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Everything posted by err0r

  1. I would be most interested in what your "MSN friends" claim i got wrong. By all means present the facts as they understand them. Maybe they have some information I haven't heard or something I was told could be in error. My sources are pretty reliable so I find it hard to believe that to be true. But it's always a possibility. Enlighten me please.
  2. mIRC 7.66 has been released! (June 29th 2021) This is a small update that addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes to a number of features, including: Added MDI area background color option to Colors dialog to allow users to change brightness of MDI area. Changed the editbox/nickname list line separator color so that it matches current theme. Changed /window -h to support hiding status windows in both the switchbar and the treebar. Changed channel and query window icons to make them more distinctive. Added colors dialog default/undo buttons to allow reset/revert of color settings. Changed /server to prioritize group name over server address to handle server group names that contain periods. Changed parsing of /mode commands that use combinations of +ovh to ensure compatibility with recent ircd changes. Fixed maximized MDI window duplicate icons bug. Changed tab completion to leave in place non-existent/empty identifiers/variables. Fixed select folder bug incorrectly filling in filename as a *.* wildcard. Updated CA root certificates cacert.pem file. For a full list of recent changes, please see the versions.txt file. As always, the latest version of mIRC can be downloaded from the download page. Read full article @ https://www.mirc.com/news.html
  3. I just noticed this.. This isn't true. They bought out skype for several reasons.. The most important one being Google. Google was pushing it's way into the IP communications sector, Peer to Peer video, etc. MS was using a system that was less advanced especially when it came to calling 3rd party systems like mobile/home phone. Microsoft knew it had to continue to challenge google's rise. They bought skype not only to compete with what google had in mind but also to make sure google didn't buy skype themselves. Obtaining skype helped to push their Bing search engine as well as all other MS services. It had a huge userbase to take advantage of. Microsoft also hoped to flush new life into their own brand buy obtaining skype.
  4. I was online even before MSN chat was a thing Daniel. I am by no means a spring chicken. I was even around for comic chat that preceded MSN chat. I was even on AOL chat when it started before MSN chat. You think MSN saw how well it did for AOL and it's services? Your age has no bearing on who knows what.. If you recall correctly they didn't close MSN chat for spam and protecting children. They simply went to a subscription based platform. Surely they could keep the children out by using paid subscriptions right? They still never managed to figure out a way to make it very profitable for several reasons ( one being it was so easy to still get in for free ). Had they understood focused advertising back then it might have been a different outcome. So if it was just about children how come it still closed after? It was never about children. It was about how to make money. Does msn just say hey we are tired of giving this away for free we want money, or do they say hey we want to save the children so we are forced to make you pay. They refocused their efforts into using other services such as hotmail and msn messenger to not only target individual users but business accounts where a large chunk of their revenue came from. I have dedicated a very substantial part of my life to chat and everything that surrounds it. I have been around from almost the very start of it all including the old message board days. I was in my 20's when most of it started. I'm now well into my 40's and have been involved in varying degrees with it all. I was around for Comic Chat, AOL Chat, MSN Chat, Yahoo Chat, Netscape Browser Wars, All the Paper IRC copycats, Tons of Various IRC/d/x Networks and now IRCWX. I've built websites from nothing you ever heard of to sites that actually created new rules for hosting. (BELLSOUTH HOSTING). Even this site in it's hayday was very successful. This site also attracted all the MSN Chat staff including the top guy. They constantly visited to see what was happening on their own network. Like MSN in those days I didn't find a way to capitalize on it monetarily. Oh if I had google ads back then. When I worked on Buzzen I had to create a website that supported thousands of users at a time (when it was that popular). My point being I have not only be around since the beginning I have been "in" it for a very large portion of it. I've even run my very own successful Chat network with they help of friends. In my mind there is a still a place for real time in chat. It's just very hard to promote a network on a level that will attract enough people. Facebook, twitter, tiktok, etc aren't anything like real time chat. They are mostly a circle of like minded people that only want to see what they agree with. Real time universal chat was a place where you never knew who you would meet. I've met people from all across this planet that are truly good friends that I would have never met on any social network. I've been introduced to new ideas, fresh perspectives, and lifestyles that again sites like facebook would have never allowed me too. I've met some truly awful people too, but