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About Jonny1

  • Birthday 08/11/1988

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  1. you have to name one Splinter
  2. try this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/315231
  3. when these accusations were first made I did look at both codes. I dont use mIRC anymore, but I was just curious. I noticed the code was quite different, but the first thing I saw was the work and time that must of been put into making both scripts. eXphire, what it sounds like your saying is anyone should be able to come along take that work and pass it off as there own, overlooking the months of scripting and testing put into it. yea its a free program and cost no money to script in, but that doesnt take away the hours/days/weeks of work put into each script.
  4. I got bored of the standard xp looks (blue, green and silver). so I changed it a little. heres my desktop
  5. the users tab in the script editor. if you put TGK's code in the remotes and put "admin:yournick" (without the ") in the user section. changing yournick for your mirc nickname it would allow you to do it. there are more secure ways to use the users thing but I dont really remember them.
  6. I think the original script would work (by the gate keeper) if you just added yourself to the user section of the script as admin. it seems the simple solution for what you want.
  7. If hes going around rooms posting that, then in a very sick way hes advertising tg.
  8. I was against vista just because it wasnt xp. For a long time I refused to use it and after trying it for a week I had no sound working (had to disable driver signing) and just didnt want to figure out how to use it. Im not usually so stuborn to new things, but I also didnt have much time to learn about vista. I decided to install vista 2 weeks ago. not sure why, just thought about giving it another try. I found it to be xp with better gfx (aero and themes). I found some online resources that told me how to change vista settings, such as disabling driver signing as I needed it for my onboard sound card. Ive setup vista to be visually pleasing and the best performance I could get out of it. diasbled some effects that I didnt need or notice. after using it for 2 weeks yesterday I removed xp, since it was taking up a 100gb parition and I hadnt booted it since I installed vista. over all I think people just need to give vista a chance. many people, including myself, just refused to use it because it wasnt xp. and vista just looks so much better, I got bored of the blue, silver and green choice xp had.
  9. I want to use linux, but I dont have time to learn atm
  10. it was fine on my amd athlon.
  11. I havnt tested it. but the program is always ontop of other programs. maybe you could use this as an option, like a tick box to turn it on/off.
  12. I think what Travis suggested would be easiest way to do it. just set a timer to try to join the room every few seconds and set it to start after you've been banned
  13. I kinda thought that.. tho they always said there were servers all around the world, I didn't really believe it lol
  14. Jonny1

    Merry Christmas

    happy new year fireworks at new years? strange maybe thats a US thing
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