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Everything posted by Ozzy10

  1. ah is that one of the changes when they changed the webchat?
  2. i have just the one question, why would you have helpop for a nicklist on buzzen?
  3. only thing i see wrong chain shouldnt the owners be above the channel operators
  4. ok you all know by now , when i get bored i start something new anyway i made an access list for ircd on koach please remember the dialogs not finished as it looks ugly lol
  5. Ozzy10

    For Ozzy10

    its ok it was the forum [ code ] [/ code ] tags that were removing some spaces and making it fail thats why the last one i use Quote tags
  6. Ozzy10

    For Ozzy10

    try this , i think the code tags are messing it up when you copy
  7. Ozzy10

    For Ozzy10

    as request , you pain in the ass lol on *:TEXT:*!drink*:*: { if (%drinky == off) halt var %posi $findtok($1-,$matchtok($1-,!drink,1,32),1,32) var %svalue = $ [ $+ [ %posi ] ] var %dcolour $r(1,15) if (%svalue == !drink) { msg # $+ %dcolour $nick Drink For You, $read(Drinks/drink.txt) } elseif (!drink isin %svalue) && (%svalue != !drink) && ($right(%svalue,-6) isnum) { msg # $+ %dcolour $nick Drink For You, $read(Drinks/drink.txt,$right(%svalue,-6)) } set -u10 %drinky off }
  8. Ozzy10

    For Ozzy10

    change it to this because of the colour problems your having on *:TEXT:*!drink*:*: { if (%drinky == off) halt var %posi $findtok($1-,$matchtok($1-,!drink,1,32),1,32) var %svalue = $ [ $+ [ %posi ] ] if (%svalue == !drink) { msg # $nick Drink For You, $read(Drinks/drink.txt) } elseif (!drink isin %svalue) && (%svalue != !drink) && ($right(%svalue,-6) isnum) { msg # $nick Drink For You, $read(Drinks/drink.txt,$right(%svalue,-6)) } set -u10 %drinky off }
  9. Ozzy10

    For Ozzy10

    try this on *:TEXT:*!drink*:*: { if (%drinky == off) halt var %posi $findtok($1-,$matchtok($1-,!drink,1,32),1,32) var %svalue = $ [ $+ [ %posi ] ] if (%svalue == !drink) { msg # 0 $nick Drink For You, $read(Drinks/drink.txt) } elseif (!drink isin %svalue) && (%svalue != !drink) && ($right(%svalue,-6) isnum) { msg # 0 $nick Drink For You, $read(Drinks/drink.txt,$right(%svalue,-6)) } set -u10 %drinky off }
  10. sounds to me that first you need to learn some mannors next you need to check firewall/router because to me if none of them will connect it could be your firewall/router stopping it also make sure you have used the correct user name and password maybe you made a mistake , go through the site and login and see if that works first
  11. Ozzy10

    Log Viewer

    ok got really bored today and decided to do this you can type a word in the box and click enter and it will search the log for that word, as you can see in the screen shot
  12. Ozzy10

    Notify List

    changed it now used mdx move control to move the items in the dialog up to the top and then hide the buttons when there is a name in the notify list as in the 2 screen shots below
  13. Ozzy10

    Notify List

    the popup only apears when there is a name one one or both of the lists so you still need the buttons at the top till i sort it out
  14. Ozzy10

    Notify List

    mircs one looks crap thought and the notify list window looks even worse
  15. got bored and decided to make a notify list
  16. yes you can hide the channels list window however how i did it was to hide it on open so it doesnt show in the bar and then grab it and add it to the dialog even though its hidden it still shows when its in the dialog
  17. I have finally worked out how to dock the window that opens with mircs /list command and dock it in a dialog and here it shows the channels list popup which still works in the dialog
  18. ok added channels for bot talk to work in
  19. as err0r said , i am using nicklist.dll to dock the dialog over mircs and it is set to auto resize which is same way i have done it for years now anyway i was bored last night and i changed my bad words/profanity kick into a bot talk it allows you to add a trigger and a response without having to edit any files btw its not finished yet
  20. ty and just for a bit of fun i made these work again too
  21. the dialog background colour and font colour is now working when you click change now , it will close all channels and then rejoin all channels that are in the auto rejoin dialog
  22. ok i have started to convert some of the fun stuff from kenobi to work with the nicklist too the finger is the first one
  23. you need a call to nicklust.dll in the init you also need a call to the icons in the init
  24. ok i started doing a colour picker dialog and this is what its like now
  25. ok added auto rejoin dialog for channels and for new users a dialog with what each icon in the nicklist means
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