even some of those I have become friends with because I simply misunderstood who they were. Will chat ever be as big as before.. Unless some large company gets into it i highly doubt it. It's not because the look of chat is the same as it's always been. Or the ideas aren't "fresh" enough. It's simply because the little guy can't get his voice heard. Right now the majority of new chatters just stumble upon a network in very low numbers. The only real way of promotion is word of mouth from other chatters. In the majority of cases chatters don't tell family and friends about chat because they don't want them to visit their "online world". Many ppl say and do things in chat that they are scared to say and do in real life. They don't want those two worlds mixing. Online is in many cases an escape from that world. So if they don't tell others about the chat how do you get new chatters? AOL, MSN, Yahoo had a built in way to get tons of new users. Buzzen capitalized on MSN shutting the doors. All the rest just picked from that same pool of chatters. But that pool has decreased as people have moved on. With no way to replace those chatters you get what you have now. It's not because chat hasn't changed it's look. It is not with ego I tell you all these things. These are all simply facts. I know them because i've lived them. I've also had the benefit of befriending and talking to many many other people that have been in it as well. I agree that with age comes wisdom and i highly respect my elders. Neither of these come into play in this situation however. An old farmer can't tell me anything about how a website works. If you aren't in the field your age is of little relevance.
  5. That was a stated reason but it wasn't the real reason. I know ppl that were working for microsoft that tell a very different story. As with most of this topic you are on the outside looking in. Trust that ppl on the inside might have information you do not.. The things that ppl pass on and tell each other are most often incorrect or half truths at best. And when ppl on the inside take the time to try and fill ppl in they usually don't care to listen. They tend to stick with their own narrative even when it's untrue. I am not all that great of a coder.. I am persistent and have high expectations for the things I work on. I am not a professional. At best I am somewhat learned novice that strives to always get better. But i'm also only doing this at a very limited part time rate. The other half of the equation (duke/sc) is far and away a better over all "coder" than I am. But as with me his time for the project is limited. We both have great ideas on what to do with the system but unfortunately we just don't have the time to get there quickly.
  6. Let's dispel some of the nonsense you just posted. It's not like MSN closed chat because they had a lack of users. Just the opposite. The biggest downside in my view of MSN chat was relying on the ocx. But since the majority of the world used windows computers that didn't hurt them. MSN gave a bunch of nonsense on why they closed but in the end (imo) it was just to focus everything on MSN messenger. In the past relying on flash was also an issue because you were at the mercy of 3rd party software and their lack of security and the constant possibility for issues when they put out updates. Then you did have all those paperirc straight rip off msn clones. That isn't what ircWx. ircWx does give a similar feel to MSN chat because that is what the chatters were used to and that's what they expected. Most chatters don't understand or care how it works. They just want to use what they know how to use. The idea to continuing catering to those old MSN chatters was the right business decision. God forbid we make a major change to chat now. Every chatter runs to helpdesk to complain and ask why are we always changing things. You just don't understand that side of things. The backend of ircWx is nothing like MSN. ircWx does try to adhere to the standards of IRC. Which is why it's IRC and not something that is strictly database driven. Again you don't understand IRC standards so you don't get why it's done that way. When referring to AOL and Yahoo I was implying the "look" of chat is all the same. A chat pane and a nicklist. They were all the same. IRC = chat pane and nicklist. So when you say copying the look that is what I was addressing. What exactly do you think the look should be.. The newest chats look very similar in format. Only with more options. I've agreed that ircWx needs more options but I've also stated why. On to the money aspect. Buzzen is free chat. You are free to open your own room. The small fee is to make the room permanent and for extra support. Your suggestion is to "get a sponsor". Exactly what sponsor are you going to find to pay your costs? Servers aren't very expensive but they are certainly not free. There are other fees associated with running a network. I'm sure you think the owner should just cover it all out of his pocket. That is unrealistic. If Buzzen isn't your ideal chat ground then there are others to choose from. At this time there are 7 networks using ircWx. SPCN has fewer costs associated with running the network. Buzzen pays for and maintains their own server outside of the chat software. Buzzen also developed 100 times more than the basic setup of SPCN. Comparing the two when it comes to a financial commitment isn't fair. You talking about this issue is really more about your lack of understanding how it all works. You "think" you have some ideas but you