($gettok($did($dname,2).seltext,2,9),5,32) aoplist.refresh halt } if ($ini($settings($$gettok($dialog($dname).title,4,32) $+ .txt),$$gettok($dialog($dname).title,5,32),0) == 1) { remini $settings($$gettok($dialog($dname).title,4,32) $+ .txt) $$gettok($dialog($dname).title,5,32) } else { remini $settings($$gettok($dialog($dname).title,4,32) $+ .txt) $$gettok($dialog($dname).title,5,32) $$gettok($gettok($did($dname,2).seltext,3,9),5,32) } aoplist.refresh } on *:dialog:aop:sclick:6: { if ($dialog($dname).title == aop : Aop Halt) { remini $settings(aop.txt) halt $$gettok($did($dname,5).seltext,6,32) aop.refresh halt } if ($dialog($dname).title == aop : Banlist Halt) { remini $settings(banlist.txt) halt $$gettok($did($dname,5).seltext,6,32) aop.refresh halt } if ($dialog($dname).title == aop : Banlist Normal) { remini $settings(banlist.txt) normal $$gettok($gettok($did($dname,5).seltext,2,9),5,32) aop.refresh halt } if ($ini($settings($$gettok($dialog($dname).title,4,32) $+ .txt),$$gettok($dialog($dname).title,5,32),0) == 1) { remini $settings($$gettok($dialog($dname).title,4,32) $+ .txt) $$gettok($dialog($dname).title,5,32) } else { remini $settings($$gettok($dialog($dname).title,4,32) $+ .txt) $$gettok($dialog($dname).title,5,32) $$gettok($gettok($did($dname,5).seltext,3,9),5,32) } aop.refresh } on *:dialog:aop:sclick:7: { aop.refresh } on *:dialog:aop:sclick:8: { if ($nick == $me) { dialog -x aop aop dialog -m switch switch } }
  18. Hey err0r. If you need more testers I'd be glad to test it for you.
  19. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
  20. I never did add any coding in there for showing colors as in using CTRL + k plus the color code. However, I'm adding that into the one I'm currently fiixing atm. right now to get it to change text colors you will need to go into your colors dialog, and select "Own Text" and change the color. However, this one I'm working on right now will change the color as well when you use the CTRL + K + color code. This update should be ready soon.
  21. I've only tested WCZ7 on Windows XP as that is the only system I have. However, I think you will need administrator rights for certain files.mdx.dll might not work properly for Vista. Of course I am guessing. Does anyone else use WCZ for Vista? Better yet does anyone have a copy of Vista I can have?
  22. Hmm, are you running Windows Vista? Also, what directory do you have WebchatZ7 in?
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