really don't. I am more than happy to go into detail about them if you wish and actually asked questions instead of thinking you know. The issue isn't really that ppl dislike ircwx. The issue is there is no real working way to introduce new networks to a broad array of ppl. Advertising takes lots of money these days. The only way any of these networks get new users is by word of mouth.. Most chatters aren't going to tell friends and family about their chat because they don't want them to come there. Mostly because the are putting on a fantasy of who they are and get to play out roles they don't in real life. Mixing that with their real life isn't something they truly want. So the question becomes how do you get new users? No one has come up with a fix for that. And I really don't see anyone accomplishing that feat. So why be so shitty to networks that have stuck around for those who are left that liked MSN. That enjoy chat. I know why in Daniel's case.
  7. The "msn-look" is no different than the "AOL" look or the "YAHOO" look or any of the other chat "looks" How do you think it should look? There are fresher ideas. Twitch, Discord, etc. But do they really look all that different? They just have better integrated options. Also they all have/had a very large very well paid staff of coders to do it. ircWx has it's place and is still useful. Just because it's not your cup of tea anymore doesn't mean everyone thinks or feels like you do. I admit ircWx is still behind the curve on options but that's only because it only has two developers who work full time jobs and have lives outside of dev'ing. The backend of the system which no one sees is where all the innovation is. It's way better than systems of old and imo better than many now. There are still hundreds of ppl that enjoy and it and potentially 1,000s that would if we had some way to promote it to the masses.. We aren't MSN or AOL or Yahoo that had a built in user base. We also know this isn't a get rich system. We do it for the joy of doing it and for those that want to use it. We aren't trying to recreate the wheel here. Lastly if you have legit ideas of how to improve it then just let us know. We are all ears.
  8. This is a small update that addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes to a number of features, including: Added Windows 10 Aero theme support to MDI windows. Updated OpenSSL library to v1.1.1k. Updated CA root certificates cacert.pem file. Added "Index" menu to scripts editor alias/popup/remote menubars that lists all entries in a script. Extended tab completion to support %halfops. Fixed MDI tile feature leaving gaps in right/bottom-most window edges. Fixed bind to adapter/IP address bug that caused it to use wrong adapter. Reverted change to nick idle time that broke backward compatibility. Fixed regex global matching bug with UTF-8 characters. Fixed tray tips display bug. In total, there have been around 24 changes since the last release. For a full list of recent changes, please see the versions.txt file. As always, the latest version of mIRC can be downloaded from the download page. Read full article @ https://www.mirc.com
  9. Sorry that file is corrupted for some reason. Here it is again. msnchatwavs.zip
  10. side note: you can not catch corona on this forum.
  11. We will no longer provide tech news snippets from news websites. This decision was made for several reasons: 1. With the recent news regarding Facebook and Google providing links and info to news sites and those sites wanting a financial gain we feel it's best to just get out of the way. 2. The tech news we have posted get very little response and it's much easier to get your tech news from much more comprehensive services. 3. We don't feel it adds anything unique to TG007 We will work on posting information more inline with what we are about. If you have any ideas please let us know.
  12. I found a couple of examples that show how to use $urlget. I found them helpful. I am posting them here to ensure there is a copy. First one is by Raccoon: F12 mirc_check_for_updates mirc_check_for_updates { var %url = https://www.mirc.co.uk/update.html var %ret = $urlget(%url,gb,&b,mirc_check_for_updates_2) if (%ret) { echo -atic notice *** Check for Updates: One moment please... } else { echo -atic notice *** Check for Updates: Error. Check your network connection? } } mirc_check_for_updates_2 { var %id = $1 var %target = $urlget(%id).target var %text = $bvar(%target,1-).text var %version = $regsubex(%text,/.*"v([0-9.]+)".*/s,\1) if (%version > $version) { echo -atic notice *** Check for Updates: A newer version of mIRC is available! v $+ %version > v $+ $version echo -atic notice *** Download it from http://www.mirc.com/get.html } elseif (%version == $version) { echo -atic notice *** Check for Updates: You are using the current version of mIRC. v $+ %version } elseif (%version < $version) { echo -atic notice *** Check for Updates: You must be using a beta version, or you are Khaled. v $+ $version > v $+ %version } else { echo -atic notice *** Check for Updates: Could not get update information. Check your network connection. } } ; by Raccoon 2020 Second one is by kap: alias getURL { if ($1) { if ($1 isnum) { if ($urlget($1).state == fail) { echo -atic notice *** Are you connected to the internet? | halt } .run notepad.exe $qt($urlget($1).target) } else { var %target getURL.txt write -c %target return $urlget($1,gf,%target,getURL) } } } /getURL https://www.mirc.com/versions.txt You can also follow the thread of the original post @ mirc.com forum
  13. err0r

    New Years

    Don't forget Ozzy10 he still lurks in the shadows
  14. err0r

    mIRC v7.64

    I don't know what the issue was but it's resolved now
  15. We were able to locate many of the old mircscripts.org files. To preserve these files we have added them to our archives. We wish to thank Westor for keeping a copy of all these files so we are still able to share them. As we only obtained access to the files and not the old website itself we were not able to properly identify what each file is. We can only go by the name of the file. It's for this reason we decided to simply host them as an archive rather than adding them to our file database system. We have lost too much of our irc history already. If anyone has access to any of the older stuff not available anymore please contact us. We would be happy to add them to our archive. The archive is located @ https://www.tg007.net/ircarchive
  16. err0r

    mIRC v7.64

    mIRC v7.64 seems to break the mirc ss.dll Previous versions still work. Anyone else verify?
  17. mIRC 7.64 has been released! (December 11th 2020) This is a small update that addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes to a number of features, including: Updated OpenSSL library to v1.1.1i. Fixed /timer -h multimedia timer imprecision at low resolutions. Extended custom DLL LOADINFO structure to include maximum data byte size. Fixed Bind to Adapter/IP address bug and added block option for failed binds, eg. with VPNs. Changed $base() to remove limit on floating point precision for larger bases. Updated installer to backup files into dated folders. Updated LibZip library to v1.7.3. Added $ticksqpc that returns a high resolution tick count. Changed how notices are displayed so that consecutive notices from the same user are now grouped together. Added protocol-relative redirect support to $urlget() and a 'k' switch to prevent redirects. Fixed $utfencode() memory gpf bug that caused intermittent crashes. In total, there have been around 42 changes since the last release. For a full list of recent changes, please see the versions.txt file. As always, the latest version of mIRC can be downloaded from the download page. Read full article @ https://www.mirc.com/news.html
  18. mIRC 7.63 has been released! (August 17th 2020) This is a small update that addresses a number of issues reported by users since the last release. It includes improvements, changes and fixes to a number of features, including: Fixed Control+Break key bug that was causing mIRC to crash for some users. Fixed tray tip display bug that caused close box to be displayed incorrectly. Fixed display of numeric 477 to show authenticate message on some networks. Updated OpenSSL library to v1.1.1g. Extended $tempfn to work with folder names and added $tempfn(path) parameter. Extended $duration() to handle negative values. Added /drawtext -v switch that allows use of a &binvar instead of text. Added custom dialog group control left/right/center style. For a full list of recent changes, please see the versions.txt file. As always, the latest version of mIRC can be downloaded from the download page. Read full article @ https://www.mirc.co.uk/news.html
  19. Happy Birthday. I'm proud to call you my friend. Hope you have a great day!
  20. you really have no clue how chat networks work if you think you can keep anyone out of one.
  21. it saddens me to see the scripting community so small now. There just isn't as much demand for them like there used to be. There are only a couple that even do anything they intend to release. i sure miss the old days.
  22. the only people that can say it's right or wrong are the people that run the room. not sure any of us have the right to say how they should do that.
  23. the number of bots has no bearing on whether or not people respond in a room. The simple fact is there aren't as many chatters anymore. The issue isn't bots and never will be bots or has ever been bots. It's lack of people. Bots aren't the cause of that. Chat isn't as popular as it once was and there is no network out there that had the built in userbase that MSN had. The networks have no real way of pulling in new users. These days that is up to individuals. If they want a good chat room they will have to go out and find and bring people there. The networks struggle to get the word out about their existence. Do a simple google search of chat / chatrooms / etc. You will see what is out there and you will also see ircwx isn't easily found. When you have 1 new person show up to chat every so often most rooms aren't going to have someone to meet and greet you. Bots are just a fun way to pass the time for the very few scripters that are still around. This is all just my educated opinion and thus you can take it for what it's worth. There is no problem with the network or the people on it or the bots they use. It's just a lack of mass amounts of new users to make chatters in a room want to sit around and chat all the time.
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